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battle scars [★] first aid lesson - Printable Version

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battle scars [★] first aid lesson - aine. - 07-17-2020

I'll come back when you call me
The truth?  The petite deer-fox had been... Avoiding everyone.  Or.  Most everyone.  It was hard to avoid her father.  Who had been more than understanding, when they returned home that day, when she burst into tears and let the questions explodeDemandsAnswers.  Why.  Why.  Why.

She could not say she understood.  Not when Kydobi's skull slammed into the ground.  Not when her father tried to sooth her.  She could not say she understood.  Not entirely.  But she was coming to understand... Something.  Her father had known what the Pitt was when they arrived.  A year ago.  A year.  He had known.  He had sought it.  Because he knew the Pitt had been feared and fear was a wonderful defense.  To protect her.

In a year the world changed.  So what was one more turn-around?

She understood.  A little.  What her father wanted.  But what did the others want?  Violence.  Blood.  War.  And her? ... She didn't know, but she was tired of seeing her friends drop dead.  Tired of losing loved ones.  As far as she was concerned Kydobi was dead because of the Pitt itself, not their enemies... Which didn't make sense to her.

Her father must've wanted to give her something to do.  To stop the relentless circling of her young mind.  Soon enough, he had tasked her with teaching.  Teaching again.  To teach was another way to learn.  Aine relented easily enough, finding comfort in tending her herbs, in assembling and organizing, in study and practice.

Of course, the petite acolyte still found teaching frightening.  Regardless of prep.  But she'd done it before, she could do it again... Probably.  So quietly, Aine began assembling a simple collection of herbs just outside the White Temple.  Just a few, freshly-grown plants used in the most basic first aid.  Each she had set gently atop a large leaf, to avoid touching the ground directly.  Aligned very neatly beside one another.  Horsetail.  Marigold.  Chamomile.  Bindweed.  Poppy seeds.  Aloe vera.  Thyme.

Okay.  There was that all too familiar squeeze in her chest.  Her mouth drying.  Slowly, she sucked in a breath, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before releasing.  Okay.

"H... Hey!  Ga-gather for a first aid lesson!"
— aine | the pitt | acolyte | fae druid —

Re: battle scars [★] first aid lesson - trojan g. - 07-19-2020

Medicine was not something that Sweeney found herself thoroughly attracted to. She didn't want to know more than she needed, didn't really want to know how to help another group mate fully get healed, and even if she did know she would only use it on one or two of her group mates, choosing to instead try and make sure the others around the area were to suffer before maybe wandering off to go find Aine or Gael.

But she was here. Ready to sit through the boring thing that medicine was. The stinky thing that stuck in your nose and mouth when you were forced to eat it. The only reason being that if - no, when - she was to go to another group to participate in raids, to capture and torture those she saw fit, she wanted to be ready in case they were able to fight back and get a one up on her. It was always possible, and Sweeney would admit that fault of herself. Due to the group wanting to be nicer to others while she was growing up, Sweeney didn't really have that much fighting skill. She hadn't really practiced, and those that she had fought had been other children like her, and there were bound to be skilled warriors out there in other groups.

She didn't want to get hurt when she met them, and she definitely didn't want Atticus or herself to potentially get killed because they didn't know how to heal themselves either. So Sweeney would sit, and she'd look at Aine for a moment, promising herself to remain quiet, to make sure not to say anything that could get her into too much trouble, so that she could stay and learn, and then fuck people up later.


Re: battle scars [★] first aid lesson - gael - 07-20-2020

Aine belonged to the very top of the vulpine's priorities -- he could tend other matters so long as he knew his daughter was okay.  She hadn't been lately however and the faerie knew there was little else to do than encourage her to be busy; to be productive.  From her broken leg to Kydobi, she required distractions and somewhere concrete to stand; some sense of certainty in something.

The change in direction the Pitt decided to take meant now, more than ever, their members needed a basic understanding of medical procedure.  For moons the Imperator had been kindling Aine's passion for life -- encouraging her studies to linger on the practice of tending, both to plants and to other creatures.

Gael possessed no doubts that very passion could be what saves a number of Pittian lives in the future.

The vulpine settled nearby in silence, nodding his encouragement -- despite all her uncertainties about teaching, she would do just fine.
"MAKE A MOVE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby

Re: battle scars [★] first aid lesson - COSMIIX - 07-20-2020

Barbara hardly understood much of what was being said but she saw the small trio and decided that whatever they had been doing that she wanted to be a part of it. Maybe, she would learn something... Maybe not. It was a lot easier watching than listening to the words themselves, she waddled over with both of her ears perked forward and a twitch of her whiskers, a faint frown on her maw as she would down with a soft grunt. She would slowly lift up one of her hind legs and start to scratch at her ear leaning slightly until she toppled over on her side with a soft squeak, she still needed to work on her balance. She shook herself off before settling down once more with interest glittering within her golden gaze. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: battle scars [★] first aid lesson - Grimm - 07-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Misshapen anatomy, a twisted shell within which had been built a creature unique and yet horrendous, unfit for existence. Of no matter such threads of thought, if any crossed the threshold of mind enthralled by the simplistic structure of base level instinct, fleeting the storage of imparted knowledge. Upon external force was care entrusted, an act few may care to stomach, better to allow death his prize.

Forth did limbs of tawny carry it, the repetitive closure of mandibles situated over clenched jaw all that hint at dwindling curiosity. And such is a that drew forth beast of duel nature, the sharp clatter of final close further punctuated by a displeased rumble. Down did primary eyes skip, lay upon where the neat assemblance of gently plucked flora lay in neat piles, brief the rise of dull intrigue. Worthy of attention these useless growth it seemed, enough the gathering of others to force decision, own seat taken some distance from the rest.

Re: battle scars [★] first aid lesson - j a c k . - 07-21-2020

pragmatic, as jack had come to realize, was gael's agenda. he craved a structure to his life- no needed structure and jack found himself appreciating that simplicity, something so akin to the kodkod's own form of naivety. here, now jack could only feel the tendrils of woe that seemed to emanate from the small acolyte, his daugher and felt something in him unravel. the spool of the faemor's patience thinning to near bare.

aine was bloodless ,weak and instead of an annoyance the other felt grim. his big brother instincts were struggling to break his aloof nature and break [glow=black,2,300]something[/glow]. the kodkod stood still ramrod strait as he contemplated this, the hesitation in his steps towards the group - was a weakness but the only one he would allow.

"I'll stay, but i can't promise a good study, I have always been streets smart rather than book smarts but-" and here, jack let out a loud exaggerated sigh, the boyish grin along his maw as he rose a paw to stop his shaking his head, "we'll see what kind of magik you can work"

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: battle scars [★] first aid lesson - aine. - 07-23-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Sweeny.  Barb.  Jack.  Her students.  She noted her father, taking some comfort in his steady presence.  The sense of order he always brought.  Her attention lingered on Jack however, feeling her cheeks warming considerably.  Magik.  The fae knew some "magik"; if her connection to the plants and earth was considered such.

Her ears flicked back and forth, hazel hues soft with the thought he may not be a good student as he said.  No.  She thinks he'll be okay.  They all would, she hopes.  "I-I'm just going to go over some first aid.  It's not as-as um complicated as it sounds, I promise.  Y-you don't have to worry too much."

Breathe.  Aine shifted her weight, holding back a wince from her broken leg.  "'m gon-gonna start with treating open wounds."  Most common injury after all.  With a smile, she tapped the marigold and horsetail gently.  "This is marigold, 'an this is horsetail.  They both do the same thing, so it's okay if you don't um-don't remember one."

"If you've been... Been cut or somethin', 'an you're bleeding, they help stop that.  They both fight infection too."

"Make sense so far?  I'll talk um-talk about broken bones next... If no one has any questions?  I don't- I don't mind going over things more."
— aine | the pitt | acolyte | fae druid —