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[ MR WOLF ¦ drinking ] - Printable Version

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[ MR WOLF ¦ drinking ] - Grimm - 07-19-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Beneath aching nails caught the clinging grains of grave soil, wrought within particulates of dried copper the claim of sin. Turned over the minimal dimensions of chosen placement, but one among many, beyond the frayed threads of unravelling thought the tally left in stumbling wake. Dark the sightless depths that had perceived his crime, forfeited a life he bore no control over, plucked as though a mere apple it had been.

Frothing wash of crimson tinged lather dripping from the gape of still jaws, locked joints claws unto as though release may be found in self inflicted mutilation. A pink slug the thickened tongue that flicked and twitched among the gathered mess of bubbling saliva, futile the attempts to dispel poison coursing through corroding veins.

Voiceless the pleas of dying, anger a dark veil against backdrop of expanding pupils, swallowed as though eclipse cast a shade over imploring gaze.

Strangled the cry arising from the tightened confinements of dry throat, unwelcome the fall of tears casting delicate tracks over his cheeks. Almost may he ascribe the utterance to the deceased, from taken all, even the dignity of burial replaced by the hasty break of stiff joints, a promise the leaden weight of soul was entangled within his own. Of no such origin it, however, self pity and horror arising within the short expulsion of air.

There was nothing he was capable of performing that may revive the dead, a healer turned murderer, the shattered fragments of glass about decapitated head a cruel crown. Gentle the sweeping movement of shaking paws, smoothed the surface of upset earth as though his sin may be so easily removed. Nought else was left for him to do, hollow any prayer he may scream or whisper to uncaring gods lingering well above in their thrones of cloud, and thus held his tongue. Final the act of breaking clouds, the clap of roaring thunder supposedly shaking the earth, to the secluded grave the rain falling in sizable droplets.

Haste marked his retreat, over hunched shoulder thrown a fugitive glance, his efforts reduced to wasted time as the rain beat against the loosely packed soil. Be what may, if one came across the poorly covered grave and crafted a loose connection to himself the punishment would be befitting heavy the steps that drew him through the dense undergrowth. All too soon did the heavy clustering of trees part, interrupted the peaceful conversation of bystanders caught within the downpour. Uneasy the first step placed atop slick cobble, tense even as his presence was ignored within favour of finding shelter.

A mere face among the crowd, one of many that approached the open door of the Capricorn, sign offered a squeaking groan as it swung upon its hinges with each gust of wind. Inviting the warm spill of golden illumination, smooth the inclusion of those who spilled forth into the lower level, conversations grown in volume as places were found. Soothing the crackle of beginning fire, a blaze of minimal size for the purpose of drying was it for over warming, from his thoughts the feline startled when a towel fell against his back. Jaunty grin was born across open countenance he turned to, yet quick its fall, words dying on tongue as he slipped away among the crowd.

Lone the seat Silas settled into, dark the corner of the busy bar. Against the stained wood did the tips of his claws scrape, short the transaction that left the space filled by a small glass, the contents an unknown, blurred the reflection that stared back at him.

Everything within him screamed to dislodge the grasping claws that sought purchase against his shoulders, rank the vile breath that fanned across his face. Yet he could do nothing, endured the garbled pleas crafted from slurred vocalisations, against the wooden floor legs reduced to dead meat twitching in irregular intervals.

Against the taste did nose scrunch up, groan pushing through clenched teeth. Faint the buzz lacing the slowed trudge of spiralling thought, his low tolerance to the deceptively strong concoction made apparent. Aside did he push the empty glass, watching the other patrons as they killed about, envy darkening half lidded eyes.

Re: [ MR WOLF ¦ drinking ] - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

[color=black]Luciferus was no stranger to the abilities to harm and heal in equal measure, though he’d say with no self deluding thoughts that he wasn’t much of a healer - it simply wasn’t what he was built for or what the many paths of his life had led him to.

He knew enough for quick fixes but his were not the healers hands - that was more the purview of his younger sisters, rest there sounds wherever they may now be.

That and well, the beast that had donated half it’s DNA to him hadn’t wanted a healer - he’d wanted a destroyer, a weapon too broken to turn against him but sharp enough to cleave anything he put him against,

For a time, he had gotten it

Luciferus blinked away those memories now so so old in comparison, they would not help him here and they weren’t history worth dwelling on - he’d long accepted the great and terrible things he’d done, found some measure of atonement in trying to help those around him

Key word being trying since more than half the time, he didn’t seem to be succeeding but well, he liked to think he’d gotten his stubbornness to continue from the man who he called father over the beast that might be in blood but certainly wasn’t otherwise.

Unbidden a smile ticked up at the corner of his maw, the usually dragonic former officer shifting to lean his much more feline form back against the corner he’d taken up - nodding to the patrons that recognised him and said hello as they went by - content to simply soak in the atmosphere and get lost in his thoughts than drink (it wouldn’t do anything for him anyway)

Of course then he noticed the other maudlin presence watching the others with something unreadable swimming in their eyes - so luciferus weighed his options before deciding to get up, four clawed paws eating up the wood as he settled in beside but at a reasonable personal space distance to the other

”penny for your thoughts?”

Re: [ MR WOLF ¦ drinking ] - roan ; - 07-20-2020

Unlike either Silas or Lucifer, Roan truthfully believed that he was a boy who had never been born to hurt. His claws were not made for plunging into eyes or aiming at throats, but instead to simply cut bandages apart, and carefully reopen infected wounds. To some, his life would seem boring, and without meaning, but put quite simply, those people were stupid. Those were the simple minded warriors that thought themselves gods because they had size and strength on their sides. Yet, if there were no medics to support them, they would fall dead to the earth just as easily as their enemies. There was a sort of incredible power to that, even if Roan had never become a sage simply to feel powerful. He had just wanted to help others, even at a cost to himself. Put simply, the young feline wasn't sure he was even capable of hurting others, and it seemed certain that he would never have a situation such as Silas's, where instinct acted before mind. Some small part of his mind whispered, yes, you could. And yes, you have. However, he shoved that part away as he had done so many times before, ignoring the clenching feeling in his chest.

Having already been inside the tavern when Silas entered, Roan spared the other male merely a glance before he turned back to the game he had been playing, surrounded by others. While he had been going out less and less often lately in order to avoid growing too attached to anyone whose insides he'd have to put back together, he still occasionally made trips like this. Trips down to the tavern, where he would have some coffee and play some sort of game with those that were already there. Tonight it was poker, although he honestly wasn't sure he remembered all the rules of the game properly. Regardless, it was nice to have the bustle and the noise around him, to keep him grounded and remind him that he was alive. The energy of the caffeinated drinks he consumed helped, but it was hardly a proper substitution for interaction with other crewmates. His head snapped up when one of the other players waved anew in front of his face, kindly informing him that he had lost the little trinkets that he had bet on the game. He grumbled, but was secretly thankful that it hadn't been anything of real substance that he had lost. After all, it wasn't as if he would bet anything that really meant something to him, such as gifts from his mama, or his siblings.

With his game effectively ended, Roan found his interest piqued by Silas's very dour expression, as well as the other male that approached him first. Lucifer, if Roan was remembering that right. He could remember his uncle Michael telling him all about that little group's joining, caught up in the excitement and amazement of having such a beast and his pack arrive. Slipping out of his seat at the table, Roan made his way over to the bar with long strides, before leaping his way up to the seat beside Silas. He was aware of the fact that he was related to the other male, in some way. Cousins, he believed, seeing as he and Goldie were cousins as well. Still, he felt no connection with the other yet, given the relatively short span of time since his return. Glancing over at the pair, Roan looking between Silas and Luciferus before he spoke, having to raise his voice a little above the general chaos of the tavern around them, "Silas... you certainly look like you've seen better days. Did something happen?" He couldn't smell any blood on the air, so he pushed down the anxious feelings that welled up when he thought of Silas being injured, and choosing to hide it from everyone else. Choosing to remain calm for the moment, Roan simply wrapped his long tail about his paws, listening intently to what the other had to say.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]