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But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - Printable Version

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But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - Simon F.M. - 07-21-2020

i'd do anything for you
but would you do that for me, too?
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
3 & 1/2 YEARS
The sound of a body quickly splashing through water fills the area near the railroad gate as Diya, after so long, makes her return. Massive white paws push through the water, the polar bear's form finally reaching the land. As it trudged onto the beach, the deep footprints it left in the began to shrink, becoming smaller and more feline shaped. By the time she reached the beach, she was happily in her feline form, giving herself a shake and sending fur and water flying.

There was a joy about the feline, in the way she held herself. Where before she had been slouched, as if the world rested on her shoulders, she now stood tall, head held high. A grin covered her face, once dull eyes now bright, as if lit by a fire. The ever-lengthening fangs those of the typhoon would have always known were long gone, replaced with teeth that were just a tad sharper than need be.

The feline sat with a thump, unsure if she would need to be reaccepted, though technically she never had. She'd been a visitor before, unsure of her place in the world. But now? Now she knew that she wanted to make the Typhoon her home. She felt like she had family here, in the people she had met, those who had welcomed her into their homes. She decided to stay put, treating it like a proper joining. For the symbolism, you know?

She patted her paw on the ground, deep in thought as she wondered what to do while she waited for someone to approach. With a glance at her paws, she realized they were tinged a faint pink and huffed, bringing them up to her maw to clean while she waited. She had the thought to also rub at her chin, which also sported a faint tinge of pink. By the time she was finished, it was all rubbed away and her fur had completely returned to its pristine white state.

She glanced around, wondering where everyone was, when she remembered the bell system. She walked over, struck it once with a look of disdain to the basket of snakes, and strode back to her former sitting place. She sat back down, lounging as she waited. She would build little hills of sand before striking them with a paw and rebuilding. She hoped that someone who was familiar would hear, maybe Goldie or Trygve. Maybe even Pop Rox or Little Lu. She longed to see those she had come to know, longed for the familiar banter and friendly air that filled the beaches.

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - ROXANNE R. - 07-21-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had been rather occupied to say the least but she normally found herself walking about the beaches and jungle whenever she had the spare time, a soft sigh leaving her maw. There had been quite a few joiners as of late and well, Roxie was trying to do her best in keeping track of all of them. A soft huff leaving her maw, the Officer stopped in her steps hearing the jingling of the bell announcing the arrival of someone and Rox parted her jaws to let out a yawn, she was certain that it was someone looking for a place to stay a few nights or possibly join. Her ears perked forward once she caught a glimpse of who was ahead of her for a moment believing that it was Aphra until she squinted realizing who it truly was; Diya. A smile found itself on her maw and well, she hadn't seen the stark feline for quite a long time... She had grown worried and seeing the other coming back looking better than before made the usual worrywart ease down a bit.

Her tail lashed to the sides rather excitedly, she would dash forward with that smile still present on her maw only to skid to a clumsy halt when she drew near the other, she could feel her heart racing although, she was certain that it was from running over to greet Diya rather than something else. Her tongue swiping across her lips only to part her jaws to speak "Well, well, well... Look what the cat dragged in," She said with a purr of amusement, Roxie was very much happy to see the stark feline once more and had missed her company... She had enjoyed having tea together and that conversation though that all stopped abruptly when Diya decided she didn't want to be her house guest anymore. The thought made her smile falter a bit and shift into a faint frown wondering if she had been a bad friend, a bad house host or whatever the term had been.

"I missed you... I was worried," She began having her maw open for a bit longer as if to say something else but would close it unable to hold eye contact in that moment feeling ashamed and guilty. Finally, she took a deep breath reconnecting and locking her gaze with Diya, she supposed that she would just have to do better... Be a better friend and all that, she had to learn to put her duties to the side and make room for those she loved dearly. "You're not hurt are ya? How do you feel?" There it came again that worrywart side of her and frankly, Roxanne couldn't help it... She wanted to make sure those dear to her were fine before anything else. She lifted a paw slightly but lowered it to the sand once more letting her toes sink in, she bit the inner bit of her right cheek. Do better, she thought to herself. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - Grimm - 07-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Within the tides of longing hope may be found, no matter how meagre it may seem. From shores dressed within fine grains of sun bleached sand had once they walked, of a sweet note the joy that had laid atop the gentle curl of poorly worn smile. Peace wove through the aching chambers of caged heart, settled there within a weight tangible and comforting. But a fragmented remnant, a sickening notion of homesickness burrowed within those channels now, crumpled beneath trembling paws the once pristine sheet.

Low set table proved a mess, chaotic the gathering of carefully chosen supplies. Poor the construction of memory, a day not long ago where once another had filled the space by their side, small felt the child next to her, wreathed in a halo of glitter. Solitary the acts of creation, crumpled mess of balled up discarded projects  littering table and floor alike. Tacky had grown the paint decorating the pale field of mussed coat, strands stuck together until ivory bore a multitude of hues, unmasked the sorrow worn on crestfallen visage even for this messy covering. Scene as had once been was laid out, golden the sands figures walked across, twins of ivory bearing lopsided smiles against poorly drawn faces.

Brief the notion of destruction, removing from all the offending figure, aside left in favour of what occupied the present, a part of their history best left to the dust and shadows. Yet minute the tears left as their paws lifted from their resting place, broken the bitter laughter trailing along their tongue. Of familiarity and comfort were they, gentle if bitterly sweet the tentatively held moments. Care marked the transfer of the drying painting, time whittled away within the process of cleaning their workplace, yet such may distract for only so long. All too soon there was nothing else they may trick themself into believing needed immediate tending, adrift within the turbulent waves of unruly thoughts.

Frown crowned pale lips as forth swung door upon silent hinges, scene familiar laid before them. Open the expanse of collected sand, where all had begun and end may be expected, hollowed their bones beneath the aching keen of want. Yet still the tongue of beast bearing draconic lineage, quiet the click of door as they departed home to which recently had they returned. Aimless the wandering that drew them along the empty shoreline, preoccupied those few perceived as little more than shifting masses of colour. Of them were they, lighter the laughter that arose when recalled the mess of their coat. Towards the welcoming hush of low tide did attention turn, set upon removing the offending cover that marred ivory strands.

The bell.

Known to all that had come to inhabit the tropical fragment of earth the bright toll that rang forth from, heralded the approach of another, respite sought among them. For a moment aside was it brushed, unnecessary their own inclusion among proceedings better suited to that of the elder few. Possibly it was a quiet sense of hope, fleeting dregs entangled among the hopeless beat of acceptance, that saw them pivot upon their heels. Slow the progress drawing Eulia forward, hesitance marking each step that settled against the earth, another present when at last did proximity allow recognition to arise.

Twin she who wore a coat of ivory, if weighed by salt water that fell from her coat in slowing rivets, about her visage worn a grin that brought to tentative life one of their own. Closer did they creep, allowing the conversation that had begun prior to their approach to continue, speaking only when a lull of brief silence allowed it. "Diya…"

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - Simon F.M. - 07-21-2020

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
Diya's eyes slowly closed, a hum leaving the feline as she listened to the sound of the waves gently slapping against the beach. She had missed this, the waves reminded her often of the beaches of her old home. The beaches her mother had loved, back when the Ascendants had been. At the sound of rapidly approaching pawsteps, her pale eyes slid open to peer at the approaching crewmate. As the brown feline came into focus, the icory feline would leap to her paws. A purr began to rumble deep in her chest, joy flooding her. Just at the sight of her friend, her eyes bagan to water. "Roxanne," she would say softly, barely a whisper as she chuckled at the officer's comment.

She would cross the small gap between them, leaning down to rub her head against Roxanne's shoulder. "I'm sorry I worried you, I had something to take care of." Remorse was true in her voice as she took a small step back, just enought to look the other in the eye. "I missed you too, though." "You were all I could think about, sometimes" An addon thought she would only think, not brave enough to say it out loud.

She blinked a few tipes, swiping a paw across her own eyes to wipe away any stray tears. "I'm fine, ami aimé, I promise. If anything I'm... better. I took care of some things and did a lot of self discovery," she would say with a chuckle. She couldn't help the large grin on her face as she looked at her friend. "You'll have to tell me what I missed over a pot of tea, hm?" she suggests, a questioning look on her face.

The sound of another set of footsteps caught the lady's attention and she lifted her head to look at the approaching feline. A jaguar, larger than her by now. Diya, while she was tall, was still only a domestic. It took her not even a moment to recognize the young jaguar, worry panging her heart at the slim weight of her- of Roxanne's child. "Oh Lu," she says softly, pulling away from her proximity to the officer and approaching the jaguar.

She tsked as she approached, shaking her head. "I don't think I gave you permission to grow so tall, petite princesse," she teased as she butted her head gently against the young beta. "I missed you so much, princesse des neiges, you've grown so much while I was gone!" She couldn't help but chuckle at the glitter and paint that coated the white coat of Lu. "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" she would ask the Beta, not caring if it coated her own fur in crafting supplies.

She wondered if some higher being had heard her thoughts and brought her the two she had wished for, the two she longed to see so dearly. "I'm sorry i was gone so long, I hope you can forgive me or dissapearing."

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - roan ; - 07-23-2020

Diya was someone that Roan had known of, more than she had ever truly known her. When Diya had first come to visit the Typhoon, and had ultimately ended up being their house guest, Roan had been exhilarated. After all, Diya represented the vast lands that laid outside of the boundaries of The Typhoon, lands that Roan had never laid eyes on before, or even known anything about. He was sure he had annoyed her in her brief time there before he had begun to mature, and realized that asking everyone every question that came into his mind was a rather annoying habit. Aside from this, however, Roan didn't truly know Diya. He knew her as far as she related to Roxie, since his immediate family was really all he could find himself able to care about, these days. He wished he had the energy to care about everyone through the Typhoon – and on some level he did, even if it was hard – but his job made it nearly impossible. If he grew close to everyone and worried about them all the time, he'd never be able to make himself treat them, when push came to shove. It was hard enough doing so for his family, after all.

The young sage had been leaving the tavern when the ringing of the bell reached him, causing him to raise his head and part his jaws. The satchel around his waist was faintly jingling, heavy with items that he had won in his latest game of poker. The every other day games within the tavern had become a small comfort to him, allowing him a chance to relax after a day of herb sorting, while still letting him think a bit. He liked to think that he was getting better at it, as evidenced by the trinkets currently weighing him down. He considered just heading back to his treehouse near the temple, but the bell truly wasn't that far away, and the smell of his mama and Eulia was what ultimately made the decision for him. After all, perhaps the person at the border would need medical assistance, and aside from Silas and Goldie – who really shouldn't have been majorly out and about – there was no one but him to provide. Hitching his satchel up a bit on his body, the siamese made his way from the tavern over to where the bell and the snakes were, his mind vaguely informing him that yes, the figure at the gates was familiar, even if he couldn't quite connect the pelt and the name.

Thankfully, Lu was around to make up for his slightly selective memory, her singular word coming out in a soft, hushed tone as he came padding over. Diya. He hadn't exactly been sure where the feline had gone, considering he had been so caught up in the chaos after the meteor strike. Back then, he had no time to worry about those that weren't around, and had been forced to focus on those that were still there, and very much needed his assistance. Despite this, it was a relief to see the pure white feline once again, considering her return was a lot more comforting than she either disappeared, or died. The thought of it was enough to make him shiver, his fur slightly puffed up and his jaw clenched. Shaking his head, he riddled himself of those unpleasant ponderances, muttering to Diya with a nod of his head, "Hello, Diya. It's Roan, if you can't remember me... I'm glad to see that you're doing well." Cocking his head to one side, Roan's eyes narrowed slightly in thought, his words spilling forth before he could truly think about the deeper meaning behind them, "Are you here to stay, or are you just visiting, like last time?" Perhaps it was slightly cruel, essentially implying that Diya had disappeared on them because she was flaky, but his concern laid with his mama, and whether she was going to be hurt yet again.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - Simon F.M. - 07-30-2020

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
Her attention diverted from the glitter-coated jaguar before her as Roan approached, her head swinging to face him. She wouldn't approach him as she had the others, they simply werent that close, but she would greet him with a warm smile. "Of course I remember you, Roan, how could i ever forget?" she would ask the eldest son of Roxanne. She would turn the rest of her body to face him as he spoke, taking in his appearance.

She took his words to heart, feeling them slice through her as if they were a knife. As harsh as the implications were, she deserved them. She dipped her head for a moment, before lifting her head to meet his eyes. "When I was here before, as nothing more than a visitor, I had a lot of things to figure out. But, after taking care of some things, I've figured myself out and have decided to make the Typhhon my home. Permenantly," she speaks clearly, never dropping his gaze as she attempts to reassure him of her intentions.

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - Luciferr - 08-02-2020

”then we’d be glad to have you” he offers, finally joining the growing group welcoming back Diya, content to see his home away from home growing once more and finding old faces returning to them.

Though he wasn’t sure sometimes who he knew and who he hadn’t, so many people passed through and it had been a long time - he’d even forgotten faces from very very long past now, back when home was a clan of bloodletting or a clan of snowy skies.

Re: But such a tide as moving seems asleep || return - ROXANNE R. - 08-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
When Diya brushed her head against Roxie's shoulder, she could feel butterflies fluttering within her chest and belly almost feeling a bit nauseous in that moment but she ignored it.  She was about to return the gesture but Diya had taken a step back only to say that she had missed her, which was new coming from someone that wasn't part of her family. It reminded her briefly of when Greed had said that he had missed her yet, she didn't know how truthful that had been seeing that the dark male was gone and left her without even a note. Had he really missed her? Or had he been using her once more? Roxanne decided not to linger on those thoughts knowing that Diya was genuine yet the fear of being left still clung to her heart, she had gained feelings for many yet none of them ever stuck around. She had been so certain that it would've worked out between herself and Greed when the two of them had agreed to have cubs together... But look, where that had left her. Alone to raise the cubs by herself just as she had done with her firstborn, Roan. She had been alone many times when it came to the aspect of romance though when it came to family, Roxanne knew that she would never be alone.

Her smile was a soft one whilst her eyes held several emotions within them, most blocking out the subtle pain that she felt. Her heart aching with a soft yearning but she didn't want it to interfere between her friendship with Diya, Roxie was afraid of losing someone else that was dear to her. Self discovery? Well, that seemed like something Roxanne would have to do at some point though the thought of leaving her family to do that didn't really sit well with her. The Officer would perk up slightly at the French unable to hold down that flutter within her chest and the warmth that spread from it, she held her breath before hearing the other talk about how they'd have to catch up over a pot of tea. Her smile widening as she would nod slowly in agreement, she parted her maw to speak "Absolutely." It took her a moment to realize that it wasn't just her and Diya, her small child coming over to greet the stark feline. Roxanne nudging Eulia gently with her head offering a gentle purr though it was cut off when her firstborn arrived to the scene later.

She was about ready to greet him but then heard the words he exchanged with Diya, she flinched slightly looking at him with widened pupils hearing the deeper meaning of his words and the way he was acting. She nudged him with a wing knowing full well that he was only looking out for her, it was sweet though Roxie knew that she could moreso look for herself... Or attempt to anyways, she bit the right side of her cheek only to look at Diya once more hearing her response to Roan's inquiry before nodding in agreement once Lucifer had approached them. Roxie would part her jaws after clearing her throat "Yes... We'd be glad to have you..." Silence followed her though that smile still present on her maw. Unspoken words. A quiet whisper in her mind. I'd be glad to have you. Yet fear seized her heart and lips. Not moving her lips. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]