Beasts of Beyond
woah hey - Printable Version

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woah hey - infectedmouth - 07-21-2020

howdy! the name's timothy, but tim is okay too. i thought i'd poke my nose in for a bit to look around and decided that this place looks cool to stay!

Re: woah hey - Verdigris - 07-21-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]woah hey, indeed!
  nice to meet you, I'm Verdigris but everyone calls me Verdi ^^
  if you have any questions about how the site works, recommendations, etc., feel free to let me know

Re: woah hey - pallid-i - 07-21-2020

hullo! i already said hi to u in the bob discord server but i wanted to say hi again uvu

Re: woah hey - infectedmouth - 07-21-2020

thank you, verdi!

well hello again!

Re: woah hey - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

hello!!!! welcome to BoB, I'm threecaballeros but everyone mostly calls me Andy uwu
I hope you end up liking it here in BoB and if you ever wanna plot with whichever character you make hmu

Re: woah hey - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-22-2020

howdy hey!! I'm Maple, a Moderator here. It's really nice to meet you Timothy, and if you have any questions my inbox is always open! <3

Re: woah hey - infectedmouth - 07-23-2020

thank you both!!! i've been here a day and already declared this place My Home

Re: woah hey - Orion - 07-23-2020

howdy! welcome to the site timothy <3
if you need any help, i'm here to help out. just send me a dm or contact me through discord (i saw you join the main server so!).

Re: woah hey - infectedmouth - 07-23-2020

thank you all so much!!! i'll be sure to keep all this in mind when i need to get a hold of someone. <3

Re: woah hey - Orion - 07-23-2020

glad to hear that! just let me know whenever