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think you fooled me but i know — weekly prompt - Printable Version

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think you fooled me but i know — weekly prompt - guts - 05-10-2018

Being a teacher had been stressful. If having a class full of teenagers hadn't already been enough, they had all had their own special abilities, or quirks, as they were called. They were always a rowdy bunch, eager to chase their dreams, though some of them fell short. It was always sad to see his teachings go to waste, and for the kids to lose their ambitions and settle for less. But it was what came with being a teacher, especially one like him, one that was a pro-hero teaching others how to be heroes themselves.

It was fulfilling, watching them improve and develop their skills. Aizawa, although he was always a bit cold or distant towards his students, really did enjoy teaching them. Otherwise he wouldn't have taken the job in the first place. But it got stressful. Things had turned bad quickly. In the end, he was unable to protect his students, and they died alongside him. He just hoped he wouldn't have to face them any time soon--he wasn't sure if he could take the guilt of seeing their faces again, knowing their eyes would be full of disappointment. Why didn't you save us? You're supposed to be a hero, they'd say, although not necessarily out loud. He didn't know if he could handle it.

Now that he wasn't really a teacher any longer, and that he had no obligation to look after them, he felt like there had been a large weight off his shoulders. But he could still feel it. Really, he didn't deserve to be a teacher, not after letting the students he was supposed to protect die. He had tried to help them until his own end--but it hadn't been enough. It was unrealistic to expect so much, but he still did. He wished he could have done more. Not only could he not save his students, but he couldn't save himself.

He's thankful he is no longer their teacher, only because he no longer deserved such a title. He could hardly withstand seeing Izuku and Ochaco's faces, their expressions always seeming to have that underlying message. Why didn't you do more?

It hurt more than the lion could say. It was hard enough, having to shoulder that burden alone. None knew where they came from, and he couldn't just tell the two about how he felt about letting them die like that. All these thoughts had burdened his mind that night, and that morning, he awoke feeling even more tired than usual. His eyelids hung heavier. His fur was ruffled (more than usual, anyway). Overall, his demeanor was different.


Re: think you fooled me but i know — weekly prompt - jacob w.c. - 05-11-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had never really been in any sort of official caregiver or leader position until recently. It'd started when he was promoted to Frosthealer and then there was now, of course, where he was Chief. He had always wanted to be a doctor. Being promoted to Frosthealer was probably one of the most exciting moments of his life. All of his childhood dreams had been granted in that moment and he'd been so content. But then he was promoted to Chief. Honestly, Jacob wasn't sure what to think about that entire situation. He didn't really want the position. In fact, he'd much prefer to still just be Frosthealer. He was good at fixing physical ailments and trying to promote mental wellness but he wasn't really the 'leader' type. At least he didn't think he was. The thought of conflict of any sort made him tremble and made his heart beat faster. He'd put in so much work to personally get better but he never really thought he'd have to look after everyone else in more than just a medical aspect. He had to look out for not only individuals but the whole of the group now and that responsibility overwhelmed him. He tried to take things ones day at a time but it was hard to not feel guilty about every little thing that went wrong.

Then there was his time in the cities. Even if he hadn't had any sort of official position, he'd made it his job to look after Jersey and the rest of his family. In the end, he'd failed on all accounts of that. His Ma and Pa were dead, he couldn't see his Babbo, and he and Jersey had to flee to Snowbound. Well, Jacob had to flee to Snowbound. Jersey need to leave but he sort of seemed to drift wherever the wind took him. In reality, Jacob knew there was nothing he could've done to stop the deaths of his Ma and Pa. It wasn't because of anything he'd done or because he'd failed to do something he should've. It'd been a crime born of hatred for bloodlines and families long before Jacob was even born. If there was anyone to blame, it wouldn't been his Babbo, Vito. He would never say that out loud though. His father had done a lot to protect him and Jacob wouldn't blame him for anything he didn't have specific evidence of. He had a feeling that Vito's crimes went deeper than even Jacob knew but there was no real way to confirm that outside of rumors and speculation.

At night Jacob saw them all. His Ma, his Pa, Jersey... they were all disappointed in him. It'd been worse before he'd done his best to improve his mental health but he still saw their burning figures sometimes. He could still remember the heat of the fire and sometimes he swore he saw flickers of the substance out of the corner of his eye. He almost constantly smelled smoke from a fire that wasn't there or thought he caught a whiff of the earthy scents of his Pa mixed with cigarette smoke and the sting of alcohol. But he was never there and neither was the fire. Jacob was just thankful that his visions hadn't confronted him at all since his arrival in Snowbound. Maybe the change in scenery was helping, along with all the things that kept him busy. He still wasn't able to sleep and he'd had plenty of nightmares but none of the hallucinations, apart from the smoke and the occasional flicker of fire. Of course, there'd been the whole incident with Guru but he couldn't really count that. It'd made things harder for him but he'd get through it.

Jacob was pulled from thoughts of his own life when he noticed Aizawa. The man didn't quite appear to be himself, looking a bit more disheveled than usual. Jacob knew better than to bring up someone's poor appearance directly, that rarely really helped anyone, but he made his way over with a light smile. "Good mornin', Aizawa. Hey, I was wonderin, 'm gonna' be puttin' a li'l dinner party together soon. Would ya' wanna' come, maybe?" he asked. A distraction. Maybe that was what the man needed. Even if it wasn't, at least the gesture would help Jacob show that he cared for the older lion. The dinner itself wasn't as important as trying to build a decent friendship. Jacob knew that Aizawa had made it clear that they weren't really friends when Jacob had first offered to help the lion learn how to build traps but the husky was determined to change that notion. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: think you fooled me but i know — weekly prompt - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-12-2018

Teaching had never been Killua's forte for plenty of reasons. He had only been someone that had been taught instead of one doing the teaching. Killua doubted that he had any information that would be welcomed in most of those regards on the factor that no one here wanted to be an assassin. He didn't want anyone to go down the same road that he had, and was still potentially going down through. Killua had no reason want to teach anyone in Snowbound the methods of what it would take to fight like an assassin. Which was the only way that Killua could actually end up fighting in that regard because he had never been taught any differently. He had always been the apprentice, whether it was underneath his family or against those that he actually started to look toward. He was always the one that was learning something and that was fine with Killua. If he knew everything there was to know in the world then it would just make his world all the more boring to him. It would leave nothing else for him to explore, and that would make going around to explore and figure out what he was missing completely pointless. He wanted to be proven wrong in most regards so that he could learn and develop the way that the clans had done through for several centuries. One would think that after all this time that clans would have perfected their methods, although it seems like every method changes here and there despite that. What would happen when he got older though? Would he become someone that would be given an apprentice under him despite everything? He sure as hell hoped not because he wouldn't be all that great of a teacher if the creature that he was working with didn't have enough determination to continue in that regard. The assassin had ended up teaching Izuku how to climb a little bit it, but that was only because Killua had nothing else to do, and he wanted to keep his mind busy from the voices that were inside of his head. Maybe there was also the chance that Killua wanted to see Izuku fall so that he could make fun of him a little bit, but not in an incredibly rude way, just to tease him and nothing else. The assassin had no reason to be a huge bully like he had seen others doing. In the past, Killua would have no issues doing something like that, but since he had met London and several other familiar faces, it was something that Killua couldn't stand. Even if it meant that those that got bullied needed to get stronger, he didn't care. He had done it before when he saw a clanner being bullied in the first clan that he lived in, and he had beat the bully almost to a pulp. Probably more than necessary, but once a bully was given the full feeling of fear, it would mean that they wouldn't do it again and learn their place.

Everyone had to learn their place sooner or later, whether it be around those that were stronger or weaker, eventually, everything would come to that balance whether one liked it or not. If someone wanted to change on that roster, it would mean that they would have to make themselves stronger and get better in the long run. When it came to fighting, there was no need to mentor him anymore as he already had his fighting style and knew how to fight. Clanners that were mentored to fight were usually just given the basics and then relied on experience with battles to hone their skills. Killua had plenty of experience. However, when it came to dealing with his abilities, he could probably practice them more if given enough time in that regard. Such as his electricity elementals, something that he knew Izuku was capable of using, but he hadn't trained himself at all recently. He wouldn't even be able to use said power right now on the factor that he wasn't even charged up in that regard. With his injuries, he would probably be scolded to take it easy. Like he really cared about re-opening a wound here and there just to move around. He wasn't about to lay around in the cave that he had stained the floor with his own blood recently. He didn't want to be reminded of the horrible things that he had ended up doing in his night terror. Or whatever his family had made him see that practically terrified him to the core. Bandages were wrapped around his right arm and his throat. There were small bits of fur that were missing above his right eye and a small pink line that showed where a wound had been. It had been the shallowest compared to the rest of the wounds so it healed the quickest. The wound on his arm was probably the worst, as he had managed to tear and rip through a lot of important muscles. Almost all the way down to the bone. It was painful, yes, but it wasn't something that he hadn't dealt with before. He constantly forced himself to walk without a limp, which made it very hard to notice that he was actually injured except for the bandages that he wore on his body. He was making his way out of the camp after talking with Stark for a little bit when he caught to familiar scents. The Snowstrikers attention turning to look at Aizawa and Jacob. What were the two doing? Killua focused his attention back toward the black lion that he had ended up saving from drowning a while back. The wildcat didn't seem to be in the best of health right now. The assassin silently made his way over, making no noise on his approach, walking as if he was perfectly fine. "You look like crap. What's wrong with you?" Came a curious tone from the apprentice toward the lion. His tone itself wasn't rude, but the question may seem to be. Although nowadays most animals that lived in Snowbound were used to the way that he spoke. The serval remained standing while he spoke, his eyes looking over the others form as if dissecting the different issues as to what was going on with him. Had he missed something while he was healing?
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: think you fooled me but i know — weekly prompt - guts - 05-12-2018

There's a huff Aizawa notices the husky approaching, as wasn't really too keen to socialize at the moment. But of course, whenever was he really? He was never the extroverted type, and even more-so with all these thoughts plaguing his mind. Though, maybe a distraction would be best. As he listens to Jacob's offer, he's even tempted to accept, mostly because his cooking was always good--or at least, that's what he told himself. He'd rather believe that than to realize that he just wanted to redirect his thoughts.

The lion shrugs, his scarf rustling with the subtle movement, tired eyes studying him before he speaks. "Possibly. I'll think about it," he pauses, then adds in. "Thank you," he knows that Jacob wants to do what's best for his clan members, that much was apparent, and it only felt right to make his own gratitude known after the disaster of a meeting earlier. His face still twitches at the memory of the whole thing.

At Kilua's remark, he turns to face the serval, an almost eerie grin appearing on his face. He certainly knew how to speak his mind, that much was for sure. "Nothing that concerns you," that was his vague reply, and it didn't seem he'd be giving out any details any time soon. His mouth was clamped shut, and while bottling things up probably wasn't a good idea, he wasn't going to listen to reason.


Re: think you fooled me but i know — weekly prompt - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2018

At an early age, Killua was taught that emotions were not something that should be shown toward anyone. Emotions showed weakness and it meant that someone could take advantage of that weakness. This was one of the teachings that his family had put him through that the wildcat had a difficult time breaking. The assassin knew that he should eventually start trusting others, but there was always that doubt in the back of his mind. Whether that doubt was his own or someone else's he wasn't quite sure anymore. Killua knew that there was some way that his family was manipulating his emotions, whether it be because they were around the area or they were doing it from a distance didn't matter. The wildcat knew that eventually, he would start to run out of options. He needed to make sure that his family was kept away from a place like this because everyone here was looking for their own lives and what they wanted for their future. He couldn't let them destroy that. Killua didn't trust anyone to talk to about his feelings and the horrible thoughts that he had about his family. The albino serval would even refuse to tell his own friend because he was afraid of what he would end up saying and how weak he would end up looking. He was supposed to strong compared to everyone else in the clans, and he didn't want to show weakness either. Yet, because of this Killua is prone to exploding once there is too much pressure on his shoulders. Killua knows that if he doesn't regulate his emotions, someone could end up hurt or even dead. With a larger creature like Aizawa, it could have the same effect on others. He and Stark were currently the largest creatures that lived in Snowbound to Killua's knowledge. He didn't have to worry about Stark breaking apart because the idiot rarely ever got that angry at someone and there wasn't a lot that was happening right now to piss off the tiger. Killua didn't know Aizawa enough though. The albino serval knew that Izuku knew the lion, but the medic wasn't here to help deal with his friend. Killua was horrible when it came to social interactions, and in most cases, Killua would have walked away at the lion's refusal to talk about what he was going through. As it wouldn't be any of his business to pry into the other's head what he was going through because the other had agreed to keep quiet about him using a power to help him. The only thing that was keeping the lion from revealing his power was his word, and that wasn't something that Killua could really rely on wholeheartedly. Killua would offer a shrug of his shoulders as the lion refused. "Hey man it's up to you. But it technically is my business because most larger species when they hold stuff in and it gets too much they go on a rampage. Not to mention whatever you're worried about will probably eat you alive in the span of a couple days." It was cruel what he said, but it was logical. Most larger animals were prone to aggression and aggressive rampages. He was thinking logically as if Aizawa wanted to, he could become a threat if he decided to attack other's out of nowhere if something triggered him to go berserk. A neutral look spread across his facial features as he didn't approach the situation like Jacob did.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: