Beasts of Beyond
TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - Printable Version

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It is time.

The world has waited long enough for his arrival. The meteor was a message - a warning. He has awakened.

Helix swam up, far away from the depths of the ocean that he had been hatched. He has always known since the beginning that he was destined for greatness, ever since he was a small Omanyte - but his true form had to manifest.

Once evolution came, Helix prepared himself for the Land. He was no longer a small Omanyte, but a Omastar - and the Land above will bow down to him.

”Behold!” The ‘Omastar’ - an ammonite with spikes on his shell - proclaimed as he shuffled his way onto the beach of The Typhoon. He knew there were creatures that lived here; how could he not, given how much noise they made?

”I am Lord Helix, your Savior!” Helix went on, holding two of his tentacles high in the air. ”I have come to free you from the effect of the meteor.”

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - AMUNET - 07-22-2020

ancient thing calling him home; demanding the needneed of bonds, of pack, to surround himself in lethal likening: ament was born for the great kingdom that was the earth; was born to rule it alongside his sisters. It was the law, the ancient rule of beasts that the strongest; the most lethal would control it. And the venadi were mighty. Their kind once plagued the lands, bleeding it of life for pleasure and ament basked in it now, let his instincts sing in ecstasy as ament’s feathers stained red with the glory of a kill, with the body hung along his home; both a warning and a message: hishisHIS. this land was his, this clan was his, his clan, his land, his sisters. Even as an omega, as the lowest of his pack, such honor was all of their rights, to claim this land, to claim this land: together. Ament was no longer the single raptor but of three: of the venadi again.

But this land, this land was his.

Such a small thing smelled of a time lost. Of sea salt and bones and ament felt something snap to attention as the creature scream to nothing, in a nonsense language about saving. Saving from what? Would be his question. from this world? Would you kill them, little ancient? would be his bemused reply. kill all who follow you, is that such a salvation? Death? A mercy?

Ah, such were if he could understand and get understanding in return.

But it were for naught, high shrills of such an ancient thing meant little, like the squeal of a pig as it were caught. It was noisy, loud, and annoying little thing. Such should be squashed, crunched under the raptor’s might with a step too close, with a claw simply slicing too close towards it vital beady eyes-

But oh, even ament couldn’t end something so vital, so… tasting of home. the ancient instinctual part of ament, the only truereal part of him, purred in content. So ament did none of these things, no matter how shrilly the creature screamed.

It was decided then, ament would take it; claim it as his, his own.

With an as simple as you please. The creature walked out of the undergrowth towards the beach, towards it’s lord without hesitance. stalking towards it as a predator would it’s prey. But there were no rush, no hurry on the omega’s form; simply a want, a shallow kind of curiosity and a simple way of taking it.

He flanked it, in quick strides. Moving away from it’s mouth and grasping limbs before he cocked his head, lowered himself down and aimed to grasp it with his teeth. just the outer shell; ament would allow it it's useless screaming, at least for the moment.

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

when the shrill call had rang out, Lucifer had barely flickered an ear in its direction.

The form of the dragon now condensed into his hellion body barely reacted aside from opening his eyes to glance in the boast’s general direction with minor annoyance and mostly confusion - he’d had enough of wanna be gods and lords of old

Technically he was one or something greater than - but he never spoke of it,

Mostly because he didn’t like acknowledging the fact that he’d be here long after everyone else was dead - that and he didn’t want to be looked at and seen as a useful weapon again though he knew none of the typhoon would do such,

It still hurt to think about.

The feline form of the grimm sighed - a full body thing that only those who knew the daily challenge of being a parent could do.

He was rather amused to watch Ament creep towards the stranger, a smile flickering on his maw - ah kids.

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - michael t. - 07-23-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Christ, was someone high? Michael supposed that the sound of yelling shouldn't have bothered him so much, considering where he lived. The Typhoon was often bustling, and while most didn't make a habit of screaming their heads off at the border, there had been more than a few nights where the drunks had gone stumbling by, doing exactly that. Initially, Michael had thought that's what it was – just some drunk or high idiot, trying to grab attention and drive them all crazy. He was perfectly content where he was curled up near his hut, so he saw little reason to get up and head over, unless the weirdo literally decided to come over and start yelling in his face. In fact, the bobcat had actually been preparing for a nice nap, allowing his body to sink down against the sand, drinking in as much warmth as he could. The last couple of days had been somewhat rough, with a lot of people to see and deal with, along with an odd, aching pain in his jaws. He was keen on just letting himself sleep it off, and then maybe later head to the tavern, where he could get drunk off his ass in order to numb the tooth pain. Did that make him a bit of a hypocrite? Most definitely, but the thief couldn't really think of a time where he hadn't been one, so he might as well keep his record up.

Unfortunately for the rather groggy fugitive, his near sleep was soon interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps nearby, heading past him and towards the source of the noise. He had slowly opened up his mismatched blue gaze, and found himself cursing loudly when he saw that it was Ament that was going to greet whoever was responsible for the strange shouting. That was simply a recipe for disaster, as far as the reaver was concerned. While Ament hadn't technically hurt anyone since his arrival, that didn't mean that Michael was completely trusting of him. After all, it was a massive raptor that could rip any of them to shreds without some kind of proper warning. Who knew what the thing was capable of when someone shouted in his face? Sighing heavily, the bobcat pushed himself up to his paws, letting the faint jingle of his jewelry wake him up for the moment. He then took long strides over, using his short legs to the best of his ability to catch up with Ament. When he saw that the other was gripping the strange ammonite in his jaws, another string of curses left him, along with a shout, "Ament! No! Let go of that!" Huh... so it wasn't just a drunk. It was just some weird spikey creature that had decided to come yell at them all, and Michael honestly wasn't sure whether that was better or worse. Either way, the male came padding up beside Lucifer, shooting a small glare at the other for not stopping Ament in some way. Turning his attention back to Helix, he grumbled bluntly, "Call yourself a savior all you want, but you're on the Typhoon's territory. And if you don't stop shouting like that, I can't guarantee he won't go to town." He gestured a paw towards Ament, regardless of whether or not the raptor had actually let go at his command.— WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - Keona. - 07-23-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
The tiny Dealer found her ears pinning back in irritation.  Who in the seas...?  With a lash of her tail, the fae opted to follow the sound, content to give the culprit a stern talking to if they continued on the way they were. 

Maybe it was just someone from the tavern a little too out of it.  It happened often enough.  Keona did try to encourage crewmates who took the drinking too far to spend the night though.  The bunk beds were comfortable enough and she felt better knowing they weren't trying to walk around in the dark, still drunk, looking for their actual beds. 

This voice didn't sound familiar, nor like someone she had tried to ferry to a bed before.  Great.  The Dealer came to a halt besides Michael and Lucifer, listening with mild bemusement as she realized Ament was on the hunt.  "Listen, I don' care who you are.Savior.  That sort of ego earned a good raptor bite as far as she was concerned, pale hues glinting dangerously.  "You need to get off your high horse 'an quiet down, or we tell him to go to town.  You're trespassing 'an better offer a better reason than 'freein' us' -- Ya wanna join 'an help out, great, but ya better understand you're no one's lord."

Ego.  It left a bitter taste in her mouth.  Reminded her of someone she hated.  Despised.  Her tail lashed.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - GEORGIA. - 07-24-2020

Georgia could tolerate confidence. She could even admire egotism and its nicer qualities. She had some herself - had some qualities that people might not enjoy. Didn't matter much, though; opinions sort of fell apart in her struggle to understand the difference between mortality and immortality, divine and mortal. When she had her head on straight, futile arguments seemed really rather below her; however, when her emotions were skewed or biased, she had every right to act accordingly - petulantly, pettishly.

As it was with the screaming, Georgia wasn't far from the scene (she was never far from the beach anyway) and had felt a really very odd disturbance in the waters. She'd been on her way when the noise really picked up, but she couldn't be bothered to pick up her pace.

When the feline did break the treeline, she found quite the entertainment. As the sea creature babbled, Georgia chose a moment of break to interject with, "Yknow, I can't believe that thing talks, but Ament doesn't. Fascinating." Not fascinating. Funny. Very funny.

Michael and Keona - someone she was unfamiliar with - seemed defensive. That made Gia smile, too, because Lord; someone could hit it and it would be killed. Just pry him out of his shell; see who's proclaiming lordliness then. She considered. "Now, hang on - just let Ament eat him." She all but purred, her amusement bubbling close to the surface. "Would sure as hell save us a lot of trouble."

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - bubblegum - 07-24-2020

Re: TWITCH PLAYS BEASTS OF BEYOND // joiner? - LORD HELIX. - 07-25-2020

This was... a lot all at once. Helix was quite surprised at the turnout and it certainly didn't help the (quite literally) living fossil's ego. As a raptor neared him, Helix tensed up and narrowed his eyes at it, preparing a water attack in defense. Fortunately (or unfortunately, to him) a non-saber-toothed tiger approached and pulled him away from the creature that lived during His time. Why the hell was it here? Wasn't it supposed to be dead? Then again, Helix supposed, one could argue that he should be dead, as well.

"I am far more intelligent than that disgrace ever will be." Helix sounded offended at Georgia's comment, seemingly appearing to disregard everyone else's. If they wanted to not believe in Him, then so be it; they would know His wrath later on. His gaze went back to Goldenluxury, appearing to like her fascination with him.

"Of course I did." Helix replied to her question in a matter-of-factly tone. "Far under the abyss, where I lied in wait for my time to come."