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I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - Printable Version

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I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - Suiteheart - 05-11-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The task Starry had given Suite was honestly really fucking cool. As soon as he had bestowed this job upon her, she had lit up. Crafting - and making something beautiful out of things no one truly wanted - was brilliant, in her mind. What was it called? Up-cycling? Wasn't that it? Well, regardless of what the word was, it made her happy to know she was going to be making something cool.

Taking Starrynight's advice, the polar bear had grabbed the bucket from near the Planetarium. It was large enough to carry a ton of seaglass, which was absolutely perfect since she was going all-out. She had also uncovered a few more buckets in a disheveled supply room inside the Observatory, and she carried as many as she could down toward Pebble Coast.

"Hey, Ascendants!" she called, having trekked all the way back to the Observatory. Her voice now rang throughout the Grand Cirlce. "I'm collecting seaglass and stuff like that down at Pebble Coast. Once we get enough, I'll have another thread where we make them into mosaics. Use as much or as little color as you want; it's your design. Make it how you like it. It'll look awesome no matter what. The Observatory is great, but it could use some cool decorations. Anyhow, if you're interested, meet me at on the beach in 20." That would be enough time, wouldn't it? "Buckets are down there already, so don't worry about finding one. Catch ya there."

Without waiting for anyone, the polar bear turned around and marched back towards the sea. She had a task to complete. And nothing would stop her.


After twenty minutes, she glanced along the shoreline, waiting for others to arrive. The snowy creature had already gathered up a few hand fulls of seaglass and stones. The oddities shined in a variety of different hues, and though the project was not complete, it was already pretty.

Re: I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-11-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille had no real draw towards shiny things that some did. He didn't collect jewelry, gems, metals -- nothing of the sort; the only things he had any sort of desire to hoard were books, and those were... not shiny, to say the least. (Well, some of the covers had metallic foiling or decor, but that was minor.) He held onto his mother's french coin, but that was out of an innate sense of loyalty. If not for her, he wouldn't carry any accessories, probably.

That being said, he was bored and this was Suite, so he may as well show up and partake in her task assignment. The bengal seemed to be in a much better mood the last few days, with significantly reduced accidents cropping up, but he neither mentioned it or seemed to notice when someone pointed it out (in reality, he was ignoring them). 

As he ambled up to the shoreline, he peered at her pile of glass and had the vague side thought that Hazel would enjoy these, probably more than was healthy, honestly. He wasn't sure why he had that impression, or why it came to mind, but he chose to ignore that as well and instead drawled, "Yo." He eyed the shoreline, and after a beat, started to trail along with vague intensions of collecting shards.

Re: I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - Starrynight ! - 05-11-2018


He did say he would be interested in tagging along with her, right? Well, not aloud, but it was his intention nonetheless. When Suite called out, his ear twitched. He hastily scraped the papers with written plans on them together, tucking them near the foot of his swivel chair before slipping out of the control room and shutting it behind him. His paws swiftly carried him across the room and out the door. It wasn't long before he was scrambling down the rocky pile and onto the shore.

Hurrying over to the bright white polar bear, the Seraph scooped up one of her kindly laid out buckets before he began his own search. Glass wasn't super common along the shore, but it wasn't hard to find if you knew how and where to look. He was mostly finding clear and brown colored glass, though. It wouldn't be hard to bet that Suite was the reason behind that.

Weird shaped stones, ranging from rounded triangle-like ones to ovular ones, eventually found their way into his pail. Starrynight maneuvered them so that they sat at the bottom, keeping the glass out of the danger of breaking and becoming jagged. He even found a conch shell at one point, which he announced excitedly, waving it in the air for others to see. It too went into the pail.

When the bucket was half-full, carrying it began to hurt his neck. He carefully held it off the ground to prevent it from bumping or smacking against any stones or boulders he passed. The horned cat made his way back to the initial meeting spot, gratefully setting his findings down and sitting on the shore. He was very obviously pleased with himself. The dorky grin on his face only faltered when he thought about having to carry it all the way back to the observatory. Ugh.


Re: I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - Suiteheart - 05-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Hey, Basty," Suiteheart greeted, the smallest of smiles just barely gracing her muzzle. She was happy he had turned up, especially because he didn't seem like the crafting type. Maybe he was trying to impress Hazel. Hm, that thought cause her to chuckle a bit, but some part of her truly hoped the idea was a fact. "Happy hunting," she called as she noted his indirect searching for glass shards.

Starrynight entered the scene moments after Bastillepaw, and she cast her leader a smile. Without any word from the antlered creature, he went about collecting. It made her very happy to see him pouring his heart out into this activity, and she hoped he would be pleased with the mosaics everyone would complete later.

A light laugh escaped Suite as Starry boasted about his conch shell. "Nice find, but I'm kinda jealous." With one last glance at the shell, she went back to searching. It didn't take long to find a nice-sized sand dollar. She tried to gently place it in the bucket, but it slipped from her paws, breaking against the rocks and glass shards underneath. She cursed herself silently until she spotted the "doves" inside the shell (those little pieces of bone that resembled birds). Those would make a nice addition to her mosaic.

Once her bucket was filled, she carried it over to Starrynight, who looked as though he would have some troubling toting his bucket back to the Observatory. Setting her carrier beside his, she said, [color=#73B1B7][b]"I can help you get that to camp, if you need."

Re: I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - ★ HAZEL - 05-12-2018

Okay, in all honesty, for all the time Hazel had spent locked in her room while she still lived with her old clan, she had to occupy her time with something. So she started collecting little trinkets and pieces of junk from all over the village: bottles, glass, string, wire, beads, paper, and pebbles all made it into her room at one point or another. She would spend most of her time making pieces of jewelry or art with them, and quickly became a wonderful pastime and hobby.

So yes, when she heard Suite’s call, it wasn’t long before Hazel showed up with a grin, plastic bucket dangling from her mouth and an excited sort of light in her eyes. A flicker of surprise rose in her expression as she noticed Bastille, as she wasn’t really expecting to find him here. It didn’t come as too much of a surprise, though, seeing as he was usually wherever Suiteheart was. Still, it made her happy, for some inexplicable reason. It was probably because he didn’t look quite so upset and overcast (literally).

“This was a great idea.” Hazel purred, talking to both Starry and Suite. Really, it felt special. She could finally take a piece of home that she enjoyed with her.

Hazel immersed herself in her task immediately, tail twitching in her concentration and a quiet hum dancing on her lips. From experience, she knew that green, white, and brown pieces of sea glass were the most common. She’d encountered many of them so far, but only took a certain amount before she began searching for the less common types: teal, turquoise, red, orange, and yellow. Hazel had a particular fondness for yellow, even if the chances were one in ten thousand. It glittered a bit like gold.

A trill of delight escaped her throat as she found small pieces of yellow and orange a little further down the shoreline. She was careful in setting them in the bucket, trying not to break them. She returned to her search, but found no more yellow pieces. However, she happened across some more blue and a purple, and that seemed like plenty enough to satisfy her.

On her way back, Hazel collected seashells, taking extra care with her favorites: the fan shaped ones, lined with perfect little ridges on the back and iridescent colors along the smooth inside. Once she reached Suite and the others, she was struggling to carry her bucket, her jaw aching. It wasn’t very far to the Observatory, though, and Hazel was more than content to make the sacrifice of a sore neck for the amount of things she had collected.

She shared a similar dorky smile with Starry as she set it down, turning her golden gaze to Suiteheart. “What are we making with these, again?” She asked.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-12-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
He wasn't surprised that Starry was going at it with earnest, honestly, and he stepped aside to watch in amusement as the Seraph went darting down the shoreline. Bast didn't really know what he was looking for -- he didn't really need any of these shards for himself, nor was he likely to keep whatever mess of a project Suite had them make -- but he was willing to accept this task as something to keep him busy. The sudden flicker of gold in the distance was no surprise to him, and he smirked slightly when his initial hunch was correct: of course Hazel liked this task. Her aura was practically radiant as she too headed off to collect her prizes, and after a beat Bast went back to his lazy search.

In the end, he only came up with a cluster of shards that he actually liked and/or matched the vague color theme he'd put together. There were a few bits of what might have been red that faded into a sea-worn pink hue, along with a scattering of greys and blues. Eventually it seemed like the others were starting to trickle back, so he headed back along the shore to Suite with his handful of sea glass. His gaze flickered to Hazel, and he smirked slightly in amusement as he drawled, "You look like you're going to tip over, princess." He wasn't at all surprised that she'd hoarded so much that she could barely carry her bucket. [b]"You should have brought Arion."

Re: I'VE GOT A SUNSET IN MY VEINS ; wkly task, seaglass collecting, open - Suiteheart - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]A big smile tugged at her lips as Hazel arrived. She loved the young girl dearly, and she was very happy the other had arrived to participate. Crafting was Hazel's specialty, and the golden girl was clearly in her element. It made Suiteheart feel light and at ease. It was certainly a welcome distraction, and it made her feel more peaceful than she had in some days. A relaxed and content sigh even escaped her parted lips.

"Starry's to thank for this, Haze," the polar bear said, motioning with her head toward the Astral Seraph. The gentle smile stayed positioned on her lips as she spoke. "Guy gives out some pretty fucking cool tasks." And she meant it. Starry had major ideas. Good ones. Suiteheart wasn't so talented, and she hoped to one day learn from his creativity.

After Hazel had finished collecting, Suite watched as the girl joined she and Starry. "We're making mosaics with them! And then we're gonna hang them up around the Observatory. You know, give it color and stuff." The building the Clan resided in was horribly drab. This would spruce things up big time.

She laughed at Bastillepaw's comment. Hazel did look as though she were about to come crashing down, but Suite admired her commitment to this task. [color=#73B1B7][b]"I can help you too, if you need it."