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IDFC ; prank - Printable Version

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IDFC ; prank - T. ROUX - 07-27-2020

Trygve was gradually getting around more and well, he decided that was worthy of some sort of celebration. He wasn't sure of how to go about it at first but then the idea of a prank came to mind, his tufted ears would twitch as a large devilish smirk spread across his maw. He hadn't pestered his uncle in quite a long while time, his tongue swiped across his pearly whites as he thought about it a little more before deciding on something rather devious. It wasn't long before Ry had gathered everything that he needed for this idea of his; some honey, feathers, red rubber glove, and a small orange cone. Oh, he could already imagine his mother scolding him for such a heinous act but the draconic boy was bored and boredom was dangerous, at least, for someone his age. He had to collect the honey himself and that had been no simple task but he had about a gallon of it, of course, he wasn't planning on wasting all of it for the prank... Maybe honey and toast would be tasty, he had to think about himself too, after all. It was a win win scenario in his eyes, Michael would be reminded that his beloved nephew was still around and said nephew would have his burnt toast with something a little more sweet than the usual peanut butter or jam.

He flew on top of the home that belonged to the bobcat making sure to have been rather silent, he would place himself on the roof near the doorway where Michael would come out. Trygve knew shit and well, it was about time for the bobcat to go out... Probably to the tavern or sunbathe on the beach, whatever the case. It'd be different this time, Trygve held onto the gallon of honey as he would stay silent with just a brief lash of his tail. This was going to be good, he could feel it.

[member=11389]michael t.[/member] [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IDFC ; prank - michael t. - 07-28-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Although Trygve would never cease to be a troublemaker, Michael would be lying if he said he wasn't glad to see his nephew out and about again. After the other's return from the Pitt and subsequent practical disappearance, the thief had been rather worried, even if he tried to keep his anxieties under wraps. Even that became difficult at times, however, when Roxie was also around, reflecting those anxieties right back at him from where they were on her face, as well. Thankfully, it seemed as though the boy was finally back, and also back to his usual self, at least for the time being. Part of the reaver wanted to ask Ry he had been gone, or ask how he had been feeling since his return, but that was, frankly, too mushy for his tastes. Despite he and his apprentice being more like father and son, Michael had hardly ever been the touchy feely type of person, as demonstrated by how long it had taken for him to finally realize he was in love with his now fiance. He tended to have an emotional blind spot, and while he had been trying to overcome it, Ry's own nature made it difficult for any real heart to hearts to take place.

Needless to say, this meant that Michael had been giving his nephew some space, ever since his recent return. For the most part, that just meant keeping to his usual schedule, getting his duties as reaver done and enjoying himself. Most of the time "enjoying himself" either meant taking a nice and relaxing warm nap in the sand, or heading off to the tavern. On rare occasions, it even meant leaving Typhoon territory entirely to go and see Trevor, although that wasn't very often considering his fiance's rather far away home. Today, Michael had mostly decided to take it easy, figuring that a brief nap on the beach before he went to go hunt would be a nice idea, especially considering it didn't seem like ot was too hot – a luxury, he had learned, when it was the summer months. Unfortunately, when he opened the door to his hut and stepped out into the sand, he was accosted by the scent of Trygve. Not only that, the scent of his nephew with seemingly no source. Looking around in confusion, the thief flattened his ears before speaking, a huff leaving him, "Ry? Where the hell are you, kid?" It was harder for him to identify that Trygve was just up on the roof, considering his lack of sight or hearing on his left side. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: IDFC ; prank - T. ROUX - 07-31-2020

Trygve immediately perked up hearing the door of his uncle's hut open slowly and that's when the draconic boy would pop the lid off the gallon of honey still wearing that devilish grin of his. Oh, Michael would eventually find out about the whereabouts of his nephew pretty soon and it probably wouldn't be the best time for a heart to heart. Without another thought, the draconic jaguar would lean the gallon over and took to the air with one powerful flap of his wings until he was soaring above the bobcat and aimed to drop the honey onto the bobcat. If he succeeded in coating the other with the sticky liquid, Trygve would move onto the next operation placing the honey down onto the roof and grabbing a pillow filled with feathers only to let his claws sink into it slowly still wearing that malicious grin of his and his eyes twinkling with mischief, Trygve would rip the pillows in an attempt to have those fall all over the bobcat below him.

Soon, the young beta would land onto the sand feeling his paws sinking into it and would lash his tail to the sides. Now for the stopping of his prank, Trygve Roux was rather ballsy today or perhaps it was just stupidity. Nonetheless, he took some steps forward aiming to place the red rubber glove on top of the reaver's head to finish off the chicken look, his whiskers would twitch and then he would speak with a chuckle leaving him "Here I am, shithead." There was a pause only for the boy to burst out laughing as he added with a cocky smirk "Didn't ya say back then I couldn't sneak up on a thief? Guess I proved you wrong, Mikey." Oh, he was enjoying this too much. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IDFC ; prank - michael t. - 07-31-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Michael honestly had very little else that he could compare to the sensation of having lukewarm warm honey dropped on his head and pelt to, but he had to imagine that it was one of the most horrible feelings in the entire universe. The reaver let out a yowl as his nephew dumped the honey onto him, thoroughly coating his thick pelt. Really, all he could be glad for was the fact that he wasn't wearing his jewelry yet, since it was earlier in the morning. That was a fact that Ry should've been glad for as well, since if the other had gotten any honey onto Michael's engagement ring, the bobcat might've felt no reservations about ripping him limb from limb. The short feline whipped his head around to glare viciously at Trygve, his muzzle open to start shouting various vicious insults and obscenities at his apprentice, only to have a pillow's worth of feathers dropped down upon him, further coating his fur unpleasantly.

By the time that Ry came jumping down from Michael's roof to stick the rather stupid looking glove on top of his head, the bobcat was simply numb to the world. He simply allowed it to happen, a neutral expression of agony on his face. He sat there silently for a moment, listening to Trygve delightedly laugh his ass off, and begin speaking about how he had managed to sneak up on his uncle. Part of the reaver wanted to be an ass and point out that it wasn't exactly all that impressive, considering his blindness and deafness on one side, but he kept silent, not wanting to give that secret out to anyone, really, not even family. After his long moment of seething silence, Michael finally seemed to take action charging forward and attempting to barrel Trygve over onto his back. Trygve had size and weight on him, but the thief hoped that the element of surprise would work in his favor. If he was successful, he would begin boxing at Ry's ears and face with his paws, claws sheathed, shouting loudly, "I hope you have fun laughing your ass off! Because I'm going to get back at this for you, you know, you little shit! I'm going to fill your bed with sand! You better watch the prey you eat for weeks!" Michael wasn't actually that furious, considering he could wash the honey and feathers from his fur with time, but he had to get back at Ry somehow. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART