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Help me find faceclaims? - Printable Version

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Help me find faceclaims? - Imortapose - 05-10-2018

Now that I've got my character's account up and running with joining threads in the work, I have more time to focus on my main account. I just spruced up the aesthetic and I want to clear out my drafts now. One of the posts in my drafts is from my faceclaim masterlist. I've been using faceclaim blogs on Tumblr to find faceclaims, but I'd really appreciate some help from others. Even if it's just finding the name of a person who's alright with their face being used as avatars, any help is greatly appreciated.

I still have to post the rest of the categories on the thread so I'd appreciate it if y'all refrained from posting on there until then. I like to have a minimum of three faceclaims for each post, but it shouldn't take that long - a couple of days at max, if I dedicate my time on BoB to finishing that thread (which, I probably will). Until then I'd like for names/information to be posted on this thread. Once the thread's finished, it'll be open for posting + suggestions on there.

tl;dr: I need to fill out my faceclaim masterlist ( ) and would like some names 9and info + images/gifs, though not required) of people who are comfortable with their faces being used as avatars. Please only post on this thread until the masterlist has been finished and I say on there that posting is fine!

Re: Help me find faceclaims? - Una. - 05-10-2018

-Caitlin Stasey / Lady Kenna (Reign)
-Margot Robbie / Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
-Natalia Dyer / Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)

Re: Help me find faceclaims? - Imortapose - 06-08-2018

Oof, this is a heckin' late reply but thank you!! Those are some famous names, so finding good gifs & pictures should be easy. Wink

Re: Help me find faceclaims? - Orion - 06-09-2018

this is a really neat idea, oml.

Re: Help me find faceclaims? - Imortapose - 07-16-2018

Giving this a gentle bump up because I'm back and gonna start working on these again.

Re: Help me find faceclaims? - toboggan - 07-17-2018

i too was having trouble having faceclaims, but i discovered that i could get faceclaims from funky places other than movies and tv; ie. sports players, game characters.

if you want specifics, i can give you

francisco lachowski - brazilian model
donald glover (in his community days) - actor
and, the legendary shia lebeouf

Re: Help me find faceclaims? - Orion - 07-18-2018
throws this here bc [member=227]tikki[/member] just shared it!