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one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - Printable Version

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one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - deimos - 07-20-2020

During the meeting, it had been stated that it was time to rebuild. Vixenvenom knew no better way then to promptly hunt- good food made for good energy, and good energy was turned into good training, practice, progression. She shook out her fur, stretching her paws out, and blinked gently in the early morning.. well. Not sun. This would be be the best time for beach mice, just as they start trekking home, for birds landing early in the morning for different insects before it got too hot to sit in one spot. Vixen cleared her throat and tapped the side of the apprentice hovel.

With that, she promptly waited within the camp. "I'm forming a hunting patrol. Anyone is welcome to join." She prompted, her voice quiet but tone strong and decided.

tags - penned by [member=79]auto[/member]
template by orion

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - Grimm - 07-20-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Elusive the sought reprieve of deep slumber, few the stolen moments where the darkness of tepid sleep stole over his mind, yet interruption arose in fragmented terrors. About his head swirled their faces, bore the visage of horror and death, intangible even as his paws sought purchase against sodden coat. Ragged had grown his voice, harsh the awakening heralded by the broken sound of a short lived scream.

Time well past had he refrained from attempting to slip once more into the false comfort, the chill breeze of such early hour dragging frost laced fingers through his thin fur. Against it did he huddle, a disgruntled mass fluffed up as best he may, heavy grown his eyelids. Even as they fell shut a last time the passage of another jarred him forth once more, groggy the groan spilling forth from clenched teeth. Silent his observation of Vixenvenom, a face familiar only for hers was a presence of strength and renown. Upon the rise of her voice, and the apparent desire to restock their rather depleted food stores, did Coconutpaw abandon his resting place.

"Aye aye, captain, I'm at your service." Lopsided the grin worn across dark countenance, the exhaustion that weighed upon his bones only slowing the bounce of his weight between paws a small bit.

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - RHINESTONE. - 07-20-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
Rhine had, as of late, been in a rather tired state. Taking over the entirety of the clan after the loss of so many was difficult, and while he was happy to help with all rebuilding efforts, he could also tell he was beginning to get worn down. Still, he had gotten a fairly nice night's sleep the previous evening, and he could feel his stomach distinctly rumbling from where he was laying in his den, so it seemed only natural that he would help out with the patrol. It took a long moment for the speckled smoke to gather up his energy to properly get up but eventually he shoved himself from his bed of dried seaweed and moss, heading out to where Vixenvenom was standing.

He winced a bit upon seeing Coconutpaw, not eager for the apprentice to go and critique his every move thanks to his new position as leader, but he wasn't about to let some kid stop him from patrolling. Padding over to a few paces in front of Vixen, Rhine sat down before he purred, giving a warm – if a bit sleepy – smile in response to her request, "I'll be happy to help out as well, Vixenvenom. The freshkill storages could go for some refreshing." It would be difficult, forcing himself not to eat any of what they caught until they got back to camp, but he could manage. He didn't always need breakfast, after all.

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]BLIND CONFIDENCE !。+゚.[/glow]
Perhaps if Hailkit wasn't so young, the kit would realize likely shouldn't be in such a playful mood. Sure, the hurricane had scared and confused him, but it only seemed to temporarily dampen his personality while it lasted. As the Clan started to rebuild itself, Hailkit seemed to be going back to his old self.

"I want to go!" Hailkit declared, puffing out his chest as he came bounding over.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - Luciferr - 07-26-2020

for someone so large, it was rather surprising how quiet he could keep his steps if need be - still Storm looked down at the gathered small ones (cats he’d learned was what they were called but he could never quite shake calling them small ones fondly).

He offered a nod ”I would join you but at most I’d only slow you down I think - ah, unless you heard them towards where I might hide?” that could work, he’d be able to kill anything herded towards him if he were lying in wait.

”otherwise I can go fishing for the stores?” at this he looked towards Rhinestone for permission - he could at least grab a big fish to feed them all no? that'd help!

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - deimos - 07-28-2020

People swarmed just as quickly as she prompted. Coconut seemed to be groggy from sleep- perhaps the apprentice's den needed some reinforcement. Her tail swayed for a moment, before she sighed gently and stretched her pawpads out. She would leave Sanguinepaw at camp- no need to wake her just yet. She was caring for Sunpaw afterall- and the thought of that wounded leg even left shivers in Vixen's soul. She couldn't imagine being crippled like that.

"I'm pleased to see you volunteer." She murmured towards Coco as he appeared. The apprentice could be spiteful- especially in these days. She wouldn't let it stop him, however, hopefully pushing him towards newer heights. He had plenty of potential, in Vixen's opinion. Everyone had something happen to them- Featherear lost her brother, Vixen lost her family. Sanguine, Sun's father. It was a bitter blow to the clan, but there was no time to dwell- only moving forward.

Her ears twitched, hearing the red flecked leader approach. Her head turned, blinking at him solidly. Ears swiveled, then pushed forward a bit as Vixen made a decision. "Are you sure you won't be leaving the camp undefended by coming?" She prompted, raising her eyebrows a tiny bit. Vixen didn't want to lose even more, Starclan forbid a predator came through and went for the nursery. She couldn't exactly tell him no of all things, but it was still something to be considered.

Hailkit was an unexpected voice. Well, Hailkit in particular. She had some gut feeling that kits would try to push themselves into it. Vixen sighed gently, standing and turning towards Hailkit, her tail twitching slowly behind her. "Hailkit. You know the code. You can't leave camp." She spoke, firmly. Her tone wasn't cold necessarily, but there was no argument to be had. Whatever maternal bit Vixen had shortly before the storm was gone now, in full.

However, as Stormspine approached, her fur slowly stood on end. Her eyes slowly raised towards him, and a brief frown crossed her face. "No offense, but I'm sure you'd crush any prey we'd be able to eat. Fishing might be your speed." She replied, raising one eyebrow. Was it in dry amusement, or wry thought? Who knew?

tags - penned by [member=79]auto[/member]
template by orion

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - RHINESTONE. - 07-28-2020

[glow=#b8dcf8,2,300]▶ NATURE'S CORRUPTED IN FACTORIES FAR AWAY ◀[/glow]
Ah, shit. Much as Rhinestonestar was loathe to admit it – not because of who it had come from, but rather because he had wanted to go along – Vixen was right that the clan needed protecting. While they had begun to bolster their ranks once again as of late, that didn't mean that they were back to one hundred percent, and Rhine couldn't stand the thought of anyone getting hurt because he was starting to get a bit restless. Digging his claws lightly into the ground beneath him, the male nodded his head and said, sighing, "You're... very right about that, Vixenvenom. I'm still getting used to the new division of members..." It was odd, having far more apprentices and kittens than they did full fledged warriors anymore, but that wasn't a total loss. After all, as the apprentices and kits grew, they too would rise in the ranks, making the group stronger as a whole. They just needed to... get to that point, without some other kind of disaster happening. Ears briefly flattening against his skull, Rhine muttered as he glanced around camp, tail flicking behind him to reflect the thoughts racing through his mind, "I'll stay here with Featherear, and make sure that the camp is protected. Hopefully you and Cocountpaw can bring in some good prey... and Stormspine with his fishing, of course." The leader sent a small smile in Storm's direction, trying to reassure the large dinosaur that he was still helping out, even if he wasn't ideal for quiet hunting.

It seemed as though Rhinestone was not the only one forced to remain in camp despite their enthusiasm. He found himself smiling faintly as he watched Hailkit come bounding over, glad to see that the child was so excited for what – to some – could seem like such a menial task. He wasn't sure if Hailkit would remain so excited about ordinary hunting patrols once he was an apprentice, but the rusty colored leader could only hope that he did. Moving over to where Hailkit was, Rhine let his long tail curl gently around the kit, ushering back towards the inner part of camp as he spoke, "Don't worry, Hailkit. Even if you're not quite old enough to go on a hunting patrol, you're still very big, and strong, and you're learning. You wanna help Featherear and I with guarding camp while they head out?" Logically, Rhinestonestar knew that Hailkit would be of little help with actually guarding the camp, and that he'd be ushered away with the rest of the children should an actual threat arise. However, he had found that children liked thinking that they were doing something important, and he was sure that fake camp guard duty could give Hailkit that sense of importance.

Re: one hell of a drug- hunting patrol - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-06-2020

[glow=white,1,400]BLIND CONFIDENCE !。+゚.[/glow]
The conversation that the adults were having was going right over Hailkit's head; to him, he had nothing to worry about... The adults would protect him and would help him, just like they did during the hurricane! Of course, this was more or less his young naivety than anything else. So Hailkit didn't really pay attention to their words until Rhinestonestar decided to address him directly, ushering him away from the growing patrol.

"Yeah, I can do that!!" Hailkit perked up at the idea of guarding camp, puffing his fur out in an attempt to seem much more bigger than he was. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]