Beasts of Beyond
[ HOME MADE MEAL ¦ joiner ? ] - Printable Version

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[ HOME MADE MEAL ¦ joiner ? ] - Grimm - 07-19-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"][ TW for gore ]

Had not it been for the broken cries of ceaseless torment beauty may have been found within the descending dusk, the dying illumination permitting some sense of reprieve.

Pleasant, and rather easy upon an eye grown accustomed to the harsh backdrop of sun drenched sky, the delicate hues of rose and orange settled against the sand edge horizon. Silent herald for the veil of night that clung to deepening edges, painted the still dunes of bleached grains by the final remnants of day. Among them located a sight most foul, prize ill begotten and claimed with a feverish intent. Disturbed the once pristine gathering of sand, broken beneath the passage of pair, gold marred by crimson stain.

Wide the eyes from which life had fled, agape the broken jaw, a hinge shattered beneath the joyful assault of other. Kindness the death that visited upon creature of such idiocy, easy the meal once seen in the plodding wandering of solitary traveller. Apparent had been the tender age it was caught within, pitiful the weak little cries it had mustered with throat dry and tongue unresponsive. Ease had guided starving predator forth when it had fallen, meagre fight it may offer nothing to supposed hunter.

Around had it been turned and thus the coyote that deemed itself the hunter had been reduced to prey.

Savagery guided the cruel tines adorning parted jaws, of a duel set that which worked into the tender flesh of bared throat. Agony had the misguided predator felt, the amusement laced rumble vibrating through skin, muscle contracting and squeezing until nothing but pain was known. Short the time allowed to transpire, small mercy surely how teeth dug into pliable flesh and ripped apart the walls of sarcophagus and jugular, rich the copper of shed blood it drank with quick laps of a barbed tongue. On the assault continued, even as the meat cooked, bone cracking as held the still body by odd appendages situated low on tawny chest.

Full the fall of night when, with a raucous cry, had its victory been voiced. Severed the spinal column, exposed where flesh and muscle had been torn back to permit access, within a heap left the blood smeared mess of the puncture lined body. Prize was the head bearing a grimace of death it tore at with glee, mandibles and teeth alike striping from a cheek mouthfuls of meat.

Re: [ HOME MADE MEAL ¦ joiner ? ] - Luciferr - 07-19-2020

what was beauty to the layman but a pretty camouflage to hide behind?

He did not know beauty of the body, was not what one would in any way label beautiful - rather the opposite - no beauty to the malignant beast was found in the flesh consumed, the hot red blood spilling, the beating of a heart in his jaws

Beauty of he was to call it that - was a visceral thing to him.

And any other day, instead of admiring this small one tear into a carcass he might have foundinsult for taking resources that were theirs but no - anyone was a recruit, if they were older and trespassing they’d have been made a slave - a bloodless - to eventually learn the right ways of thinking.

But this one was but a pup - and pups were malleable, a perfect recruit.

A rumbling gurgling sound, halfway between a growl and a laugh as the looming monstrosity overshadowed the tinier hybrid ”had your fill little one?”

Re: [ HOME MADE MEAL ¦ joiner ? ] - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 07-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
"What the actual fuck is that?" Dante's voice had a little bit of disgust coming from it, his lips peeled back in a snarl as he came to stand at Silent's side, deciding to follow the Ardent around for no god damn reason - he just wanted to hang around the guy, what was wrong with that? The creature that was before them was devouring its meal, seemingly not caring for its surroundings - but what the FUCK was coming out of its mouth? It looked like a fucking bug.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]