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flaws / devland - Printable Version

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flaws / devland - devland - 07-22-2020

[align=center][div style=" font-family: arial black; font-size: 24px; color:#727f54"]
[glow=black,200,600]devland taji[/glow]
[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 110%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]"let me tell you a story of remembrance. it's made of green glass shards, crushed budweiser cans, men's thick bones scraped clean. life ain't like the sea. she's her own god. i should know — i'm one of her angels.

let me sing you a lullaby about salt. how my mother left my body to the waves. how i learned to swim instead of drown. it's not a sad song, don't you weep like that. it's a good lullaby, a lullaby born of survival, and if you follow me i'll sing you the rest."

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Re: flaws / devland - devland - 07-22-2020

[glow=black,200,600]general information / tags[/glow]
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:arial"][color=#727f54]| GENERAL
— devland taji | dev, devvy | "silver misfortune"
— the typhoon | beta
— male (he/him) | bisexual | 8 months
— the collector | snake charmer | siren son

[color=#727f54]| APPEARANCE
— dark brown havana cat
— half-lidded, dark brown eyes
— long-legged, tall, a bit lanky
— ugly scar on right shoulder from an improperly-healed wound
— always totting around some kind of small travel bag

[color=#727f54]| PERSONALITY
externally: superficial | mostly reserved | easily amused | charming
internally: often angry | stuck up | distrustful | seeking approval

[color=#727f54]| RELATIONSHIPS
— first generation [unknown parents | unknown siblings]

[color=#727f54]| ABILITIES
— enhanced senses [sight, undiscovered]
— intangibility [undiscovered]
— mental manipulation & communication [undiscovered]

[color=#727f54]| COMBAT
— will instigate fights, not skilled enough to finish them
— better defensively than offensively
— physically medium
— mentally strong
— attack in [color=#727f54][bold #727f54] | can powerplay peaceful/nonviolent actions

[color=#727f54]| OTHER NOTES
— pickpockets often. fairly decent at the skill but gets caught from time to time
— extremely fascinated with insects. has a few field guides and a small collection
— equally as fascinated with snakes
— always carries around a tiny journal or pocket notepad
— likes charting weather patterns
— likes collecting old maps
— gets sick very easily. frequently has fevers
— suffers chronic shoulder pain from improperly healed wound
— carries around a tiny compass stolen from his mother

Re: flaws / devland - devland - 07-23-2020

[glow=black,200,600]expanded biography[/glow]

Re: flaws / devland - devland - 07-23-2020

[align=center][div style=" font-family: arial black; font-size: 24px; color:#727f54"]
[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 100%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]humble beginnings.

devland had always been taught that great things rose from humble beginnings. that saying had etched its way into the core of his being before he was old enough to truly understand the words. for a long while, he believed in that ideal; from the fire it built in him, he promised to forge a good path forward in life. however, when he was a bit younger and far more impressionable, he fell victim to promises of grander things by falling in with the wrong crowd.

his endless curiosity and fascination with the world around him had been tainted. the shy and sweet boy he had been known to be corroded into someone mischievous and fake. the lies of those he associated himself with fueled a different kind of fire within his soul — it was incredibly destructive, and devland fed the flame whenever possible. he learned how to lie, how to steal, and how to cheat. he distanced himself from what he had always known, and it surprised him how easily that could be done. his mother was gone away on business often, his father rarely found the time to supervise him, and his siblings were so much older they paid him no mind.

he found himself in trouble more often than out of it, but he did not particularly mind. there was a thrill to it, and it made his drab life exciting. consequences were always the furthest thing from his mind. of course, fate had a funny way of operating.

on one particular day, devland bit off more than he could chew. someone had been fed up with his actions for a while, and he last act was the catalyst for a terrible storm. his thievery cost the lives of several of his acquaintances, and devland managed to escape with his life (though he now sported a terrible shoulder injury as a permanent reminder). the rational portion of devland's mind told him to leave behind everything he had ever known, but a part of himself clung to what used to be his. in making his departure, he stole a small compass from his mother to help remember his family.

he spent two months utterly alone when he heard rumors about a place called the typhoon. the fear of still being hunted, hunger, and injury drove him to consider joining. he would never admit that the absence of others weighed heavily on his heart despite it being a large motivating factor.

so, devland chose to swallow a bit of his pride (at least long enough to join the group).

Re: flaws / devland - devland - 07-28-2020

[align=center][div style=" font-family: arial black; font-size: 24px; color:#727f54"]
[glow=black,200,600]notable events[/glow]
[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 100%; min-height: 8px; font-family: arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 25px"]— joined the typhoon -- July 24, 2020 [link]

Re: flaws / devland - devland - 08-15-2020

[glow=black,200,600]relationships / opinions[/glow]

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; 10px; line-height: 17px;"]
[glow=#111,2,300] [/glow]

"the sea incarnate! with moods to match, she changes with the tides, folks! hm. i like georgia a lot - she's super fun. she's not a pushover by any means, and she rolls with the punches like none other. i think she thinks she's all big and bad - and it's probably pretty true too -, but i think she's actually a big softie. granted, for all her sweet smiles, she can still be pretty dangerous.

blue-lipped sea kraits are a lot like that, actually. they're pretty docile creatures unless they're provoked, and when you mess with them, you've got to deal with the venom after. that's georgia. interestingly enough, blue-lipped sea kraits, unlike other sea snakes, spend a lot of time on land. georgia's always seemed, to me, to belong to the sea. sometimes, it's like she's stuck here on dry land.

the word that comes to mind is lost. i really think georgia fits in nicely here, but it's like she still wants more. sea kraits can only stay underwater for so long before they have to come up for air. i think georgia keeps trying to spend too much time underwater, and i think she's suffering for it. but i don't fault her for that.

besides, with enough practice, i think she can train her lungs to withstand it. she's strong like that.

"did you know that caterpillars remember everything they've ever learned? even after they've turned into butterflies, they can recollect all the harmful and helpful things they've ever encountered. roan sometimes seems like he's on edge, like he's always trying to remember what helps and what harms, like he doesn't trust himself enough. it's dumb considering how smart and talented he is.

the illidge's ant-blue butterfly is very rare. they're an endangered species, you know? roan reminds me of that bit. i think he's endangered considering he's our only healer, and he's the last of his kind in a unique way - not in a way that needs extreme conservation efforts. but maybe he'd appreciate help, especially considering how much i impede his work efforts. oops.

i like to mess with roan; he gets flustered easily. and i like the way he lets me talk without being annoyed by my tangents. i like the way he listens too. he's fun to be around, and it's easy to hang out with him. i always feel like i have to meet high expectations for others, but i don't really feel that with roan... feelings in general are weird. and complicated. and gross.

sometimes though, i look at roan and get this funny notion that maybe it's okay to try to feel everything instead of closing myself off.

"michael was the first to offer to help me in a long time. i think i'd forgotten what it felt like. and without being overly sentimental and weird about it, i appreciate it. even if he didn't do much more than walk me over to get healed, it still means something, you know?

most species of snakes don't care for their young. king cobras, which are considered to be the one of the most intelligent species of snakes, are the exception. they are the only snakes to build nests too, and they protect and defend their eggs. now, you wouldn't normally expect that out of snakes, right? that's how michael seems to me: tough, rough around the edges, but he means well and cares for others.

i think michael is what my dad should have been, and i really admire the guy. he's a solid presence, and it seems like he really helps hold everything together. he seems like he's got everything figured out too, and i can admit i'm a little jealous.

more than anything, for whatever reason, i'm scared i'm going to disappoint him."

"it's difficult for me to fully trust anyone, but i trust paola wholly. i'm not sure how or why - maybe because she's just paola and it's easy. a lot of times, i look at my life and feel like i've been robbed of things, but paola helps me find a lot of the stuff i've been missing. i don't really understand the criteria needed for best friends, but i think she's qualified for the job.

a hercules beetle can lift over eight-hundred times its own body weight. isn't that wild? i think paola has that kind of strength... not literally. well, maybe. who's to say? anyway, i meant i think she's capable of great feats of inner strength, and i don't think she gives herself enough credit for that. i hate the idea of talking about my feelings, but i think if i ever wanted to, i could go to her. and because she's like a hercules beetle, she would use all of her strength to lift me up without asking for anything in return.

the idea of soul mates, red strings of fate, and everything else has never really made sense to me. i'm still not sure if i believe in any of that, but if i did, i think paola might be my twin flame. we're practically a package deal, and we have this tendency to follow each other around. normally, i would hate it, but it's paola. i really enjoy her company, and i like that i can be myself around her.

she has a good heart. one of us has to - that's the rule with pairs -, and she's the best of both of us.