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LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - Printable Version

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LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
it had started with the itching

Jaime had half a mind to find uncle mike and yell at him for it because surely he had t caught the fleas? He was certainly hoping he hadn’t,

Of course then the itching had graduated into discomfort, especially if he laid down wrong on the itchy spots and it suddenly felt like being sharply stabbed by something - he hadn’t slept well because of it, the bags under his unearthly eyes could attest to that - as could his vastly growing irrationally demeanour.

So now here he was itching blindly at the sore spots enough to draw blood - it was driving him insane! He needed some kind of relief where the sore spots itched and hurt in equal measure

It didn’t help that all the exertion, stress, lack of sleep and generally getting worked up over it combined with how unusually warm he’d been running lately meant he’d started feeling too warm for his skin and sweating idly.

Not even a swim in the cooler waters of the sea would help, for it irritated the scratches he’d accumulated trying to scratch these itches - to the point, he probably looked horrendous - the only thing that stayed cool and acted like a balm for the itchy patches on his chest was the sleek vantablack scale that never seemed to be overwarm nor Antarctic cold but always simply cool to the touch, at least that soothed one spot.

It was during these itching attacks that he’d gotten too carried away and his fur had split along where one of the sores was, blood trickling around the opened wound - and he knew better than to cause harm to himself but the relief when it had happened was almost palpable.

Then he noticed that the wound was a tad odd - as were now all the sore spots that had scratches wide enough to show it

Jaime stared  at his arms, at his chest and felt along his cheekbones and partially his neck

This was well,

Lifting a paw away speckled in blood he stood, painfully with his sores, and made his way to the waters edge and stared at his face.

Winding up one side of his neck and across one cheekbone were pure white scales


[ooc: by the end of this plot, his jaguar form will revert to normal save a few scales here and there (maybe) and he’ll gain that other form instead so no worries, he’ll still have his Normal winged jaguar form

Injuries: scratches and small wounds around the growths since they pierced up out of teh skin, for those medics who need a tldr :3 ]

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - roan ; - 07-20-2020

The position of sage really and truly was a cursed one. For after all, unless you became utterly emotionless, you would eventually be forced to see and treat the wounds that affected your friends, and your family. At first, Roan had thought this a good thing, believing that it meant he would be able to make sure they got the best care possible. Now, however, he knew it for the misfortune it really was. He had to deal with the blood of his closest friends and family staining his claws and sinking into the fluff of his paws, leaving him with a near permanent reminder of all that he had done, and all that had happened. He had thought treating his sister was bad enough. He had thought treating his mother, his cousin, everyone was bad enough, and yet, here came another to toss onto the pile of those that he had tended to. Those that he had treated dutifully as he shoved down his own emotions, ignoring the knots that his stomach worked its way into as he worked. After all, he had an entire group to look after, and they couldn't be without a sage simply because of his erratic emotions.

At the very least, Jaime didn't seem to be as injured as some others Roan had seen very recently, and that was more than a bit of a relief. The siamese had been drawn to the edge of the water by the scent of blood on the air, and when he had spotted Jaime at the tip of the waves, he had feared the worst. Of course, that didn't mean that things were simple. The medic frowned upon seeing the scales haphazardly scattered around Jaime's form, and he found himself muttering, blue eyes filled with curiosity, "That's... new. Maybe mama knows what's going on... here, lemme patch up the scratches."" The wounds were, thankfully, fairly small, which meant that all Roan had to do was reach into his satchel and pull out his horsetail, and oak leaf. Grinding them together with the tools he kept stashed away in the bag, he carefully applied the mixture to his brother's wounds, softly apologizing for any sting it might cause. After the combination to stop the blood and prevent infection was done, he covered the scratches with squares of bandaging, a soft mumble leaving him, "I didn't cover up the scales... I don't think they're the result of any sort of disease, but honestly I'm not sure." Roan shrugged his shoulders a little helplessly at his little brother, a faint frown coming to his muzzle. He wished he could've been more helpful, but he really knew almost nothing of their draconic heritage, aside from the wings that graced his back and the horns atop his head.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
he’d been so busy staring that Roan’s sudden voice nearly startled him into tripping fast first into the shallow waves kissing the beach - which would have sucked, salty sea water on wounds no matter how small would have stung like nothing else.

Jaime resisted the urge to paw at the scales, for this would likely only aggravate the new additions - he did wonder at the difference in colour to his wings, but looking at the small patches on his legs, he could defiantly say they weren’t all white, they did seems to almost follow his entire colour scheme where they’d sprouted.

Jaime focussed his attention back on Roan and nodded with a slightly unsettled ‘mhm’ - this was rather unsettling thing to suddenly happen - and he obediently shuffled over to let his brother at the scratches

That done he listened as Roan spoke and nodded ”yeah - they, they don’t hurt - or at least not anymore - it’s just, really weird I guess? I didn’t expect scales, I thought I’d gotten uncle mike’s fleas” barely a repressed shudder there but the itching was clearly a result of new additions it seemed.

He nodded though, noticing Roan’s troubled expression ”thanks Roan” he was lucky he had a big brother proficient in medicines.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - roan ; - 07-23-2020

Roan definitely noticed the flash of urge that existed in Jaime's gaze, and he resisted his own urge to snap at the other for it. He knew that scratching at the scales would only make more work for him, and cause more pain for Jaime, but it wasn't as if he knew what it felt like. With this in mind, he just took a deep breath, shaking his head before he released it. Blue eyes still lingering on the oddly patchy scales, the sage reached out a paw, gently pressing at one of them before he spoke, "It's no problem, Jaime. It's my job, after all..." He would've done it for Jaime – or any member of his family, for that matter – if it hadn't been his job, but that seemed like the appropriate response. Turning his curious gaze back to Jaime, he hesitated for a moment before questioning his brother, head tilted, "Did you just feel itchy when they began to sprout up? Maybe it has something to do with these." He gestured at his own horns and wings, the odd mutations additions that weren't exactly usual outside of Roxie's descendants. He had never thought of questioning either, especially considering the wings proved to be very useful when it came to accomplishing his work, but now seemed like the perfect time to do so. Would he end up growing scales, as well?

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - Grimm - 07-27-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Even beneath scrutiny conducted within the span of seconds history is written across their skin, takes shape within bone and flesh, keratin crown adorning skulls. Yet of those creatures once reduced to nought but the fantastical spin of oral storytelling the children were not, or, at the least, had been a time when such seemed a proven fact. Aside swept may be a falsehood proven, in the case of one if not the rest.

Comfort the hush of breaking waves, the draw of tide familiar as it lapped at ivory paws, slow in their wandering. Slow had grown the progression of days, occupied by exceeding minimal tasks, the solitude of their walks all that offered respite, the growing ache of poorly maintained muscle indulged. Momentary their halt as the breeze drew soft words forth, confusion a haze clouding lilac depths. As best their aching body may allow their pace quickened, between teeth slipping strained breath.

"Jaime?" Along his duel toned body did weak eyes traverse, drawing to a halt over the additions, distance closing as their eyes narrowed. Harsh the tightening grasp of a headache about the space behind their temples, ignored within favour of looking over what parted flesh made apparent. "What happened… Roan is he okay." Worry seeped through their murmured words, attention briefly diverting to regard Roan, all too soon turning to Jaime once more.

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - Luciferr - 07-28-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Jaime smiles at his older brother - well, job or not, Jaime would be grateful either way and hey, One should always give thanks to those that helped them - even with his stint among the wilds, he knew that - gratitude didn’t cost anything after all.

When Roan asked he hummed in thought ”yeah, the itching started about then” he paused before adding unsurely ”but uh, before then I’d been feeling - I’m not sure what the word is, running hotter? Warmer? But I didn’t have any bad fevers with it” he felt it best to mention, after all, a symptom that might be nothing wasn’t worth hiding when it could be connected.

Then Roan gestured to the horns and wings he himself had and though Jaime lacked the horns, a paw did rise up to touch where he might have had them if he didn’t lose the gamble on that piece of his mother’s genetics ”yeah think mom knows? Maybe we should ask” Mom was where they’d gotten these parts of their genes after all.

Then Eulia joins them and Jaime shifts to face both of them with a small smile ”it’s alright Lia, I’m okay - or I will be I think - I guess, I guess I just have some new additions now?” he aimed for a light chuckle bit it sounded rather unsure when he gestured to the white scales that edged the ridge of his cheekbone under his eye.

He really didn’t want to worry them so, but well it seemed his body refused on that - but well at least he wasn’t alone in his worrying this time.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - roan ; - 07-29-2020

Shit. Eulia's approach caused Roan to flinch, although not because he was unhappy to see her. He loved his little sister, but he also knew that she had an enormous heart, and a tendency to get stressed out because of it. The same could be said of him, but at least he wasn't often driven to the point where he had panic attacks – at least, not in public. He was quick to agree with Jaime when the other spoke to her, the sage nodding his head quickly before speaking, "Jaime is right, Lu. He's completely fine, he just needed a little bit of patching up. This is just a new development, not something that will seriously hurt him..." While Roan had no real way of guaranteeing that, especially considering he didn't really know what was happening to his little brother, he couldn't just say that outright. That would only make the panic worse.

Chest feeling a little tight, the medic sighed before turning to Jaime, nodding in response to the other's earlier question, "I'm not entirely sure if mama would know... but if anyone would, it'd be her. It's best to ask." It was always possible that it was something from Greed's side of the family, but... even if it was, it wasn't as if they could ask him. None of them had really any idea of where his younger siblings' father had gone, and Roan doubted that their mama did either. Even if she did, he wasn't entirely sure that she would actually end up handing that information over – not when it could just ultimately end up leading to more pain for them all.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: LIKE MAGMA VEINS | injuries + ? - ROXANNE R. - 07-30-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne didn't really know of her bloodline aside from her mother and father but that had been it, they both seemed like regular cats and she had been born the "freak" of her litter. These were memories that she preferred to keep tucked away at the deep midst of her mind, they only resurfaced now and thej but for the most part, Roxanne was able to relax in peace until... Today that is. When she heard the commotion did the Officer make her way over with ears perked forward, a frown on her maw as she tried to figure out what the issue was from a distance. It seemed that her children were the only ones there at the moment, Roxanne would slowly pick up the pace with worry forming on her face wondering what could've possibly been the problem. It seemed that Jaime had inflicted some kind of harm onto himself, her frown only growing wider as she drew closer finally parting her jaws to speak "Jaime, are you alright?"

She would approach Jaime to get a closer look realizing that the boy had a few scales on his face and body, Roxanne was careful as she placed her paws on her son's face taking a moment to inspect Jaime's face for the scales. "This is very odd..." The draconic feline would mumble underneath her breath, Roan had been her firstborn and she couldn't recall him having this issue or growing scales for that matter. Greed never had this issue, she could recall one time that his body was covered by a protective layer of earth elementals but that had been about it. So, it definitely was from her own side. It frustrated her that she didn't really know much about her heritage except that one cousin of hers that had stayed in the Typhoon for a short amount of time. Even she hadn't grown any scales and that frown of hers only seemed to grow. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]