Beasts of Beyond
I'M JUST AT A PARTY;; - open; capture - Printable Version

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I'M JUST AT A PARTY;; - open; capture - trojan g. - 07-22-2020

When Sweeney had seen the form of the stag that Worm had brought back to the group, the creature that so many had wanted to eat when the slaves had returned, Sweeney had decided she was going to one up the bug infested canine. She hadn't been sure at the time on how, exactly, she was going to one up him, but she was going to do it. The first member of the Pitt to bring a slave in from the outside. She was going to hold that against herself for a while.

So when she had seen a member of the Typhoon walking around with different gift baskets for different groups around the island, Sweeney had decided to keep back as far as she could without being noticed, and had decided she was going to get the member when she was done delivering the baskets. Get her while the group would think she was still out delivering and just was taking longer than usual. Maybe the Typhooner had decided to take a break from delivering things to visit friends or family along the way.

No one would know unless they went looking for her after all.

What Sweeney didn't know, however, was that the member she had decided to capture was likely not the best option in terms of who to do so. She expected that the feline had held some sort of rank, being out and walking around with that aura of authority, but what she hadn't known, was that the other was the aunt to the Typhoon leader. And not only the aunt, but the assistant deputy.

Sweeney had knocked out Roxanne Roux while she'd been on her way back home, and had used her new body to carry the female back to their home in the desert and charred Jungle, locking her up with chains, and attempted to use her electric elementals to send a small shock through Roxie's system, in an attempt to abruptly wake her up.


Re: I'M JUST AT A PARTY;; - open; capture - ROXANNE R. - 07-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Admittedly, Roxanne had been tired when delivering the last gift basket to the Elysium and her guard had been done, it had been her own fault for getting captured so easily but one thing was for certain that this Roux wouldn't go down without a fight. She had been unconscious the entire time Sweeney had dragged her back to the Pitt, she could feel the change in climates having been in a cold one and now being dragged in a much hotter climate than that of the Typhoon. She had been chained up and it wasn't long before a small shock of electricity had been enough to make the Officer's eyes open, her pupils becoming dangerous slits and she peeled her lips back into a snarl glaring at her captor. Roxanne never had been within the Pitt seeing as it hadn't existed back then when she was still around but when she had returned well, the Typhoon had gone to war with the other group because of slavery though Goldenluxury had told her that she had ended it. Kydobi was in charge from what she heard last and it almost confused Roxie as to why she was here, nonetheless, did the Officer lash her tail to the sides in frustration "You're playing a dangerous game," She growled with her teeth bared in a bout of hostility.

Roxanne wasn't wrong... Not only was she related to the Pitt's biggest threat but she was very much capable of causing her own bout of havoc though she was playing it safe for now, she didn't want to think too irrationally and end up having more than one Pittian upon her. She wasn't made an Officer for nothing but she would have yet to prove this, she would wait it out for now, she would go on with this act and provide small talk. "But the Pitt seems to enjoy having everyone at their throats so go on, I suppose." She huffed as she gripped onto the chains with her paws, of course, she wouldn't be able to break them and well, the bind would probably be tighter if she shifted into a bigger form. Patience... She would wait. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M JUST AT A PARTY;; - open; capture - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

”you say that as though even when our former leader tried for peaceful options you still didn’t look at us as scum on your paws hm” what would it have mattered if they were ally or enemy - to all other lands, the Pitt would always be subhuman to them.


But silent couldn’t care less for the opinions of those he’d eventually see on his dinner plate - and really, if the Pitt rose or fell, it would merely be worth it, entertaining even, to simply be there,

Though of course he preferred it to prosper under his rule,

It meant he reaped the rewards - and the more the corpses piled up, meant the more for him

And under the peaceful forging of Kydobi, the corpses had run rather...dry

It was only right he changed that - when even the land beneath his claws was parched for thirst of that ruby sustenance.

The sightless gaze skipped past the officer, uncaring, towards sweeney where the monstrosity nodded ”well done” he didn’t give praise often but he knew when to recognise his people for what they did.