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BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - Printable Version

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BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - TSUYU. - 07-18-2020

Tsuyu remembered when she had been a slave for Stryker, serving under him- she was in love with him, and would have done nearly anything for the man. Even though he held no feelings for her in return, he knew of hers and used them to his advantage. A rather intelligent move, must she say so herself. She was unstable and willing to murder if it meant she had a place to belong, where she felt wanted somehow. For too many moons, Tsuyu had longed to search for Stryker with no luck.

And here she was, back in the very place she never regretted being.

She remembered the look on her old friends' face when they discovered how Asui had fallen. It was a beautiful look, fear.

"Hello? My name is Tsuyu. I'm here to return, ribbit."

If she needed to be a slave once more, then so be it. The hybrid was willing to serve if she needed to show her worth once again.

;; quick warning! tsuyu is known to take body language out of context. showing fear or submission to her means giving her a chance to attack. children should stay far from her, if that is the case. unless she's put in her place, she has no issue with attacking those she deems weak.

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - trojan g. - 07-19-2020

Sweeney held no power here. As much as she hated it, the fox had never held power in the Pitt, despite her namesake and despite her own opinions of herself. Though outsiders to the Pitt, to the way things were running now, didn't know that. As as much as Sweeney wanted to have some sort of authority the best she could do now was pretend, fake it until she made it.

So when she saw someone on the border, some green feline calling out in the hopes of returning to the place they once called home, the female would make her way over, shoulders back and ears pricked as she kept her head held high and looked the other up and down for just a moment before calmly stopping and picking a spot to stand. She was in a position of being able to see the whole body of the other, making sure to keep enough distance to quickly move out of the way if things went sour for whatever reason but close enough to seem friendly - or try to, she wasn't very friendly herself to be honest.

"I'm sure most of the people who you knew before are long gone by now." Gael was old, maybe he knew the green cat. She wasn't sure how old he was though or how long it'd been since the other had been here. "So it's more about joining basically a new group now I'd say, seeing as so many would be gone. I at least don't know who the fuck you are so you're new to me at least. What'll you offer us?" Was there an auto acceptance policy in place? Likely, considering the Pitt needed members, but Sweeney wanted to make sure the other actually wanted to be here.


Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - Luciferr - 07-19-2020

”if indeed you have assets and abilities to offer us, we will see” a second sinister voice rumbles from behind Sweeney as a towering abomination makes its shambling disjointed way over - sightless gaze watching this returner.

If indeed she had come to join and of her own volition, she would be at least grateful that she would not start as bloodless - for no she came of free will, but she would still have to prove herself.

They could always use new recruits - or returning ones, in this case.

The double maws might have smiled if it didn’t look less friendly than what passed for a neutral expression

”you’ll be newblood if you do - to prove yourself worthy first” the blooding often weeded out who wouldn’t survive either way, weakness would not get you far - but well,

Everyone had a use.

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - j a c k . - 07-19-2020

love was crippling; it was a weakness and it was something jack refused to show here. but he did love; love wholly, the only way the elder brother could- distantly more often than not, with his three siblings spread like the winds and jack here- on his own merit and his own powers. soon enough the mor would grow to love this place in turn, for now he felt nothing but the sweltering pride as another crossed the border and announced their wish to join. the dynasty that the mor stumbled into watching- burn, and the one building before him.

pure white like snow; the kodkod stalked closer, his form small- weak- if not for the steel in his eyes, the frigid apathy; no-calculation that froze many a stranger. an animal like reaction; a slight tilt to the pittian- a proven one's expression. For the moment jack spoke little-nothing. watching the stranger- tsuyu from under the shade of the eldritch ardent.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]


[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante recalled Tsuyu, with her small figure sparking some recognization from him. He came lumbering after Jack, a snarl on his face. "Some use she'll be." The hybrid grunted, mostly to himself. Louder, the hybrid spoke up, ”Considering she was exiled by Stryker, I doubt its a good thing to even allow her back here.” His words were directed towards Silent as he spoke, his green eyes narrowed towards Tsuyu.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

Dark claws shifted in the dirt underfoot as Silent grew aware of more of his people joining them to greet this stranger - a subtle barely there shift of his head to Jack

And then Dante - except Dante spoke up and the sharp crack of his bulging spinal column echoed as the beast turned to acknowledge the statement,

An exile?


The maws of the Ardent clicked pondering this new knowledge - so this one could be a problem, but it had to know for sure,

The ‘tongues’ flickered in the pitch spaces between the bone white serrated edges before he spoke to Dante this time - trusting the known quantity over the unknown quality - and Dante had been enthusiastic at his ascent, another point in favour.

”why was she exiled?” the rumbling voice spoke, an air of menace to this meeting now - if the stranger was a threat...


[glow=white,1,400]SO JUST GET BUZZED AND STAY FUCKED UP !。+゚.[/glow]
The sound of cracking bones made Dante's gaze flicker over to the Ardent, before he gave a slight shrug of his shoulders in response. "Attacking one of our own, then attacking Stryker whenever he demoted her to slave." He rumbled, his tail flicking in thought. "So essentially, exiled because she was being a petty bitch."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - COSMIIX - 07-20-2020

Barbara had been playing around in the jungle before having gotten bored rather quickly, it didn't take long for the cub to find her caretaker only to immediately run in his direction as fast as she could seeing as she still had rather stubby paws of an infant. She tripped over her own big paws for a moment letting out a loud squeak though she sat up shaking her cranium. A soft snort leaving her, the tiger cub eventually making her way over and resting herself between Silent's front limbs with her golden gaze glancing up at him did she let out a loud growl. Almost as if to announce her prescience then her eyes would survey to those around her only to lock onto someone she had never seen before or at least, she knew most of the population within the Pitt. Her fur would immediately rise in a bout of hostility, her pupils narrowed into dangerous slits only to let out another growl with her lips peeled back to show off her golden teeth. She absolutely had no clue what the adults were saying but she wanted to make her place within the Pitt as a tough member known.

Barbara rose to her paws slowly with a lash of her small tail and pressed herself to one of Silent's legs still glaring daggers at the oddly colored stranger, the small cub didn't take kindly to outsiders even if she had been one herself. Her ears pinned themselves against her cranium and she would start to climb up one of Silent's legs, she wanted a better spot. One where she could look down at people, specifically that stranger that had come back. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - TSUYU. - 07-20-2020

❗WARNING: Exhibiting fear immediately directed at this character can lead to possible harm. Tread carefully.❗

Tsuyu had done her time outside of the clan, and the wounds that Dante had given her were still scars that remained. The woman had learned to temper her attitude, to control the anger- for the most part.

She was thankful enough when Silent came forward and welcomed her with the promise of a blooding. It must be some type of ceremony, she assumed. One that enabled her to be apart of the group properly.

"No, I can see the group is no longer the same, ribbit.. But it seems old ghosts like to stay and haunt it."

Tsuyu watched as Dante arrived, cold and dark eyes glaring at the man.

"Dabi laid his hands on me in disgusting ways. He deserved to die, Stryker was the one who took things too far. I was a child being led by another child. Did you expect me not to lash out at him when he wouldn't let me get a word in edge-wise about why I killed Dabi?"

The woman could feel the bubbling anger, long tongue dipping past her lips to swipe at her cheek. A low croak left the hybrid, mispositioned hips groaning with use- she had been still for too long. Stryker had destroyed her livelihood when he took away her ability to hop properly.

"I've changed. I've done a lot of growing up these past months, Dante. You don't have to believe me, but if I have to fight to prove myself, I will, ribbit."

The aggression she could smell from a small infant made her narrow her eyes at the child, before rolling them- that made a child strong, but naive. Tsuyu used to be that way, she could understand.

"There was no rule on killing clanmates at the time, and what I did back then was in self defense. Stryker wanted an audience, wanted to put on a show, and he got one."

Re: BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION • returning. - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

he listened to Dante with growing distaste for what he was being told, Even as Barbara climbed his limbs - and the tendrils, shorter but no less gripping, attached to his shoulders reached down when she climbed high enough to grip at and help her gain her footing up to his shoulders the commotion of his...child?...for all intents and purposes caused barely a twitch otherwise - though he saw the strangers - exiled’s - eyes narrow and if he had any in turn they’d have glared right back.

So he listened and he did not like what he heard

Silent was many things, but he was not a fool who trusted the words of strangers over those who had proven to be reliable in their own way - Dante had nothing to gain from lying to him and the exiled’s words confirmed they were an exile,

He trusted the known against the unknown.

And he was not known for allowing vipers into his garden.

With a sharp crack again of that strange bulging spine, the eyeless skull like visage of the abomination that led this new Pitt turned back

”no rule or not, you attacked an Ardent, you killed one of our own - you’ll likely do so again if it so pleases you” the voice - voices really, for what made up the beast was more than one, was always oddly countless, a corpse of corpses indeed - hissed, a steady threat in the air that felt heavy.

”I know Dante, I do not know you - you have far more to gain by lying to me than he does” the voice rumbled, that was why she had come here after all no? She wanted a place to belong, she would lie to get it,

Dante was crude yes, but he had nothing to gain here by lying - had far more to lose if he did.

Silent stood towering over the green feline ”I will give you this chance to leave - quietly and without complaint - if you decide to be difficult the creature’s claws clicked ”then I will kill you where you stand”

He did not allow threats in his realm.

[all IC opinions]