Beasts of Beyond
WHATS YOURS IS MINE | MEETING 27/07 - Printable Version

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WHATS YOURS IS MINE | MEETING 27/07 - Luciferr - 07-27-2020

It was time again to loom from the skull embellished pedestal - more of a macabre throne now and speak to the assembled masses.

”meeting” the monstrosity rumbled.

”our activity has pleased me - especially so concerning two of our members have brought in captives [member=13875]WORM.[/member]  has caught us a new bloodless [member=9250]salvatore r.[/member]  and [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member]  caught a particularly big fish from the typhoon - they are to be commended, an excellent start to our new direction you two”

The great behemoth shifted ”aside from this, we do have a new blood in our ranks [member=15779]ghostwhisper[/member]  welcome and remember you must take a trial to prove yourself Pittian - we have also taken in a new pup in [member=15699]OLEANDER.[/member]  - it is pleasing to see our ranks grow slowly or not” slow and steady won more than quick and fickle after all.

”promotions wise - [member=4817]aine.[/member]  is to be raised to the rank of fleshweaver whilst [member=217]Wisker[/member] JACK is to be granted the rank of marauder - both of you have shown your abilities but rest assured I have not forgotten the rest of you and my gaze is ever watching” already more showed promise - but two raised up for now would slowly build the tide.

”as for events - as August closes in, the festival of renewal will begin, when August is upon us I shall explain it more in depth - for now [member=4836]gael[/member]  is holding a capture the flag training, I expect to see you there sharpening your claws and Aine is holding medicinal lessons”

”lastly in his new role, Jack will be hosting this weeks tasks - that is all dismissed”


- A welcome to [member=15699]OLEANDER.[/member] , [member=9250]salvatore r.[/member] , [member=15779]ghostwhisper[/member] !
- [member=15779]ghostwhisper[/member] if you need info on the trial, please consult the guide it’s all laid out there under ‘blooding’!

- promotions to fleshweaver for aine! And Marauder for jack!
- Congratulations on the activity guys! Proud of y’all <3

- The festival of renewal will be soon! Next meeting the events will be set up!
- Gael is holding a ‘capture the flag!’: LINK
- Aine is hosting medicinal lessons: LINK
- Jack will be hosting weekly tasks!: LINK

- Don’t forget the MASS ADOPTS/SHP TRYOUTS for those interested in higher ranks!
- We’re also doing a silly cake au raid over in the elusium: [LINK]

Re: WHATS YOURS IS MINE | MEETING 27/07 - fulzanin - 07-27-2020

ghostwhisper - group - mantis-awahondo hybrid - they/them
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; color: #f2ffff;"]They supposed meetings were something that this place did. They'd never attended one before, since being on their own meant that there was nobody to meet with other than themself. Ghost settled patiently to listen. They had a trial to complete? That they could settle later, they supposed. Ghost settled for dipping their head respectfully, claws pulled closer to their cloak. If there was nothing else to be said, the pale blood would be on their way.

TAGS 7/22/20:

Re: WHATS YOURS IS MINE | MEETING 27/07 - deimos - 07-27-2020


The words rang in his ears, the elkhorse's eyes narrowing. Bloodless, you say? He was off to the side, his throat bound with rope, tied firmly to a rock. Slung between front and rear legs on either side was more rope- and another about his mouth still, keeping his teeth hidden. The look, however, on his face could not be contained- anger was burnt in, drawing his lips back to display the fangs he couldn't open to snap at his binds. His eyes were narrowed, the dragonesque pupils drawn to hair-thin slits.

"I won't be bloodless for long." He uttered to himself. Would he openly curse and defy them? No, not yet. Especially since he couldn't step free and walk away if he were to display how he felt.

The rest of the meeting didn't register to him.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #8186CC; font-size: 24px;"]— SAL. REYES


[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
Meeting time already, huh? To be truthful, Dante hadn't realized how much time had passed - but hey, maybe he was to blame for getting hammered after his bloodening. It had been a relief, to say the least, to get back to his addictions, even if that left him dazed half of the time (if not knocked out completely).

That is to say, the hybrid was not surprised he hadn't been noted in the meeting at all. Dante was laying down towards the end of the group that gathered, his tail twitching idly as he listed to Silent's announcements, but said nothing towards his promoted clanmates.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WHATS YOURS IS MINE | MEETING 27/07 - j a c k . - 07-27-2020

it was the start of an era; and as the pitt welcomed back into it the old ways. of blood and war, bleeding victims and stringing their glory upon their forms as mantles of armor; jack felt his own name utter from silent's lips and a sly grin stretched across his maw. jack was silent during the meeting, walking among the throng of his fellow pittians and hidden amusing them; but it was his name that was called, and the white feline dipped his head in acknowledgement. marauder, jack couldn't wait for the ability to prove himself; to fight alongside them all.

"i wont let you down, silent"
[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: WHATS YOURS IS MINE | MEETING 27/07 - aine. - 07-27-2020

I'll come back when you call me
She's reluctant.  Wary still of the new being that called meetings forth.  But stubborn.  The petite deer-fox did not want any more surprises.  To stay in the know.  The skull adorning the throne still made her frown, made her stomach clench.  Some deep sadness and rage unfurling within.  She hated the feeling, chewing the inside of her cheek as she wobbled to the edges of the crowd.

Her ears were perked absently, hooves lightly tracing patterns in the ground.  The mention of the Typhoon made her brows furrow.  A big fish?  Not Trygve... Not Roan... Nor Raziel or Kian.  She hopes.  She would ask her father later, perhaps.

The sound of her own name catches her off-guard.  Fleshweaver.  Healer.  Self-conscious, she straightens her back and nods, hazel hues flickering over to Jack as well.  A shy smile in congratulations.
— aine | the pitt | fleshweaver | fae druid —