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YOKO ONO ; sea turtles - Printable Version

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YOKO ONO ; sea turtles - T. ROUX - 07-27-2020

Trygve would let a soft breath brush against his lips, his body laying upon the sand as he gazed upon the ocean in front of him and wondered if there was somewhere out there where he could have time to himself. This thought had been one in which he had been juggling around within his mind for a while now, Roan had moved out and Trygve Roux wanted to spread his own wings to leave the nest. He had been asleep for quite a while now or so, he had stayed within his room rarely leaving it and he supposed that it was a way to relax and soothe his anger. Sometimes, he often found himself asleep rather than walking or pacing around his living space and due to this, the young beta forgot to eat. But when he had been ready to come out and live with his family once more, the draconic jaguar had spent most of his time with his sisters... It seemed that he had missed quite a bit and was pulled into their tea parties where they had painted his nails, fitting bows into his thick coat, and even joked about painting his horns though he told them to not do that. Thankfully, the nail polish was starting to chip away from his nails so his claws weren't that atrocious glittery gold that they had decided to paint them, he had made himself some toast and stepped outside into the sunlight with a slight scowl on his face. 

He supposed that he still had to get used to how bright it was outside and he was about ready to enjoy his toast until a seagull dove down snatching it right out of his maw, the fur on his spine rose as he snarled. Man, he had been looking forward to eating it though with a sour mood, the draconic jaguar would sit down with a loud huff leaving his maw. It took him a moment to realize there was quite a few seagulls flying within the sky, some of them seemed to be holding something within their beaks and the young male would glance to the beaches spotting turtle hatchlings. Nature was cruel... Only the fittest lived. His ears flicked back at that thought as he rose slowly to his paw making his way over towards where the hatchlings were. He scared off some seagulls in the process, Trygve would look upon the new life unable to help but think of his siblings, cousins, and his soon to be born cousins. He almost forgot how it was like being young yet he shoved these thoughts away deciding that he would give these turtles a fighting chance, he'd help them to the ocean. The rest was up to them, Ry would simply give them a gentle nudge.

The seagulls didn't seem to appreciate that the draconic jaguar was blocking off their means of an easy meal, whenever one of them drew too close did the young beta open his jaws spitting out fire at them. It kept them away for a bit before some of them starting diving and attacking Trygve though he ignored the pecking for the most part wincing when one of the damned birds stabbed the delicate webbing of his wing, his ears pinned down the whole time as he let out a soft breath yet it didn't stop him even as he began to bleed just a bit... From the pecking and the fire burning the roof of his mouth, raw and bleeding as blood dripped from his chin. It was hard trying to ward off all the seagulls, there was many of them and only one of him. "Fuck..." He groaned only to let out an angered roar when a seagull dove down and jabbed harshly at his nose causing it to bleed.

God damn it. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOKO ONO ; sea turtles - GEORGIA. - 07-27-2020

With the amount of joiners plaguing their numbers lately (her included), Georgia had found little solace. Most of them were her age, and some of them were more rambunctious than others. That being said, she hadn't exactly entered the Typhoon with a great deal of personal peace, so it wasn't as if she was losing much. However, she'd begun to find repetition in a schedule - adding a little bit to it each day. A nap was usually included, if she could find it in her restless heart to pause for a while. Checking on the fish in the shallows and nightly walks, if she could manage it. The recent amount of social interaction had been rather draining to her battery. These past few nights she found herself slipping right into bed, guilty and tired.

Of course, when she could, Georgia would haul her ass out to the beach, the inherent sense of hatchling time, hatchling time gnawing at her conscience. This would be the first hatchling season she'd seen, but the pull of the time felt ageless in her mind. Her mother's domain, likely. Her job sense passed down to Georgia. Her father used to tell her about the hundreds of baby turtles that were scattered across the beach, peppering the sands until the dunes were hardly visible in July and August. He'd explained to her that it was natural for seagulls to pick off some of the babies, but hoards of them were mean and could eat too many.

So Gia spent her free time curled in the shadows of the beach, watching the hatchlings as they made their way to the sea under the cover of night, blowing away gulls who got too greedy and luring the ocean waves a little further up the beach to make it just a little bit easier. She often slept on the beaches, sea green eyes falling shut sometime in the early morning.

Today, however, was different; a few brave hatchlings were making a break for the shallows in full daylight, which was terribly odd. Georgia was currently in the process of enjoying a snack when she heard the sharp cry of gulls not far from her location, followed by the cry of - what was that, a clanmate? It certainly wasn't a seagull.

Georgia swallowed her remaining mouthful and made her way to the shoreline as quick as she could, only to be greeted by the sight of an unfamiliar and stylish clanmate. He was spitting fire - and in the week or so she'd been here, Georgia had really just learned to blink and carry on with these things - and...bleeding? It seemed that he was the one to scream, based on the injury on his nose. He also seemed to be protecting the hatchlings, making him a friend in Gia's eyes.

"Hey!" Georgia just about bellowed, directing her fury at the sea gulls for one, picking on her crewmate, and two, for ganging up on a couple hatchlings. "Time for you all to fuck off!" With that, she sent a blast of air hurtling towards the birds, flinging them several meters down the shore. It wasn't permanent, but gave them some time.

Trotting around the hatchlings to reach Trygve, she nodded towards his wound. "You okay? They've got beaks sharper than you'd expect." She squinted at it a little harder. "Looks kinda deep." It really didn't occur to her to grab a medic - scrapes and scratches were fine; medics took care of broken legs and missing limbs. At least, in her opinion.

Re: YOKO ONO ; sea turtles - Luciferr - 07-28-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
of course while the two were conversing, another seagull had come in to dive bomb both them and the turtle hatchlings they were protecting - that is until a half scaled, black and white blur battered into the thing with a raucous affronted squawking from the bird and a rumbling growl that sounded entirely too big for such a small cub (which might be yet another symptom really)

Jaime landed, the slits of his pupils so thin as to be slivers against the emerald green of his irises - a strange hissing emitting from the cub

Puny-prey had tried to attack brother-mine and friend-mine - but no matter, something in him rumbled, pleased with the blood on his sharper than usual teeth - puny squawking prey is dead, brother-mine safe, friend-mine safe, their tiny-hatchling-friends unscathed for now.

Some part of Jaime found this turn of thoughts disturbing, alien, but current-Jaime hardly cared - a rumbling in his chest as he turned from the dead feathers to eye the incoming dive of the other gulls with a hiss, wings mantling in threatthreatthreat at the squawkers that hesitated in fully swooping down at him.

Slitted eyes passed over nestmate-brother-mine and friend-mine - injured but alive, older-brother-mine would fix them, it knew this.

[ooc: we get some feral-y Jaime here]

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: YOKO ONO ; sea turtles - roan ; - 07-29-2020

It seemed as though, once again, a member of his family would need Roan's services. It was hardly a surprise at this point, considering a huge chunk of his massive families lived in the Typhoon, and he acted as the medic of the Typhoon, but it could grow frustrating sometimes. Most people didn't have to worry about scrubbing their family's blood from their paws, or trying to replenish herbs because they knew that their brother would, more than likely, desperately need them soon. Some part of him had always been a little bit bitter about that, but he could've been much worse. Somehow, however, he found that he just didn't have it in him to be more bitter about it. After all, if he wasn't doing the job of sage, then that would mean that somebody else was, and did he really trust anyone else to hold his family's lives in their paws? The answer was obviously a no, so he persevered even through the frustrations, taking deep breaths whenever it came time to treat the deep wounds that seemed to all too often be inflicted upon his beloved family. Of course, there were many ways it could've been much worse – like if he ever failed to help said family.

He truly wasn't sure what had drawn him to the shore that day, although it really could've been anything. He had been trying to integrate more walks into his daily routine, since he wanted to be able to get out more and hopefully meet a few of the people he had missed. In addition to that, the walks often represented a valuable opportunity to go hunting for herbs, since the trek from his home to wherever else was usually long, and the edges were usually lined with plant life. Perhaps that was why he had headed towards the sandy shores of the beach, since he knew that there were a few types of herbs that chose to sprout up from the sand, or even rested on the surface of the water. As usual, his satchel of herbs and other supplies bounced rhythmically against his side as he walked, ready to be filled with anything else that he picked up. He had noticed the rather common shrieking of the seagulls above, but he had thought very little of it, figuring it was just the usual behavior of the annoying sea birds. Unfortunately, his peaceful walk was further interrupted when he heard shouting. Not only from a very familiar source, but from another, more unfamiliar one as well. Not to mention the snarling.

Sighing heavily, the sage made his way towards where the shouting had originated from, unsurprised to see Trygve standing there, along with several others. They seemed to be fighting off the seagulls, although most of the birds had already taken off far into the sky. Those that hadn't were being pursued by a rather aggravated looking Jaime, a sight that made Roan pause for a moment. After regaining his composure, the siamese feline lightly jogged across the sand over to where Ry was standing, frowning when the scent of blood reached his nose. Sure enough, Trygve had several wounds covering him, including a gash in his wing, and a bloody nose that he was holding. Letting another heavy sigh leave him, Roan moved to pull off his satchel, putting it down in the sand nearby. He was careful not to put it on the turtles, not wanting to crush them after all the effort that had gone into protecting them. Turning his gaze towards Trygve, he questioned, "I'm assuming you'll be wanting my assistance? Cause if you do, I'm gonna need you to relax and get your paws away from your nose." After all, Roan was a doctor, not a miracle worker. He couldn't treat a wound while it was covered up.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: YOKO ONO ; sea turtles - devland - 07-29-2020

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 60%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]It was all that commotion that dragged Devland to the scene. He thought he faintly recognized a few voices, but he also couldn't be sure. His head had felt heavy and blurry since his arrival to the Typhoon, and to be frank, if he hadn't hurried to scribble everyone's names down, he doubted he would remember anyone.

Amused curiosity painted his dark features as he ambled forward, half-lidded eyes taking in everything before him. Though he had missed most of the show, it didn't take a genius to understand what had likely transpired. The screaming seagulls, turtle hatchlings, and one bloodied Trygve told him all he needed. He glanced at each individual in turn, noting he only actually recognized two of them. Jaime and Trygve were complete unknowns.

"That's why I hate birds," he greeted. With ease, he feigned a genuine look of concern despite feeling nothing of the sort. As he came to stand beside Georgia, he added, "Looks like they got you pretty good, huh?" He looked then from Trygve to Jaime. There was something off-putting about him that caused Devland to instead look to Roan, nose crinkling as the gentle scent of herbs reached him. He shifted his focus again to Trygve.