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THE OUTSIDER // open, Weekly Prompt 5/10 - Printable Version

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THE OUTSIDER // open, Weekly Prompt 5/10 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

If you would have asked Caesar to his face if he loved or care about anybody, he would have laughed at you. To him, love and affection was weakness, and weakness was not a good thing. The only way to survive was to throw yourself around and push your position and power into other peoples' faces. Prove to them why you needed to be feared, why you were such a threat to them. It's why he destroyed his Universe; nobody listened to him when he told them he was destined to be the King - that he was the true King - and so that was why his home no longer existed. And he was fine with that; Dimension FiveX was just some low Dimension anyway. Earth in this Dimension was much better.

But all of that was a lie. Caesar was lying to himself. He did truly care about somebody - two somebodies, to be more exact. His siblings; his littermates, Atbash and Vigenere. He would never admit that, but he did. He, Atbash, and Vigenere had been through so much back at home, even before they were exiled. They had a sibling bond that was neigh unbreakable. It's wasn't a mental bond or an emotional bond (they couldn't sense each other and they couldn't talk to each other mentally), it was just a bond most siblings had. One of affection. And even after they got exiled, they were close with one another. They grew up together, of course they would love each other! Caesar believed that they would be with him, through thick and thin.

That all changed the day they got exiled. Vigenere had been immediately demoted from the King's Guard and placed in exilement. Vigenere started to be distant with Caesar, though still stayed in touch with Atbash. But he eventually grew back to being close with Caesar again, once he started devising a plan to get his revenge on the King and his Court. Once more, his siblings were together, and they were a powerful force to be reckoned with. Or... so Caesar thought. Caesar didn't realize this, but Atbash had learned that she, Vigenere, and their parents could go back to living normally in the Seventh Tier. Just not with Caesar, he had to stay exiled, due to the threat he posed. So the day he planned on enacting his revenge, Vigenere and Atbash pulled out of the plan. Caesar was pissed. And rightfully so, for the most part; his siblings were the ones who were supposed to stick by him! They were supposed to support him! They were supposed to help him! But they didn't. They ran off.

Just before the Dimension collapsed in on itself, Caesar sought out Atbash and Vigenere and helped them escape. He expected them to be grateful and expected them to come back to him. But they didn't. Vigenere ended up raking his claws across Caesar face, demanding that he left. And Caesar did, but not without warning Vigenere that he would regret not allying himself with him. They can do whatever the hell they want. See if I fucking care. He had thought to himself, fleeing to Earth's Dimension. Of course, this stripped his powers away, so he was practically stuck here, so unfortunately he couldn't do anything devious yet. But that was fine... Earth could wait.

And even then, Caesar was still lying to himself. He still cared about Vigenere and Atbash, and was truly hurt when they didn't follow him. He wanted to be with them again. But they shut him out, and no matter how hard he told himself,
he did care. He just wanted to be close again, but clearly that wasn't going to happen. He was too 'malicious' and too 'unpredictable', among other things. A traitor. A liar. A monster. That's what Atbash had called him once, and it hurt. Between her and Vigenere, she had been the last person Caesar expected to betray him. Even when they were first exiled, Atbash stayed at his side and spoke to Vigenere and relaxed their eldest sibling. And then she calls him that. He wasn't a monster, was he? He was only doing what he thought was right.

Caesar was currently pacing around camp, his thoughts going a mile a minute. He knew this probably looked suspicious to his groupmates, but whatever... He could lie and think of a reason to say what was bothering him. Lying was almost second nature, at this point.

- Caesar is remembering his past with his siblings, Atbash and Vigenere
- He's currently pacing around camp, angry about how his siblings 'betrayed' him and called him things

Re: THE OUTSIDER // open, Weekly Prompt 5/10 - ARGUS - 05-11-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus was not unfamiliar with family issues. Whenever asked of her own upbringing, or even near a conversation of family- Argus was more warned off. Reserved in a way that silence spoke for her. No family. Not anymore. It wasn't to say she hadn't tried either. After everything of her upbringing, no matter how sour a taste in her mouth was. The one time she went to visit her parents and brother who abandoned her she had been left to wander a distant enemy clan until she stumbled onto a grave.

The best part of it was that that were only a tip of the iceberg with her. There was so much worse things in comparison. Times which the watcher had simply outlived her family. Where her family was brutalized and she was powerless to watch it fall apart again and again. To the point she had been driven over the edge. Ran away from home and joined a cult- no really- when one of the closest things to a sister came to find her. Argus had thought it was a trick. Lost in her own savageness she had outlasted and killed her. Killed family.

Maybe if she had taken that dejected little home and tried not to make better of it. Maybe if she had accepted being alone was okay- she wouldn't have done what she had. What if's clouded her mind day in and day out things she could have done better, things she should have known. Applying the logic she now held into situations where she didn't, leaving her regretful and just a tad more desperate for it again. But she was born to believe that family was important. That it wasn't just blood that was family. Maybe if she hadn't reached out- maybe-

what if- what if whatifwhatif --

Argus could run ragged with this thought. Could drag up unseen history that and pull and contort the images of her past until they fit something similar to what she wanted. She could wipe it all away. Smear the reality of her other's and claim a name lost to time. The very idea of it had been tempting at first. To restart into nothing. To push all the hurt and hate, the rage and power into the body of a child with no memory and left it at that. But it would not fix her. It would only break her more- she was sure.

Barracuda bay was the closest thing to a 'camp' they really had. She assumed. More people were here and settled here. Living by the sea's edge or living on the front of the ship's hull. Argus had her own quarters within the dark ship's hull, but she visited the bay quite often. Finding comfort within the difference of the home she now had. She was looking off into the distance again. Thinking when she spotted the beacon like fur of the new initiate.

Dull red eyes pulled into focus at the sight. Something familiar tinging off the edges of her senses. Argus was very much aware what a demon was. Even without the cipher's power to back him, without argus' own power to back her. It was not her business though. Everyone within the typhoon- everyone here had a history. Some hidden part of themselves that they didn't want to reveal to just about anyone. But they all called this place home. While none of them would be willing to share their secret with a stranger with authority. Argus hoped all the same. Hoped they could see a little past themselves to notice everyone here was the same. To take this secretiveness, this sanctuary where all their past sins could not be forgiven or forgotten but eased- and fight for it all the same.

Could call this place home none the less.

It was not with any expectant that argus approached the other. No amusement or mask of something to help ease the conversation. Allowing the intensity of her usually unnerving stare drill into the demon's skin. Silently thinking, contemplative. Sizing up the other's current listless state and figuring how to approach the situation. Ease him out of his thoughts and into safer territory of thinking. She knew that look- and it did not equate to reminiscing the good parts of life.

" Hey Ceasar." Argus was already close. her bandaged form pulling into a careful median where the initiate paced. Hoping to stop him with his own name and unable to really think of what else to say. She was subtle, she was manipulative. But she was honest and earnest. Dull gaze soft an unimposing. " How are you settling in?" While most peopled settled here within the bay area of 'camp' there was a designated sleeping area for most of her crew mates on the ship. She had a sudden realization that the other probably didn't even know. Maybe she would show him later on. If he ever asked- Argus would be quick to point it out. But for now she'll just settle on pointing out the Capricorn tavern and enjoy attempting to snag a drinking buddy. Destroyer of your reality or not- Argus could really use the company when she was drinking. Drinking alone was just fucking sad.

Re: THE OUTSIDER // open, Weekly Prompt 5/10 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-11-2018

It wasn't that Caesar didn't want to be with his family; he did. Er, rather his siblings. His parents didn't really matter to him that much. They cared for him, yes, but they were also ignorant and didn't care for what he said. But his siblings outright disowned him. They brushed him off, like he didn't matter anymore! So Caesar told himself constantly that he didn't need them, that he didn't want them around. But oh how the truth hurt.

Unlike Argus, Caesar couldn't exactly pinpoint if others were godlike or fellow demons; not without being able to detect their auras. That power didn't follow him quite yet, but he was sure they were coming soon. Hopefully. Regardless, Argus did hold an air of an authority to her, which pissed Caesar off. And that was the only reason too: she had a position here in The Typhoon. Sure, he just joined and he was new, but he did not enjoy being a Crew Mate. He never have been, even back at home. He just didn't enjoy being the lowest ranking member outside of prisoners or exilement. It just wasn't him. It irritated him.

So of course Caesar wouldn't be so willing to get into his past. But in addition to Argus being an Officer and a stranger, it was mostly for his pride. Caesar believed that what happened in the past was in the past; he shouldn't focus on it too much (even though he did). He took pride in destroying his home, but at the same time he didn't want to think about it. Because he knew his emotions would eventually come back to haunt him, and he didn't want to break down in the middle of camp and start to Corrupt. That would be weak, pathetic. And that just wasn't who Caesar was.

Caesar stopped in his tracks as Argus called him by name, and he narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm settling in fine." He grunted in response. Great, just who he needed here. Somebody who probably doesn't already like him. Whatever. If he got pissed enough, he could just run off and hit something. Or somebody. Whichever came first.