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Stay, I pray you // open+dual joining - Printable Version

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Stay, I pray you // open+dual joining - jacob w.c. - 03-16-2018

It was time. It hadn't felt like too long ago when Jacob had been left with his Pa, then when he'd seen flames lick the sky as he was rushed out, then when he took sanctuary with his 'big brother', Jerseyboy. However, the time had come for the two to leave the city. At first, it had been a lot of aimless wandering but then they heard of some groups being formed nearby. Jacob wasn't too sure about how Jersey felt, but he missed being with other people. He loved Jersey but he wanted to have a few friends again, maybe even some family and, considering Jersey had agreed to come with him, it seemed like he felt the same way. Not to mention the fact Jacob still had trouble with... undesirable individuals seeking him out. He kept his first name, it was general enough and no one seemed to think much of it, but he'd long since stopped sharing the two names that connected him to his past families. It caused too much trouble and meant very little to people that didn't know where he came from. The only people that'd know those names from this far away would only be the type looking for trouble and Jacob wasn't interested in that. So, he stayed with Jersey and he was overjoyed his brother had agreed to come with him.

However, he was not as joyous about the fact he'd had to carry the wagon almost the entire way. Over half the stuff in here had to be Jersey's, he was sure of it. "Couldn't ya' 'ave carried this for even a li'l bit? 'M bigger but this is heavy n' my paws hurt," the boy complained. It felt like he'd been walking forever. They had to be getting close. "You're lucky, 'ere's the border. I woulda' made ya' start draggin' this thing." That was a lie. Jacob wouldn't have made Jersey do anything. For all his complaining, he didn't exactly have the courage to force Jersey to do anything. He settled down at the border with a sigh, happy to finally let his legs rest.

//please wait for beats to post with jersey! 

Re: Stay, I pray you // open+dual joining - JERSEYBOY - 03-17-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 60%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]He missed the city already. The cold concrete against his pads, the stench of dumpsters and gasoline filling his senses, the dark nights spent under the light-polluted skies. You could often humans getting into loud confrontations with one another or wailing police sirens speeding down the streets. While it all didn't necessary sound pleasant, it was home for Jerseyboy. It was where he had been born and raised — the upper East Coast. The good ol' state of New Jersey, if his name wasn't obvious enough. Jerseyboy had ended up leaving home when he was still a youngster, and while he always knew where his heart lied, he didn't want to be stuck in the neighborhood forever. He wanted to get out and see the world. Manhattan, Long Island, Staten Island- he had seen the city. He knew the scene.

This? This was no New York City. It was more like what he would see when traveling Upstate, and even this was a more vast slab of greenery than he had ever witnessed in his life. Jerseyboy was used to shops and cars and humans and streets and the occasional, neighborhood alley cat living behind the trash cans. He couldn't see any human settlements for miles, and while he was a bit hesitant about the direction in which the two were heading, he wanted to keep on going. They would surely die if they gave up now.

The tuxedo tom traveled alongside his companion and "kid brother", obviously struggling less than he was at the moment. He moved coolly, taking confident strides towards the so-called border. It was definitely getting more obvious that the border was here, though — it smelled like rotten piss. He wrinkled his nose and glanced upward towards Jacob, "You kiddin'? I woulda' broke my back if I tried to carry that thing." It was the truth. However, if Jerseyboy were any bigger, then he still probably would've made Jacob lug the wagon all the way here.

He perked his triangular ears, honing in for any signs of life. Nothing. Jerseyboy let out a sigh and said, "We're gonna play the waitin' game, eh? We got ten minutes, tops." He didn't feel like sitting around for someone that might not even show up. In the meantime, he reared onto his hind legs and poked his head into the wagon, rifling around for a pack of cigs.

Re: Stay, I pray you // open+dual joining - Leigh - 03-19-2018

Leigh had never been to the city- or any city rather. He'd never been fond of man made creations. They felt... restraining. Though he had grown up to be experienced with things like buildings and vehicles and such. All the unicorn had was the openness of the Earth- sprawling fields and thick forests and tall mountain ranges. He knew the wilderness- nature. Anything else was foreign. Maybe this was why he felt inclined to live among a lush land of snow. Looking back on it, it was a selfish reason. But now wasn't the time to mope around. There were people here. Two of them. Fantastic. The unicorn moved through the fog, approaching Jersey and Jacob with a smile. "Hey welcome to Snowbound. What brings you here?" he asked, hooves digging nervously in the snow beneath him.


Re: Stay, I pray you // open+dual joining - jacob w.c. - 03-19-2018

Oh, someone was here. He glanced to Jersey and rolled his eyes before offering the stranger a wide smile. A unicorn. The man before him was a unicorn. That was absolutely incredible. He'd never seen one of those before. Maybe he'd be able to ask- wait, no. First of all, that was probably a rude question and, second of all, he needed to stay focused. "Oh! Tha's good,we found the right place. 'M Jacob n' this is my big brother, Jerseyboy. We're here ta' join your group, if ya' don' mind. We heard an awful lot 'bout it n' thought this might be a good place ta' stay for a bit," he answered happily, his tail wagging slightly behind him. It was refreshing to finally see someone new. Finally his only companion wouldn't have to be Jersey. Jacob adored his big brother but he was ready to make some new friends and meet some new people. No one would ever replace Jersey or the family he still had in the city but this seemed like a good start to a wonderful home.