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Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Printable Version

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Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-11-2018

Sonia simply couldn't get the hang of flying. She walked dreadfully on, wishing for another kind soul to help her. She had no idea how she had woken to this body, this lump of feathers and claws. She remembered everything about the game, watching her friends murder each other one after the other. Sonia Nevermind used to be the Princess of Novoselic. Now she walked in the body of a cardinal and searched for kindness in a world that had been so cruel. She was the heir to a throne of nothing. What kind of princess was she if she could not protect the ones she loves most?

No. She was going to find them. She was going to get to them no matter what it took, or how long she was stuck in this avian body! With a new wave of hope rustling through her feathers, Sonia cried out:
"Will anyone help me? Anyone at all?"

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Suiteheart - 05-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The heir to a throne of nothing, huh? Yeah, Suiteheart could relate. Well, only minutely; she wasn't the heir to anything. But perhaps, in another life time, she was. Or she could've been. Either way, had she known Sonia's feelings, she could relate heavily.

But before she could dive too deeply into these thoughts, a voice reached her. It was one she had not heard before, yet it brought out worry in the polar bear. The voice was calling for help, so something must be the matter. With that thought freshly in her mind, the large creature hurried toward the avian.

When she arrived on scene, the other female seemed fine. Arching a nonexistent eyebrow, the girl tilted her head to the left. "Name and business on Ascendant's territory," she rumbled, but her voice was not unwelcoming. "My name is Suiteheart. I'm a Starstruck Guardian here." At least the pleasantries were aside for now. It was time to ask what all the fuss was about. [color=#73B1B7][b]"And you mentioned something about needing help? What's wrong?"

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-11-2018

Sonia's eyes widened as she gazed upon the polar bear in front of her, and she involuntarily squawked, before remembering her status and collecting herself. She may not look like a princess, but she refuses to lose the proper nature she had grown up learning. But, could she trust this creature? Sonia pondered this idea for a moment, turning the idea over on her tongue before deciding that she truly had no choice but to. She felt the embarrassment bubbling in her feathers as she spoke.

"I am Sonia Nevermind, Princess of Novoselic. And I am very very lost. I don't know how I got into this body and I need to find my friends!"

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-11-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille was the heir to destruction. Honestly, there was not much else he could amount to -- he had three souls worth of failure to use as reference and, frankly, he was aware of the inevitable. He just didn't really care if he was damned to hell or not; he had accepted it so long ago that it no longer phased him. He was focused on just carrying on until everything went up in flames, honestly.

He was a few paces behind Suite, and noted with idle amusement that she behaved how a Guardian was supposed to -- she gave her name, her title, engaged so thoroughly. Bastille barely even remembered to give his name to joiners half the time, and when he did it usually was just a nickname. Beyond that? You'd catch him dead before you caught him actually acknowledging his rank, let alone using it in introductions.

He felt Grimm's prickle of interest at the address, the foreign place -- or was it the name of the group, not the location? There was a story there, and there was a brief temptation to pursue it, but instead Bast supplied, "I'm Bast. What's your usual body?" Might as well figure out what they were looking for before they tried to provide solutions.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - calliope - 05-11-2018

She knew what it was like to wake up in an entirely new body, with painful memories of the past. All she could do was move forward, whether she liked it or not. She couldn't change anything, so why fight it and drag herself down? Somehow, that thinking brought her to where she was today. She didn't think much about the past anymore, despite it practically shaping her every habit. Who she could trust; why she was so scared; it was all because of her memories. She tried not to burden herself with any negativity, so she avoided everything the best she could.

As per usual, she'd been off on her own. Of course, Mira had been a little more cautious after the whole bug incident, but she was trying her best to be brave about things. Upon a call for help, though, Mira was quick to rush to the scene. Was somebody hurt? She really needed to get there quick, just to make sure everybody over there was safe. As she approached the scene, with both Bast and Suite arriving before her. It seemed like nobody was injured, at least. Though, this girl was clearly in distress, especially because of her missing friends.

"Uh- hi. My name is Mirabella," she introduced herself rather quietly, unsure of if the other had even heard her. "[b]What are your friends' names? M-maybe we have them over here." It seemed like people from all over the place showed up here; perhaps some of her friends had shown up.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-11-2018

Sonia addressed the Bast first, taking deep breaths. They were here to help, she kept repeating in her head as she tried to absorb exactly what was going on. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Bast." A standard reply, but she didn't truly care about what impression she was making at this time anyway. "I used to be a human. A princess. I was a part of I won. Then, I woke up like this." She felt the emotion from the killing game welling up in her eyes, and she forced herself not to cry. She would not lose her composure in front of these kind folk.

Then, she addressed Mirabella. She felt immediately at more ease with her, she reminded her of someone from before all this happened... "Hello, Mirabella. It is an honor. My friends' names? There are many of them, too many to count, and I must find them all!" Sonia pushed the despair to the back of her mind and set her focus on these new friends, the people who might just help her through this!

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Suiteheart - 05-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Sonia Nevermind. Princess. Former human. Stuck in this form. Searching for her friends.

A wave of sympathy crashed over Suiteheart at that. She understood searching for loved ones. It kept one awake at night and squashed hope underfoot. Not knowing where friends and family were was crushing. She hoped this avian might be able to find those she was looking for soon.

Trying to forget that she had just frightened the girl heavily, she said, "I'm sorry about your situation. Being stuck inside a form you don't want to be in fucking sucks." She glanced down to her own paws almost bitterly. "Anyhow, like Mira said, we might have a few of your friends here or in neighboring groups. We get new joiners pretty often, so maybe someone's here." She gave a tiny shrug before looking to Bastillepaw as if he might contain some sort of answer. Turning her attention back to Sonia, she asked, [color=#73B1B7][b]"You plan on joining the Ascendants, or are you just looking for a place to rest for a bit?"

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Sonia Nevermind - 05-12-2018

The Ascendants? Sonia had never heard of such a group before. However, these people seemed to know kindness, or else they would not have stopped to help her earlier. And what stories she'll have for her Hope's Peak friends when she gets back! "I don't know much about The Ascendants, but if you will have me I have many assets and can pull my weight! I promise I will not be a burden to you!"

It was difficult to tell if her friends were even still alive. Most of their avatars had been deleted in the game. Only six of them remained, in the end. And when she woke up from the program she was like this, so she didn't even know if the others survived. But she had to stay strong, for them.

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - Margaery - 05-12-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
A princess?


In a way, Margaery Mikaelson was a queen. Though she could not explain why, she had always carried with her a sense of royalty and importance. She was ensnared by the promise of power and thus found herself playing the role that any regal individual might possess- presenting herself in a manner that practically demanded respect. To say she was eager to interact with another who had been fashioned royalty would be an understatement.

The next to arrive, the chocolate point allowed her stormy gaze to sweep the Ascendants who were present before landing upon the form of Sonia. [color=#b14767]"Welcome," She greeted, that honeyed smile of hers coming to life upon her lips, [color=#b14767]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson. We're happy to have you here."

Re: Heir to a Throne of Nothing || Open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-12-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
It seemed that they attracted former humans like the plague, here. Bastille didn't look bothered by the information; Grimm had seen too many things, and been hosted by too many humans, for him to be shocked by this sort of situation any more. Besides, look at Roy and Maes -- it wasn't like they hadn't already seen it. Freaking out over her true state wasn't going to help anybody solve her problems, anyway.

"Suite's right -- there are plenty of groups around that could host your friends, and it seems like if one of you ends up here, the rest probably cropped up somewhere close," he supplied, assuming that there was a method to the madness as there appeared to be with Maes and Roy's little... transmutation? Whatever.  Unless her friends didn't win the game, that is, but he had the grace to not say that. [b]"We can get you set up in camp and shit, and you can look around for them if you want."