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ICARUS | joining - Printable Version

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ICARUS | joining - alaire - 07-27-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: 45% 25%; border-radius: 100%; opacity: 1.00; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
When the sky opened, with soft tears in the form of gentle rain, the little fox did not stop walking.  With the haunting echoes trailing behind him, perhaps it made sense.  The crackle and roar of flames lingered in his mind's eye, in his ears and heart.  Perhaps he possessed some odd luck with fire, attracting it even in new places.

Devastated with the loss of Redvox, still struggling with the questions about his family's whereabouts, Alaire drifted away.  One paw in front of the other.  Until the youth no longer knew where he stood.  Not within the Halls of Hiraeth.  Lost again; perhaps for the better, if he really did attract fire.

Once again, alone, Alaire felt the sharp loss of his sister.  Exploring enchanted him, but it hardly felt right without her at his side.  When his mother told him to fly, he flew, but once again he wondered; did he fly too far?  Or was he simply the only one who made it out of that crumbling house?

His solitude did not last however, as he ran into a friendly fox called Wesley.  Soothed by the other's charm and understanding of French, the boy listened with rapt attention as he offered some directions; an island, reached by old railroad tracks.  Assuming Alaire did not mind pirates, he could find shelter and safety there.  'If you move around too much, you're not gonna find what you're looking for.  You need a safe base of operations, kid.  Besides, maybe your family will find you there.'

Even as rain began soaking through his pelt, the boy pushed on with the memory of Wesley's directions, amber eyes glinting with new determination.  He had found the railroad tracks.  The waves dared him as he trotted along the path, washing over his paws with every step until he finished the journey. 

The youth tilted his head, immediately curious of the bells and basket of snakes.  I can turn into one of those.  "Salut?" The longer he sat still, the more he began to feel the chill.  Maybe he had lingered in the rain too long.  Uncertain, Alaire raised a paw and hit the bell, ears perking up at the clear ringing it produced.  That's kinda fun.

Tired but entertained, the youth opted to smack the bell one more time, snickering quietly as he did so.
[align=right]Dépaysement. (n.)

Re: ICARUS | joining - Grimm - 07-27-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Quiet the symphony conducted against fogged glass, drawn wandering eye to the cascade of beaded droplets, paths brief in their existence as the frame greedily took each in turn. Further haze marred the chilled surface as breath arose from the part of rose hued lips, slow the sliding shut of eyes, to the glass leaned forehead. Expected her lingering within the home, echoing the empty halls and rooms for exploits incapable of halt even as the rain washed their shores, poor her immune system until the tepid chill offered nothing but hardship. Claws sought purchase against the woven blanket draped across her body, adjustment made and, just as quickly, cast aside.

In a loose pool of fabric was left her prior covering, furtive glance cast over shoulder. No movement spoke of another inhabitant and thus impeded her departure, the door closing with a gentle click behind her. Sodden the sands, clinging to fine cost of ivory where it decorated paws and wrists, quickened her pace as shelter was sought. Possibly poor her choice of the woven covering of dense jungle, infrequent the fall of droplets against back and wings, tight their draw though at times lifted to shake the gathering water.

"Otro extraño." Overgrown the expanding populace that had come to deem the archipelago a safe harbour, the influx conducted within the prior days and thus weary had grown Eulia of further occurrences of such. Yet forth did she walk, the ease of her tread poorly matched against the rigid hold of wings, about flicking the tip of her tail. "Yo no haría eso. The snakes grow agitated when it is rung too many times." Rusty the Spanish that fell from unsure tongue, disuse wearing at her knowledge of the imparted language yet a part of her it as much as the odd adornments upon her body, to the youth her gaze trailing.

Further obscured he beneath the silver hued sheet of fine rain, nonetheless apparent his supposed age, the separation of a mere month lost as a soft smile curled her lips. "I take it you are here to join us, I must ask your name but I would be happy to bring you to some shelter to get out of the rain."

Re: ICARUS | joining - GEORGIA. - 07-27-2020

Gia couldn't really attest to why she was out in the rain.

There was such a vast difference between sitting water and the water that fell from the sky; she couldn't explain it, but the wet bits of flora sticking to her paw fluff was wretched and uncomfortable, while the wet sand between her toe pads when she walked across the beach was comforting and familiar. Every few steps, Gia would pause and shake a foot, dislodging a pebble or a clump of mud, gagging to herself at the feeling of slimy things getting stuck where they shouldn't.

It was likely because Georgia herself wasn't getting wet from the rain - she'd used her water abilities to take the rain from above and form a sort of umbrella. It had taken quite a bit of practice to get the hang of, but lord was it useful now.

She was mostly out and about to check on the turtle hatchlings, she supposed, because they often took any sort of darkness from the sky as a sign to beeline for the water. However, she wasn't far away from the bell when she heard its toll. It was slightly muffled through the patter of the rain, but it still piqued her interest. Surely other clans (besides...besides The Pitt) wouldn't want to send mercenaries through the rain, which meant it was possibly another joiner.

Ambling over to inspect, she stepped up beside Lu, listening to the other girl say her greetings. Georgia, shockingly, was in bit of a foul mood thanks to the weather and the horrid sensory clashes it presented her with, so without saying much, she extended her umbrella so the protection spread above the heads of the stranger, her, and Eulia. If they didn't like it, they could step back out into the rain for all she cared.

Blinking at the vixen sitting before them, Georgia supposed he wasn't too much younger than she was, though the way his fur stuck to his body made him look small and thin. He didn't speak English, and neither did Lu - but if she was correct, one was speaking French and one spoke Spanish. She was pretty sure Paola spoke Spanish, too. Georgia herself knew a few bits of Greek here and there - ancient remnants of her mother's soul glittering in the murk of her mind - but not enough to actively use it in her everyday speech.

"I'm Georgia," The sandy-toned feline offered once Lu was finished. She took a moment to extend and curve the umbrella around their left side as the wind attempted to push the rain beneath their cover. Then she stole a glance at Eulia, curiosity causing a small uptick in her mood. "What do the snakes do when they're agitated?"

Re: ICARUS | joining - alaire - 07-28-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 100%; background-position: 45% 25%; border-radius: 100%; opacity: 1.00; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
It may be the fox grown used to rain.  His first encounter with Redvox and Breena had been in similar weather.  Brighter skies, same gentle cascade; another painting-perfect scene, had he the supplies.  He tilted his head, impartial to the droplets slipping down his nose though the umbrella is a pleasant relief.

Spanish words floated through his ears, not unpleasantly despite his lack of comprehension.  Striking, the girl the words came from.  He had never met a jaguar of such light fur, nor adorning horns and wings.  Alaire listened quietly, sheepish smile already in place.  "Pardon," quickly, the apology leaves with twinkling eyes.  Curious, just as Georgia, of the snakes potential agitated behavior.

Out of place amongst Spanish and more fluent English, Alaire twitches his ears.  "Oui -- join.  Je m'appelle Alaire."  More rests on his tongue, the frantic questions lingering in his mind since his first flight from home.  Questions that no longer seemed to fit at first meeting since so much time had passed.

"Merci beaucoup.  La pluie est froide."  Another sheepish grin, admitting the plight with mild amusement.  The prospect of a warm, dryer building to rest cheered him, though the memory of sheltering from snow within the Halls' main fortress caused his smile to falter.

Rather than linger, Alaire refocused his molten gaze on the jaguar, "what is your name?" Those words he knew how to use.
[align=right]Dépaysement. (n.)

Re: ICARUS | joining - Grimm - 07-28-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Resplendent.

Had been such located in the expanding storage of her vocabulary graced may have been the quiet breath that slipped between the miniscule part of slackened lips, attention diverted by the premature conclusion of the gentle drizzle. Bright the other against the dark haze of drenched backdrop, radiant as the sun long since swallowed by the grey belly of split clouds, proximity making apparent the dour incline of her mood yet even such may do little to tarnish. Realisation was slow to arise among the frayed threads of her thoughts, skittish the few steps that hastily put room between them. Mistake such within its own way, the frigid droplets that struck her driving her back into her vacated spot.

"That is an interesting way of using such… power." Aside brushed the mishap as best she was capable, heat arising within her cheeks, averted eyes dancing from point to point, settling for but moments. Back did it skirt, however, furtive the apparent glances she slipped towards Gia, caught off guard as her voice arose. Of those that had come to bolster the number of their crew she was one Eulia had seen the most, again her voice captivated all the same, sheepish the smile she wore upon query.

"It is okay, you did not know." More genuine the joy that lay against soft features, the manner within which Alaire regarded her within turn one endearing, if once more did the central point of attention shift. At the least it stayed, observed the reptiles within question, a mass of writhing black scales she briefly pondered over bringing to the town, unsure if they may survive such temperate weather. "They are very easily agitated, Trygve may know better but they do not have a pleasant bite." Unwelcome the subject of the reptilian residents that acted as deterrent, though of note the numerous oversized crocodiles her own mother had brought into their family, what little she knew indeed picked up from mentioned brother.

Unknown much of that which graced his tongue, of her own she knew only the English and Spanish that had framed her childhood, at the least of intent may she guess. "Alaire, that is a very nice name." Somewhat tight grew her smile, unwelcome the intrusive thought of another. Acquaintance had not been made between them yet of the other she knew from relayed stories, embarrassment having underlaid many of their conversations as had grown apparent the crush Ry harboured upon the Pittian fox.

Brief the shake of her head and once more Eulia regarded the sodden todd, her own embarrassment growing hot once more, though only the manner rounded ears flattened may have hinted at such. "Oh, I do apologise, I am Eulia Roux. I do not believe there is any issue, the tavern should have extra rooms if you can handle the rain for a little longer." Once more did she regard Georgia, though within moments her tongue proved tied, moments passing before a soft, unsure voice once more arose. "Will you be joining us." All too clear the hope that seeped through her words, less a question more than it was a request, though poorly understood pleasant the warmth that filled her belly in the proximity of Gia.

Re: ICARUS | joining - GEORGIA. - 07-28-2020

A smile ticked at the corners of her mouth, noting the fox's similar curiosity. She made a note to bring Devland or Trygve out here and test what the snake's reaction would be, truly. Snakes had never really been on her radar, but they didn't bother her. A lot of the things in the ocean didn't have legs, so there weren't too many things that freaked her out.

When Lu commented on her use of ability, Georgia wondered what sort of connotation that had. It was a simple sheet of rain, solid enough to absorb and protect them from the above sheets of rain. Just enough to keep them dry. "Keeps us dry, right?" She shrugged. For a beat, Georgia wondered if Lu was criticizing her, and considered retracting the umbrella to let the jaguar stand in the rain. Instead, she decided Eulia didn't have it in her to be cruel in that manner, and held her tongue, opting to let the discomfort of the possibility dissipate as best she could. 

Suddenly, Georgia was being asked if she would join the two. Join the two on...a what. Going where? Gia realized she'd lost focus on the conversation and its objective. "Go...where?" She echoed, sea green eyes a little glassy. "Sorry, I wasn't...paying attention." Georgia wasn't sure if she felt bad about blanking - it wasn't as if she was absolutely essential to the operation going on here, but it wasn't as if it was polite. Then again...she didn't really give a damn whether or not it was polite.

However, she was the one with the protection against rain, and it would be flat out mean to make them go anywhere like that. Besides, there was a hopeful lilt to Lu's voice, which made her think maybe Lu really wanted to keep Gia around for her umbrella. And hey, that didn't bother her too much. "But yeah, sure; I'll tag along." She shrugged.

Re: ICARUS | joining - T. ROUX - 07-28-2020

Speak the devil's name and he shall appear, the horned jaguar had been making a few rounds across the beach despite the rain, his pelt being rather soaked though he didn't seem to mind it. It was much better than the sun beating down on his back when he had been living in the Pitt, his mind lingering for a moment before concentrating onto a single individual dear to him; Aine. Though he was moved from his current thoughts when he heard that his name was being spoken did he decided to turn in that direction to see what the whole deal was. Eventually, he came across his sister. Georgia, and some fox boy that he felt he had seen before. A frown fitting on his maw as a nonexistent eyebrow would lift, droplets of water dripping from his chin though he stayed silent for the time being. He stayed back for a moment only to take some steps forward, with each step, he tried to recall on where he had seen that boy. They looked like a smaller and less grumpier version of Gael. Then it hit him, he recalled that painting Gael did where he had been included... But the clouds... Wasn't he dead? That'd be rude to ask so he settled for approaching the trio only to lift one of his wings over Eulia just to make sure she wouldn't catch a cold even if there was already an umbrella present.

"They'd likely strike... And well, they're very venomous so if you want a quick, painful death... Black mamba is the way to go, I guess." His eyes locked onto the snakes, he loved reptiles but he'd be a liar if he didn't admit that those snakes caused him a bit of discomfort. Swiping his tongue across his lips and pearly whites, the draconic boy would find an amused smirk on his maw "Alaire, huh?" He began with a lash of his tail, the scars that his body bore now visible for all to see due to his thick coat having been matted down by the rain. "M'names Trygve Roux," Might as well introduce himself after Eulia had uttered his name, his tufted ears would perk forward nodding in the direction of the tavern, the boy smirked some more spreading his other wing out in an offer to shelter someone else I could provide some cover from the rain, it's great to have built in umbrellas y'know." Unfortunately, he couldn't take shelter underneath his own wings. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ICARUS | joining - michael t. - 07-28-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — It was a rare occurrence, for the toiling of the bell to ring out twice, one clang right after the other. After all, most joiners just hit the bell once, and let the loud ringing out attract all of the attention that they could ever need. Michael's ears had initially flattened upon hearing the bell's toiling, mainly because he wasn't looking forward to going out into the rain. He had been perfectly happy where he was, sitting in the rather small lip of overhang that the tavern provided. He had left the building several minutes ago, not wanting to drink too much and end up slipping and braining himself, but he had quickly been stopped from heading home by the heavy fall of the rain, a grumble leaving him. He had no desire for his already heavy pelt to end up drenched and feel like tons of lead weighing him down, so he had just been... waiting. He had figured it would be fine, considering he wasn't standing in the doorway, and it wasn't as if he had anyone desperately waiting for him at home. At worst, Roxie would be there, probably eating his food and ready to scold him for making her wait so long. The thought had made him smile faintly, tearing his thoughts from the long, lonely path of wondering how Trevor was doing, and whether it was raining where the coyote was.

However, it seemed as though the fates were not in Michael's favor today, and as soon as the sound of the bell reached him, he knew he would have to head out. He didn't want to, but it was part of his job to welcome in newcomers, which meant he couldn't just continue hiding. Taking a deep breath inward, he shouted a few words of goodbye at the barkeep inside before he bolted forward, a gasp leaving him at the sudden shock of the cold downpour. It was even worse than he had been expecting, and it chilled the bobcat down to the very bone. He forced himself to move quickly as he headed towards the bell and the accompanying cluster of snakes, his eyes widening when he saw all those that were already gathered there. However, his surprise was quickly replaced with relief, as soon as he saw the sheet of water Georgia was using to keep out the rain. Jogging over, the feline slipped underneath the sheet without hesitation, looking downright miserable as his dark fur dripped onto the already wet ground. He sighed heavily, glaring down at himself for a long moment before turning his gaze towards the newcomer – Alaire, he had heard. There was talk of the rain, and the snakes, and a rather... odd sort of fascination to Eulia's gaze whenever she looked at one of the new kids, Georgia, but Michael was more concerned with Alaire.

Resisting the rather strong urge to shake his pelt out violently to get rid of the wetness, the thief just took a deep breath inward, speaking tiredly, "Hello... Alaire, I think it was? Hope I'm pronouncing that right... I'm Michael Townley, I'm a reaver here." He then said, glancing towards Trygve and snorting, "Like Ry said... you hopefully don't need to get as drenched as me. I don't think I caught whether or not you were joining, though?" Thanks to his joining of the little welcoming party being delayed by rain, Michael hadn't been around to hear most of the conversation. However, even if he had, he still probably would've had little idea of what was going on, considering he didn't speak French in any way, shape, or form. He knew a little bit of Gaelic, and the faintest bit of Spanish from being around Roxie, but that was about it in the languages department, considering he preferred plain English. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART