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gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - Printable Version

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gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - PAOLA - 07-22-2020

Tender. It's the only way Paola can describe the way the sea breeze touches her face and sifts through her fur, cooling the skin underneath. Of the seemingly endless lands that she had walked during her time on earth, those that hug the rippling blue oceans are by far her favorites—the wind, the sand, the sound of waves gurgling across the vast expanse of its shoreline in a spray of seafoam and salt. As she stands where the gurgling water meets her toes in rhythmic intervals, she couldn't help but wonder how many lifetimes she must have spent staring at the infinity beyond the beach, at the fine line that separates the water from the sky. She would love to know the exact number, if only she could recall beyond the beginning of the current decade.

The black cat stretches forward, dipping further into the water before stepping back and shaking herself, casting droplets all around her. It may have made her long pelt bunch up in disarray, but the satisfied smile that dances on her face is enough indication that she doesn't mind. In fact, it seems like she enjoys it, and she strays closer and closer to the territory's border, looking completely at ease.

She follows the tracks—why, she couldn't quite fathom—until she comes across a stylistic gate that looks like a portion had been cut cleanly from it. To add onto such oddity, she finds a bell, likely made from iron but she isn't too sure, old but seemingly still functional, calling for her to use it. For a split second, her eyes are filled with flashes of others who have come before, striking at the bell once, summoning others from past the gates, but it's gone when she blinks again, leaving only the lingering taste of salt in her mouth.

Populated. The island must be populated, she decides, and she can't quite contain her excitement at the prospect of finally being able to be in the presence of others. She has spent such a long time walking alone that the anticipation sends electricity racing through her veins, humming through her bones, and crackling on her fur before disappearing into the afternoon, as if they had never been there.

She doesn't even realize that it had happened. The only thing she can think about is company and the sea and everything else fades away into the recesses of her mind, where they will likely stay until the decade ends.

With a deep breath, Paola steps forward and rings the bell.

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - AMUNET - 07-22-2020

Something soft was only to be shredded; was easy to rend and cut through the venadi’s claws, maws: teeth gripping and hands clutching, pullingtuggingtearing until it screamed and bled. Until the venadi was satisfied and the creature under it’s grasp were still: when ament’s mind was silent and the rage was so much easier to to consume him: bleed into his eyes-muscles-sense-vision until the brown of his fur was awash in blood, beautiful crimson gore. The ancient beast demanded blood; demanded sacrifice, and the creatures of this land refused him: the creatures of another taught him though- taught him how to state his need with his own capable claws, teeth. Even mindless- or maybe because of this senselessness: ament was the perfect predator. An apex killer.

But it was also this mindlessness that caused such rage, the yearn for understanding led to such a short temper. Thoughts were like liquid sand slipping in his less-dexterous claws. Claws only meant to tear could not grip anything but squirming prey. Mind honed for hunting:killing could only, should only be used for hunting. Ament’s savagery were shallow, and under such an unkeen mind was a child; crying aloud- whywhywhyWHY.

The killer rose his black-slickened face high at the sound of the bell. His prey forgotten for a moment as he paused, cocking his head. He wasn’t too far off from where it sounded, and while loud- annoying, such a call from a creature would prove to be fascinating, and such a sound- new to the savage. Only made that curiosity all the more a novel concept. He grabbed his prey. A badger squirming in the dirt; thinking itself smart for hiding in the ground moment’s before It realized ament could dig. it’s tough exterior and thick layer of fat made it a gamey meal, and ament- the beast killed it simply for killing it.

There was little for such a creature: hunter to do, beyond hunting and killing now a days.

It had been a year since ament had hatched, his limbs have grown strong and his form taller. Plumage brilliant and streaked with red. The whites along his muzzle now dripping in red as he gripped his prey along his jaws: spotting the cat along the gate, the bell. Something in him clicked.

Where his sister’s saw nothing interesting in the clan, the typhoon, ament saw another project: a want to understand. And it was here ament dropped the badger. It lay bleeding at his feet and he let out a low chirp towards the stranger, offering them, extending the invitation of the kill.


Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - GEORGIA. - 07-23-2020

Georgia, when she had joined, had come by the island in a rather unconventional method - she'd always felt safe at sea, so she'd picked a ship to slip on to. After that, it was just hitch a ride to the shore and...nothing like a little water ability to scoot her to the shoreline.

Given her odd arrival location and method, she had virtually no idea of the gate and the bell. However, she'd taken to traveling along the sandy beaches at night when it was cooler. You'd think that she'd have come across the railroad tracks.

The sound of the clanging metal had Georgia's head pop up, startling her out of her nap. She wasn't far from the tolling, so she roused herself with a grumbling complaint and headed up the beach. The closer she got, the more she noticed a rather large figure - a large, feathered figure.

"God, not again." The apprentice complained under her breath, physically pausing to heave in a breath and let it out again. Ament was there, standing by the gate with another unfamiliar companion. "What, can he teleport?" She mumbled. This was only the second time it had happened, but lord, that creature was far too large and far too nonverbal for her entire comfort. While this was definitely one way to get used to him, Georgia was not a fan.

Begrudgingly sidling up to the pair, Gia nodded at the dark feline. She opened her mouth, ready to ask them their name and what they wanted, when a particularly odd scent wafted towards her nose. Head jerking sharply to the left, Georgia noticed the badger at Ament's feet. The leaned back to sit on her haunches, turned her gaze upward, and sighed - again. What a wonderful greeting.

After a beat or two, Georgia focused on the stranger again, clearly forcing a smile and an exasperated expression. "Name?"

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

”no he can’t - but a few here no doubt actually do have that ability if you were curious” another voice joined Georgia’s, the tone mild and peaceable as a larger feline shadow paced up alongside her to join the two of them - Lucifer inclined a horned head, for once not the imposing dragon but no less an imposing figure at 8ft rather than ten.

he doesn’t stop walking until he’s a scant few meters from his feathered son, angling for the bulk of his silhouette to lay claim to one of his many feathered shadows, a small smile reserved for the feral raptor - before the dual tone gaze flickers up ”and your wants with us if you please stranger?” adding onto Georgia’s statement of name.

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - roan ; - 07-23-2020

Curiosity was often what drove Roan to the gates of the Typhoon these days, especially if his mama or siblings were not present. He still enjoyed welcoming people into the group, on some level, but he often found himself preoccupied with studying, gathering herbs, sorting them, or his various little hobbies. Some would consider it a boring cycle, but Roan actually considered it a comfort, especially considering the chaos his life had been in not too long ago. Despite this, it never hurt to shake the formula up a bit, especially when the walls of his treehouse or the temple began to draw too close, and too suffocating. It happened on occasion, and was often the sign that the siamese had been spending far too much time on his own. The sage wasn't truly sure whether or not he wanted the dependance on other crewmates' presences that he seemed to have, but at least it prevented him from being too much of a hermit. He didn't want to force his mama to come and drag him out for social interaction, after all.

It had been one of those days, where the walls drew in too close and the air felt too thick and dusty, and Roan had absolutely exploded with relief the moment he heard the loud clang of the bell in the distance. Dropping what he had been working on, the draconic feline shoved away the last of the herbs he had sorted before he headed out, being sure to keep his satchel with him. It had been a while since any joiners had showed up at their borders seriously injured, but Roan preferred to be over prepared, rather than under. It wasn't long before the lanky sage came padding up beside Georgia, his eyes landing on Ament, rather than her. The raptor's presence still unnerved him on some level, and the fact that the other dropped a badger at the newcomer's feet did nothing to put him at ease. He took a deep breath inward, clenching his teeth and letting it out before he turned his gaze towards Paola. Tail twitching behind him as he glanced her over, he found himself muttering in a slightly hoarse, unused tone, "And apologies, for Ament. A bleeding badger is not the customary greeting of the Typhoon." It really did seem like his mother's snark was beginning to rub off on him as the time went on. He wasn't sure if that was a positive, or a negative.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - PAOLA - 07-24-2020

Paola doesn't know how to react at first. Sure, she'd been expecting company, but certainly not of Ament's size, demeanor, or stature. She's so taken aback, in fact, that for five entire seconds, she's speechless, her jaws parting in a sharp, surprised breath—a monumental achievement, to be sure. However, the sound of the badger being dropped to the floor shakes her out of her stone-like state, and she quickly gives herself a quick shake before easing into a wide smile.

"Holy shit, you're magnificent," she comments with an exhilarated breath, wondering whether the creature could understand her or not. The badger being offered towards her wordlessly, however, seems to be indication enough, and Paola calmly inches towards the slab of meat before stopping, thinking, and then proceeding to cut the carcass in half. It's a shoddy job at best, but an attempt is at the least made, and she pushes the larger half back towards the great beast with a grateful dip of her head.

It's when she manages to tear her gaze from the creature that she notices another has popped up not too far from him—someone closer to her species and pretty to boot. "Imagine how cool that would be, though. Nobody would see him coming. You could rule the world by the end of next week... if he doesn't eat you first, but hey, you look capable of handling your own in a fight, you could probably pull it off." It isn't clear whether Georgia's genuine exasperation towards the dinosaur is obvious to Paola or not, but the loner flashes her a bright, good-natured smile anyway, an entertained chuckle echoing at the back of her throat. "I'm Paola. I was wondering if I could stay for—"

She stops again, this time at the arrival of a beast perhaps even bigger than the first. She doesn't think she's seen anything quite like it, but fear has always been a relatively unknown concept to the stranger—wonder blooms in its place, instead, marveling at the creature before landing on a fourth creature, a horned and winged cat offering an apology for the first creature's behavior.

"It's alright, no harm done—he was just wanting to share his kill and I respect that," Paola answers with a wave of her tail, a gesture that she hopes would clear any confusion from the group. "I was hoping I could stay for a while? Your territory seems very lovely, your members too, and I... well, I guess I can offer service in return for safe harbor? I can—" She stops there, looking confused, wondering what she could possibly offer to them that none of their own members haven't. "—I... I can do stuff? Yeah. I can do... stuff."

Whatever charm she'd amassed over the past decade seems to leave her in an instant, and she offers them an embarrassed smile. If she squints, she thinks she might just see them fading inch by inch into the wind. ¡Mierda! And she thought making new friends and meeting new people would be easy.

ooc. oh wow this is Rusty as Hell


Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - Luciferr - 07-26-2020

The feline-sequel creature smiles wryly at Roan and the stranger - Paola - and merely inclined his horned head ”I’d apologise for my son, but he only means well” feral as he might be, Ament has always been the one to further his own understanding - his curious son and luciferus feels a swell of pride in that before he focuses back on the matter at hand.

He waves away her concerns ”it’s alright miss, you’re more than welcome to join us - though I’d apologise if there’s still a few stray bits of debris around, the meteor was rather eventful for us all” he grimaces lightly - it hadn’t been fun to come home to find the island in quite a state.

Nor little Jaime so far from home due to the crashing tidal waves - at least most of it has been fixed.

”Luciferus Grimm, miss, a pleasure” he bows his head with the formality.

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - AMUNET - 07-26-2020

it was with a pleased hum that the creature- stranger. hushed out in a tone that ament could only amount to as reverence. the utharaptor-beast let out a sound, rumbling- vibrating out of his as the stranger parted the prey; it's warm and fresh and ament took the gratification of pulling a chunk for himself as the rest of his mother's hoard came closer towards them, the first; small little thing of sea and fear-anxiety-annoyance. it only fueled such a creature; thing and were it not for the cut up prey still hung in his jaws he would provoke it. ever the predator; strong ruled and weaknessfear was something only to be encouraged.

for the moment ament simply flashes his bloody fangs at her, standing taller after ripping off another chunk. such meager delight so juvenile, and even now, for longer than a year this beast had roamed, had searched for had hunted a great many, it wouldn't remiss.

the next kept the impulse at bay, mother's rumble kept him from doing anything truly rash within the moments, a flash of mischievous in his brilliant sea-shade eyes.

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - roan ; - 07-26-2020

On some level, Paola's amazement is... understandable, to say the least. However, in his relatively brief life, Roan had seen more than a few damned and unusual things, so Ament's presence, it was really just another tally on the list. Besides, it was hard to be impressed with such a beast when he had seen Ament at his worst, laying in blood and guts while his wounds festered in a way that made Roan wince. The sage had been the one to treat the prehistoric creature, and it was hard not to think about how, if he had so chosen, he could've left Ament for dead. He'd never do such a thing, obviously – hoped he would never have the capacity for such an awful action – but it certainly lingered at the back of his mind as Paola called the male magnificent. At least he's not alone in his somewhat disinterested attitude, considering Georgia's mood towards the reptile's antics. He could only assume that this newcomer would end up the same way, eventually. Either that, or given her enthusiasm, she'd throw herself wholeheartedly into the raptor lifestyle alongside him. Roan had to bite the inside of his cheek at the thought, resisting the urge to snort as he pictured Paola imitating Ament's odd shrieks and chirrups.

As the draconic feline saw fit to sit and let his tail rest gently atop his paws, his ears perked up in time to hear Paola introduce herself, her name oddly pleasing. Names like Goldenluxury's were becoming few and far between these days, but Paola was nice and short enough that it reminded him of his own. It was a small connection that made him give the briefest of smiles, but it was more than a lot of joiners got from him as of late. It didn't surprise him that she wanted to join, considering that was the case with most that appeared at their border, smelling of nothing but themselves. If she had smelled of Tanglewood, or Elysium, or any other group, he might've thought her perhaps a trader, or an ally come with news. Instead he just found himself nodding when she announced her intent to join, a soft hum of approval leaving his throat. Her introduction was... awkward, to be sure, but she seemed to have a good heart. And he was also fairly sure that she'd have some way to keep her promise of being able to do... stuff. He silently thanked the stars that he had never had to join The Typhoon and had instead been born into it, mainly because he wasn't sure he ever would've been able to get over the hump of pitching himself, to others.

Thoroughly satisfied with the fact that Lucifer had welcomed her in, Roan dipped his head down in greeting, a soft sigh leaving him. His voice was still hoarse as he spoke again, but he tried his damnedest to inject at least a little more enthusiasm into it, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Paola. Like Lucifer said, you're fully welcome to stay and help out in any way you'd like. We have plenty of divisions available for... stuff." He cracked a small, if tired, smile, trying to reassure her that her introduction had been fine, before he continued, "My name is Roan, and I'm the sage around here. So, if you have any medical issues that need attending, feel free to come see me at the temple." He flicked his lengthy tail off in the direction of the temple, even if that wasn't wholly accurate. He didn't actually live within the temple yet, but he was there more often than not, and his treehouse home was, at the very least, fairly close nearby.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: gather dirt and weeds for her | joining - PAOLA - 07-27-2020

Paola’s ears flicker back and forth in a curious gesture, flashing the larger creature a smile that she hopes will allay his concern. ”No apologies necessary, please. He’s done nothing wrong to me,” she offers, gaze straying back towards Ament and watching as he tears into his slab of flesh. He needs feeding, same as any animal, same as her—it seems he could not enunciate the common tongue, but she knows there are other ways to communicate and so the fact doesn’t bother her in the slightest.

”It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” she chirps eagerly, storing the information about a meteor somewhere in the back of her mind; there are other things to address, but she’d want to bring it up later and maybe have herself a look of the crash site. ”There’s a temple here? I’d be interested in seeing it, although I hope you don’t mind that I don’t—”

She stops there, snapping her jaws shut and nearly biting the tip of her tongue off at the velocity of it. Should she tell these creatures about it? The last time she had told anyone, it hadn’t gone over too well, and Paola’s sure there are still some strangers on the lookout for her, eager to take what she can’t give them. It’s part of the reason she’d set off looking for company—safety in numbers, wasn’t that what they said? There’s safety in numbers, but it won’t help her if they grow a particular interest in it as well.

She decides, instead, not to bring it up.

”—I don’t have any injuries,” she finishes with a flick of her long tail, scrambling for an excuse to justify her sudden pause. ¡Lo siento! I had to remember if I did find myself in any spats before coming here. It’s been a long week.” Keep digging yourself a deeper hole, Paola. ”But you mentioned a meteor! Did it crash here? Is it possible to dig around and see if it left any bits behind? I mean, I could help with the cleaning too, I’m good at that.”

She gives them an innocent grin, hoping it’s enough to steer the conversation away from the near-mishap.