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THE SUN IN YOUR EYES / pond digging - Printable Version

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THE SUN IN YOUR EYES / pond digging - bubblegum - 07-20-2020

Re: THE SUN IN YOUR EYES / pond digging - michael t. - 07-20-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — The direct opposite of Goldie, Michael wasn't sure he ever could've qualified himself as a workaholic. He had used work in the past to escape his feelings, like when he had constantly kept himself and Trevor moving from job to job in order to prevent him from lingering on his feelings for the canine. However, that had been less of a matter of him enjoying the work, or feeling that he needed to do the work. Instead, he had simply used it as an excuse. An escape. Nowadays, he liked to think that he was relying a little bit less on excuses and lies to make his life bearable, but that didn't mean that he was any more of a workaholic. He was proud of his position as a reaver within the Typhoon, but the majority of the time, he was focused on the more social aspects of it, rather than the more hands on ones. Which was really a shame, since he did have some good brains to put to use when he wanted to, he just needed to... stop wallowing. Focus less on the past. He liked to think he was getting better at that, too.

It was hardly unusual for the bobcat to find himself lost in thought, or in his own daydreams, so he really shouldn't have been surprised when his aimless wandering brought him over to near where Goldie's hut was. However, what he was surprised about was the fact that he nearly fell. Into a pit. That Goldie was digging. Going still at the edge of the hole, the reaver hesitated for a moment before taking several steps back, not overeager to go ass over tea kettle. Once he felt as though he was a safe distance away, he turned his mismatched gaze towards the injured captain, cocking his head to one side, "Uh, hey Goldie. What're you doing...? Burying treasure? Cause, I knew we were pirates, but that's really leaning into it." His own snarky little comment caused a smirk to curl on his muzzle, the fugitive obviously far too pleased with himself for thinking of that one. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: THE SUN IN YOUR EYES / pond digging - bubblegum - 07-21-2020

Re: THE SUN IN YOUR EYES / pond digging - GEORGIA. - 07-21-2020

Thick was the underbrush that populated the island, its rich volcanic soil fertile for far too much vegetation and fauna. The actual threat of the volcano was something that Georgia could barely keep under wraps; the potential destruction it could cause was somehow out of her scope of comprehension. Volcanoes spun under Hephaestus's sphere of control, though it wasn't always the god that occupied it. Gia liked to discredit the gods for their influence, when in reality she could only deny their existence so much. She was, after all, a part of them.

Fuck that.

Forcing her way through the flora of the island with as little grace as she could manage, Georgia sought out a beach, or a clearing. Where she could see the sky and whatnot. Or, perhaps, someone else. Anybody else. Except - except the dinosaurs. She'd blow them into the ocean if one jumped out at her. It was in this mindset that she happened across Michael and Goldenluxury; one she'd met and could tolerate, the other very unfamiliar to her. The unfamiliarity of the female made Gia want to turn around and find something else, but she had already given away her arrival, and it would be worse if she left without saying anything at all.

Funny how that worked; she was perfectly fine with being blunt and straight to the point with people she didn't know, but for some reason, initiating the contact was exponentially worse. Jump right in and it's too quick - too awkward. Wait too long with some sort of empty expression and suddenly it's become even more awkward. There was no pleasing the social interaction of creatures. Ever!

Having popped in right when Michael teased Goldie about burying treasure, the girl scoffed. Gia wasn't about to pretend that she was absolutely leaning into the whole "pirate" aesthetic - but she was fine to play along with a bunch of sea-goers that acted like a family.

"What, do you not bury your valuables in a hole?" Georgia tossed the jibe towards Michael, then promptly turned her attention towards the scenery. She'd never met this lady or seen her house, but she seemed pretty cool. Georgia didn't know much about koi fish, or digging ponds, but it didn't take a medic to spot that the lady was a little stiff. Awkwardly, the small feline sidled up to the hole. "Would you uh - would you like some help digging?" She asked.

Re: THE SUN IN YOUR EYES / pond digging - michael t. - 07-23-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — The bedazzled bobcat found himself chuckling softly at Goldie's response, as well as the little comment from Georgia. Georgia was new, but the thief found that he didn't mind her presence, considering she seemed rather blunt with most people, but also wasn't so stuck up she couldn't joke around. It was kind of a relief, compared to the extremes that most crewmates tended to live within. Small tail thumping and swishing from side to side behind him, Michael snorted before responding to Georgia first, a crooked smirk on his muzzle, "Not quite. I tend to prefer locked up boxes... although maybe I wouldn't have to worry about my sister's tegus getting into my things if I buried them underground." He winced a bit as he still remembered one of Roxie's beloved pets breaking into his jewelry box and swallowing down a ton of his beloved collection. He hadn't been able to salvage most of it, save for a necklace from his fiance that he had insisted he get back, forcing Roxie to help him retrieve and clean it.

Turning back to Goldie, Michael chuckled before letting out a low purr, "I guess not... or at least I would hope not. A pirate captain should probably be pretty damn good at burying treasure." He then began to walk along the edge of the large hole, looking down inside before he muttered, "A koi pond would be pretty nice... would look real pretty to anyone going by, anyways." His ears perked up when Georgia offered to help with the digging, and the fugitive immediately felt a bit awkward. If she was going to help somehow, then he should probably offer to help in some way too, right? He shifted a bit on top of the sand before he spoke, a little sigh leaving him, "Don't know how much help I'll be digging, but I could grab you some rocks to put in before the water." He didn't particularly want to go digging in the dirt, especially considering Roxie had recently repainted his claws their current bright pink color, and he didn't wanna go chipping that away just yet. Otherwise he'd get pinned down by her again to have her do it over, and he really didn't want that right now. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART