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think about it- intro / slave - Printable Version

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think about it- intro / slave - deimos - 07-19-2020

When someone asked him a week ago what his intentions were life where, he didn't know. He couldn't answer them. Some part of him couldn't tell he would eventually be knocked out, put in chains, dragged to the Pitt, and displayed like food. Which, he took as an insult, thank you very much. He wasn't prey. He was far from it.

Pain. His head ached, his backside, his belly, his legs. Make that everything ached, that he was conscious enough to recognize. He groaned, gently picked up his head and immediately regretting it. He groaned gently, and opened his eyes. The purple optics swung about where he lay, chained upon a rock. He cursed beneath his breath. He lifted his head, blood dripping from around his ears. He reached up, trying to touch his horns. Salvatore looked at his hoof- restricted by chains.

Here lay an almost elven in spirit elkhorse. The spines along his back stood on end as he looked towards his capturer, then the Pitt as the former Typhooner recognized where he was. The rope binding the base of his muzzle just barely allowed him to speak- his teeth were no help here. "Where am I. Why am I here?" He snapped out, looking towards Worm.


[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #8186CC; font-size: 24px;"]— SAL. REYES

Re: think about it- intro / slave - DIRT - 07-20-2020

The podium where Silent had stood and declared himself Ardent was still warm, by the time Worm had slipped away towards the Typhoon. He rippled with purpose, with wicked, cruel, need.

To reap and sow the Pitt's first slave, to finally slake the thirst that the land beneath his paws trembled for, to pave the clan's new path on the souls of weaker beings... the thrill of it hummed in his brain, silencing all else. He'd sprung himself on some deer-like beast with the jaws of a carnivore, he'd rocked its skull and taken it home by its antlers, he had obtained his first prize. Worm had chained the poor beast to a rock, watched the blood roll down its face, dripping onto the earth, and smiled.

He did not stand beside the rock, no, but climbed upon it, perching on its craggy top, above his new pet. Above everything else.

And he howled as his pulse thundered in his ears, as he had declared the first savage feat his own.

As the deerbeast came to, questioning him, he laughed, manic and more than a little deranged, his saliva dripping upon the creature in his thrall.

"You are where everything meets its end." Worm's voice was bloody silk, rich and smooth in its depravity. He pauses, curiously, climbing down the rock some, reaching out to cradle his captive's chin in paw. "Feed it, or overcome it. Its maw will find your throat, either way."

Re: think about it- intro / slave - COSMIIX - 07-20-2020

Most of what occurred within the meeting had flown over the young cubs head seeing as she could barely understand what had been going on but apparently, they had brought back "slaves" whatever that was. The Pitt pup hearing the howl of Worm did she walk over with both of her ears perked forward, it didn't long for the chubby cub to make her way over and see what Worm had brought. Were they prey? The thought of live prey was enough to make Barb's jaws salivate though she only waddled over with a tilt of her head, her whiskers twitching for a moment wondering where the other had come from. Her nose began to twitch catching the few scents of salt and more exotic aromas that she had never smelled before, her eyes would shine with curiosity though frowned slightly watching the interaction between Worm and Salvatore, she didn't seem to understand that the elkhorse was a slave or at least, the first of the slaves... The cub would never understand what it felt like to be a slave seeing as Silent had taken a liking to her and well, Barbara usually stuck close to the eldritch bear's side but it seemed that she had wandered away from him.

Sal had antlers and it made her curious as to whether or not, she had horns. A small frown still present on her maw as she pawed at the top of her heading feeling some nubs but then she took a few clumsy steps over to get a closer look with a soft growl leaving her. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: think about it- intro / slave - Grimm - 07-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Beneath the forced restraint of weighed links held he once of brine and foam, a prize plucked from the shimmering expanse of golden grains. Bestowed the rusted crown of chain, dressed within mockery, crimson a stain upon purity of what had once been. Had been the mind located behind twisted visage the forsaken youth wore capable of holding the notion of pity possibility lay of it decorating tawny hued features, yet no such thing found root where simple thoughts lay.

Slow the part of mandibles, cruel the twisting coil of grin drawn across dark lips marked by opened cuts, the unforgiving press of teeth and heat alike leaving mark. Not to be claimed that which sprawled against chosen pedestal, heated stone against soft stomach, desire still lingered, however. Above lingered captor, beast of rot and disease, malicious the joy exploited from the chained ungulate. Towards did duel eyes turn, regarded the one self titled Worm, simple the quiry offered in grating tones.

"Food or slave?" Excitement worked through hissed utterance, above back quivering the pointed tip of segmented tail. New the word, spoken without aid of knowledge, known only for brief the explanation of purpose behind those taken. Yet desire arose in the biting heat of hunger that twisted the walls of empty stomach, saliva thick and faint the tinge of pink as from japing jowls did it fall in foaming droplets.

Re: think about it- intro / slave - trojan g. - 07-21-2020

It certainly seemed as though the longer Sweeney lived on in the Pitt, the more there were children showing up out of nowhere. She knew not what thoughts adults had when she had been a child here, only that she had noticed there were always others around near her that were around the same age, if not the same. Now that she was, technically, considered an adult, Sweeney had taken note of children being more and more prominent, though concerns did not arise from it, simple notice. Members were always needed after all.

Something that did plague the kitsune's mind, however, was that more and more members of the Pitt seemed to look odd. She knew most had no control over their own appearance, but it made it so those trying to sneak into other clans to spy or to simply act innocent would be recognized easier than that of a simple fox or cat. Though she had no room to talk, considering her own now striking appearance.

Eyes flicked to each member of the Pitt that were currently there, ears pricked as she listened to the words that were spoken, the soft growls coming from the youngest member. "Not food," The kitsune would simply comment, tails waving behind her for a moment before sitting down, glowing eyes watching the antlered creature for a moment before turning towards Oleander once more. "Potential food though, depending on actions." She had no issue with killing the slave if they acted up, and she hadn't had stag before.


Re: think about it- intro / slave - Luciferr - 07-21-2020

Worm was one of the pitt that seemed most in line with the way Silent often thought - or at least agreed with most of his choices and while the newly crowned Ardent didn’t hinge his choices on the thoughts of others, it was...appreciated.. in its own way,

Especially when it garnered results - it inclined the abomination to be more in favour of their positions.

Such as now when his strangely shaped form made its way up behind the others, sightless eyes finding the captive and captor, maw parted in what might pass for a pleased grin as he stopped just shy of crowding his attachment - Barbara - In his forelimbs.

He echoed sweeney in agreement and answer to Oleander ”everyone has their uses” if he was not malleable....well food was always welcome.

They turned attention to Worm with a rumble of approval ”you’ve brought quite the prize” was his only congratulations - whether the odd stag would be recruitable proved to be the issue, perhaps he would simply wind up fodder for hungry maws if he was...difficult

Re: think about it- intro / slave - j a c k . - 07-21-2020

cohesion ; mind games really, were never in jack's repertoire of abilities. it was hard to place jack anywhere ; his abilities in all knowledge to the clan really were a handful of ice shards and water freezing. jack had an affinity ; an ability for masks but outright lying , outright trying to underhandedly turn someone towards him, towards his alignment of loyalty and eager brutality was weak ; and jack knew this. he had proved himself to this clan, these people ; and jack had a claim to it , this clan was his and that, is simply how it was for him. to him. the resolute simplicity of it settled something deep, an ancient in him.

something rubbed jack ill at the first meeting ; slaves. it would take some time to get used to, traditions set by his land; a land that hungers for blood and jack would set to the task in time. but first, there was note that someone had already, quickly in the moments after the meeting worm had shown himself; mad grinning, all but purring at his new pet. the pitt watched on as a new tradition was not only put in motion but enforced.

It didn't take much to see the kodkod and know with a certainty ; that he would never own a slave, but it was a grimm and maybe even dread that he would never ease their life, they were slaves, they were bloodless unproven and unworthy of the status as a true member of the pitt. as it should be ; there was the pitt and there was other jack wouldn't show hesitation, if such a decision arose, jack knew his choice.

"the first of many" jack intones, his appearance a shadow of thought as he stepped up beside sweeny. watching the captor and bloodless both in a rare show of grim approval on the mor's features.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: think about it- intro / slave - deimos - 07-21-2020

This place was just lovely, wasn't it?

His purple eyes widened, staggered, then narrowed a bit, trying to turn his head away from the gentle caress of Worm. His horns complained, sparking with pain that flashed behind his eyes. A warning. The pride upon his head, the wide berth of his antlers. He cursed softly, barely moving his bound muzzle. The touch caused the fur upon his body to stand, that strange tail of his flicking. The spines slowly began to stand on end, their sharp points more than threatening. And yet, every mood the elkhorse made brought him closer and closer to that maw that Worm spoke of.

The amount of children that stepped closer may have unnerved him, if not for the fact that he knew where he was. The Pitt. Rumored to be torn asunder by his Captain, rumored to have been burned to the ground. He knew now, looking at this group of savages starting to swarm him, question his fate, that the tales told had grown old- there was a new trouble in town.

Somehow, he was in the middle of it.

But the discussion itself was what truly was spine-rising- food or slave. The more people came, the more people hungered. What, were they starved? Fuck, did he hope so. He hoped they were starving. But the more people that came, the less he wanted to speak, his muzzle shutting and purple eyes narrowing. His body shivered at the sight, however, of Silent. The strange stand, the.. the otherworldly look of it. It made his lips draw back. A cornered animal.

"Why. Why.. why me of all people?" He spoke, looking towards the collection of six before him.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #8186CC; font-size: 24px;"]— SAL. REYES

Re: think about it- intro / slave - DIRT - 07-24-2020

Others had begun to drift in, and his black little heart thrummed.

Some calling for food. Others calling for blood. Others calling for slavery.

Silent stands above them all, praising him, praising his savage deeds. Worm grins, a horrid wide smile, yellowing teeth on display, his tail high--not wagging, he was not a dog, and he would not be one, but he was pleased.

And the worm turns. Facing his pet now, the stagbeast in chains, his paw beneath its chin. His claws meeting flesh. But he was no cat, no, his claws were not knives. He was not here to harm further, he could be kind, see? He was gentle, like a lovers' touch, sweetly, tenderly holding that beast's chin. His dead eyes meeting the stag's own.

"Remember this. Let the precipice you stand on give your miserable life purpose." He purrs, saliva dangling from his hellish maw. "What are you?"

He demands an answer. The slavering mouths below them both demand an answer. Would he feed himself to the gathering, starving crowd, or will he walk, tethered? Would he choose to live as a slave, or would he slake the aching, parched earth, the children that cried for blood?

The beast's lips draw back and he is brave enough to ask why, why him. Worm's eyes widen, and he cackles, pulling his paw away, to steady himself upon that large rock. He licks his chops, tilting his head.

"Why you indeed." He starts, letting his words weave around Sal, like spidersilk. Staring the other in the face, his smile cold, ruthless. "You are not special, my dear. You were not simply chosen. This was just your own, rotten luck."

"I will ask you again, before I let my lovely friends here decide for you. And I can promise that you will still live, as we feast. What are you?"

Make your choice. You will not have many more.