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TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - Printable Version

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TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - RHINESTONE. - 07-23-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
In most cases, the kits within the nursery outnumbered the queens at least four to one. It was natural to see why, if one thought about it for more than a moment. After all, unless there was some kind of complication, most litters didn't just come with one kitten. Which meant that, very often, the queens that were within the nursery found themselves exhausted, desperately trying to keep all of the tiny kittens in like for their own sake. Occasionally warriors would be assigned as "nursery helpers" in order to help keep the peace around the large, sandy den, but that wasn't always the case, and most who hadn't already had kits were horrified by the job. When Rhine had noticed the exhausted state of most of the queens as of late, he had at first considered giving the job of nursery helper to someone. It was easy to see why the queens were struggling, considering they had only just returned to their home after desperately helping their kits escape, and now they had to deal with the rambunctious and curious questions. However, rather than assigning one poor soul to do the job of helping out, Rhinestone had decided to go a step further – a group was going to help out.

With this in mind, the red flecked feline had gone into the nursery to tell the queens of his plan, and they had been more than enthusiastic about the plan for kitsitting. It wasn't long afterwards before Rhine came padding out of the nursery, surrounded on all sides by kittens stumbling over his paws and rushing after him. Already he felt a bit overwhelmed, listening to the cacophony of voices around him all blend together. He flattened his ears briefly before he called out, claws digging into the sand, "Warriors! Apprentices! Anyone who can help out! We're gonna give the queens in the nursery a bit of a break, and take care of the kits for a little while." Obviously they couldn't feed the children themselves, but keeping them entertained and talking with them? They could do that. Most kittens would just be overjoyed to be told tales of battle, and training. Surely it couldn't be that hard to keep them all entertained and in line... right?

( basically if your character is older than a kit, they can come help out with the npc and pc group of kits (with npc kits able to be whoever you want and get into whatever chaos you want for posts) and if your character is a kit, they can be part of the group getting babysat ! )

Re: TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - Luciferr - 07-26-2020

well stormspine had heeded that announcement well - and after calling out to the hatchlings - kits - to give their mothers, who were rather still eying him and his teeth warily which while somewhat hurtful was understandable, however it seemed the kits ad no such reservations of the fact he suddenly had half a dozen crawling over his now laid down form.

Oh but to be a prehistoric climbing frame.

The spino carefully watched them as they clambered atop him nattering about him and asking many questions - such as ‘youre a very strange cat mister!’ And ‘how come you’re so tall? Will I be so tall?” And “mister you’ve got so many teeth!” “Hey mister what did you eat? You smell like fish so probably fish right!” - to which he indulgently answered each one, until a kit nearly took a tumble from where he’d been clambering up his shoulder.

Thankfully he’d reacted quick enough to catch him on the end of his snout and deposit him back on the floor - to which the kit merely ran back to try clambering up again.

Good thing he was sitting down on some relatively soft ground really.

Re: TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-26-2020

[glow=white,1,400]BLIND CONFIDENCE !。+゚.[/glow]
Of course the queens would be grateful for this little mini-kitsitting service, they had their paws full, either taking care of their own children or taking care of their clanmates' kids after their parents had died in the hurricane. It would be tiresome to look after many young kids, especially when most of them were around that age where they were super active.

Too bad Hailkit didn't understand how much of a pawful he was. The long-haired kit had taken it upon himself to try and sneak up behind [member=15755]STORMSPINE.[/member] , his blue eyes narrowed. With his tongue sticking out in a determined manner, Hailkit tried to pounce on STORMSPINE's tail.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - Luciferr - 07-28-2020

STORMSPINE - male - spinosaurus - palmclan - warrior
If he were much smaller and had much less thicker skin - fo kitten claws were much like tiny razors - he might have startled - but as it was, he was massive in comparison to the tiny hatchlings currently crawling on him and his skin was scaled and leathery.

But he did feel the impact of a tiny body landing on the flag broadsides of his tail and it was enough to make him pause - carefully lowering the hatchlings on his face to the ground before he swung his head slowly around to spy the tiny - hailkit yes - clambering at his tail.

He chirruped in a very suarian version of a light chuckle ”oh I fear you might have felled this mighty beast with such a mortal blow little hail”

Re: TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - RHINESTONE. - 07-28-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
Initially, the prospect of Stormspine interacting with the kits had filled Rhinestone with some sort of trepidation. After all, Storm was so insanely big, and the kits were all so incredibly small. However, the spinosaurus was a rather convincing male, and Rhinestonestar found himself rather delighted that he had allowed it. After all, the children seemed overjoyed to have a new reptilian jungle gym to play with, not to mention the plethora of questions that shot out of their mouths like bullets from a gun. The leader found himself chuckling softly as some of the younger kits became preoccupied with chomping at his ears, pushing their tiny paws against his face, and eyes. Looking towards the interaction between Hailkit and Stormspine, Rhine watched Storm's reaction to the young tomkit's attack, his body shaking with laughter before he said in a purr, "I think that Hailkit will one day be quite the fine warrior, don't you agree, Stormspine? After all, he seemed rather adept at hunting you." Hopefully time and training would make it so that Hailkit could hit targets a bit smaller than Stormspine, but at least he had the beginnings of a hunting crouch. No doubt one of the apprentices had shown him, as they were always fond of showing off what they had learned.

Re: TALE OF TWO KITTIES ☆ open, kitsitting - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-06-2020

[glow=white,1,400]BLIND CONFIDENCE !。+゚.[/glow]
Hailkit grinned as the dinosaur praised him, seeming to take the bait into believing that he truly could have took down such a mighty beast. Rhinestonestar's words didn't help either, and the grey tabby puffed his chest out in pride. "I've been working on my form!" The kit declared, unknowingly confirming Rhinestonestar's thoughts (even if he couldn't hear them). Or at the very least, he had been practicing before the storm happened. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]