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HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - Printable Version

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HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - gael - 07-16-2020

A change in leadership would not change Gael's plans -- only enforce their need, truly.  Transitions of power often came with a degree of chaos.  The vulpine, in his disciplined nature, found such a state distasteful -- it would be better for everyone if they could avoid discourse in favor for order.

The Imperator would stand by his earlier promise for order; if the Pitt desired blood, they required practice.  To be a pack of wolves as Silent sought they must know how to fight together, least the battlefield be easily disarrayed and they suffer the consequences of another fall.  The vulpine would not permit another fall.

Cold steel glinted in hazel as the faerie approached the Red Temple -- today he would observe what the Pitt had to work with. 

The temple could more than accommodate his game; a good thing too, since Gael did not want anyone passing out from heatstroke.  With a twitching ear, he gathered the flags -- three in total, red, blue and purple respectively, placing them in the center of the wide space.

With the preparations finished, the Imperator sent the word out -- waiting patiently within as the participants gathered.  When he felt they were ready, he raised his voice, "the rules are simple.  Take your team's flag and defend it -- don't forget to try to take the other teams' flag.  If your flag is taken you'll have ten minutes to take it back or you're out."

"I'd like [member=2955]SILENT[/member] to take his own flag," he stated with a nod towards the Ardent.  "I believe he'll present a unique challenge."

"Work as a team -- that is the whole purpose of this exercise.  You will find it a lot more difficult to win battles if you do not know how to coordinate your efforts as a unit."

"You are permitted to use tooth and claw but I will not condone unnecessary brutality -- if your opponent is defeated, don't go any further.  I don't want vital supplies wasted because someone felt like they had to show. Off."  The glare in his eyes promised more than a swift retaliation should someone push things too far.  "[member=4817]aine.[/member] will be acting as a field medic should someone need her."

"The current teams are follow.  Sweeny, Jack; you're red.  Worm and Barbara; you're blue.  The game starts when every team has their flag."

// CURRENT TEAMS (if your character wants in Gael will simply point them to a direction mid-game):
Purple - [member=2955]SILENT[/member]
Red - [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member] [member=7407]j a c k .[/member]
Blue - [member=13875]WORM.[/member] [member=15687]B. CAEDES[/member]  [member=15699]OLEANDER.[/member]
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - Luciferr - 07-17-2020

he stretched, joints and skeletal form clicking and cracking loudly as he did so a rumbling low bass growl emitting as he shook out his tendrils along his back, yawning jaws snapping closed.

Suitably limber, the behemoth manoeuvred his way over to take the purple flag - passing it to the tendrils that curled along his shoulders to grasp for now - a suitable position and challenge for the others to attempt to take it from him

He nodded to Gael, content to be his own team - he did have rather many a disproportionate advantage over everyone after all.

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - j a c k . - 07-17-2020

the world was awash in a hush in the ashen city, until a very strange courier gathered the kodkod for the training regimine the mor had accepted only days ago. There had been plenty of change, already jack watched his clan scatter with vigor, egear to taste the blood of war, to fill the land with blood. Silent as the ardent didn't come as a surprise, the elderitch walking corpse was powerful, and as kydobi seemed less and less around, silent's sudden announcement came with no warning, no retaliation, only a bloody skull of a cat to adorn the wall of leader's skulls. Yet a name to be carved, silent's voice still shook the lands, an echo that rippled into action, into the pitt; humming, readying for war once again.

Even jack found himself thrilled at the concept, for all that the mor was one of masks, it was not something jack tried to hide. his excitement, to taste what had been kept from him- promised from him in each of his clan's eyes when he first came; gruesome, longing, blood-lusting clan. It was only a matter of time before they had rebelled, and in their fashion, such a brutal way. this was a stepping stone, and as jack walked up the red temple gates, taking position along his own flag as he heard gael speak, that thrill washed into him and suddenly jack were lucky to have his water canteen, an empty holster along the strap was filled by the open canteen. a knife of ice, clear as glass and sharper than steel. he grinned at gael's words, watching their new ardent take his own flag.

he was with a younger member, sweeny. while ot a disadvantage, the fact that bara was along the other team did make the mor tense; silent would be gunning for them then, if out of nothing else, to eliminate them faster? his mind raced with the ideas, as he waited for his team-mate. grey eyes like ice watched the rest of the teams follow in to grab thier own flags; jack would step aside for sweeny to take theirs.

jack would be better on the defensive against silent, and as soon as the thought occurred to him he took to watching their new leader, silently waiting to see if they would take their flag or simply guard it.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - trojan g. - 07-19-2020

Red was Sweeney's favorite color.

She wasn't too sure why it was the case, but she knew it to be true. The color of blood, the color of rage, the color of hatred. Though it flickered in and out of fire as well, Sweeney knew that it was her favorite, and the fact she had been placed on the team with the flag of her favorite color? It meant that she was going to refuse to give it up. They'd have to waste some of those medical supplies on her if someone came too close.


All the Callahan sisters were competitive, each in their own ways and for their own purposes. But Sweeney wanted to win games, either of the mind or of the physical type, so when she was put with someone she had no idea about, her ears pinned to her head for just a moment before she followed after the other, taking her own place by the flag, grasping onto it for a moment before taking a glance at Jack then towards Silent. The Ardent was going to be difficult to get by, but if she and her partner were able to think of a plan, maybe distract him, maybe they had a chance against him. She didn't care for the other group, they could win against them, she was sure of it.

Maybe she was too cocky, but she wouldn't admit that.


Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - Grimm - 07-19-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Of a cruel inclination the draw of widening grin bore across dark lips located behind softly clicking chitin, brief the departure of tongue, trailing against hooked points. Child the creature, twisted being as it were, though lacking experience within such things as games. Forth did extend secondary limbs, hackles arising as did the fine coat of tawny hue. Apparent in all the thrum of excitement that touched upon each nerve, jittering the energy lacing muscle grown taunt, relaxing for hut a moment before tight grew it again. Almost a shiver seemed the movement, the quiet contact of ragged claw tips joining the ceaseless chatter of mandibles.

"Join." Rasping expulsion of putrid breath, proximity near enough the lupine that had made apparent enough his leading of this activity, though brief the departure of attention as regarded the corpse mound. Hunger laced the low whine dancing across exposed teeth, at once a rank and desired prize the hulking monstrosity. For only so long may mind touch upon the silent one, expectation settled within duel eyes, though of more difficult location that within the fractured surface of compound eyes.

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - aine. - 07-19-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Slow, her wobbling legs allowed her inside the temple.  The Red Temple.  Had she been inside before?  She does not think so.  No reason to.  Quietly, the petite druid carries a rather simple satchel.  One day she'll have her own.  For now, she borrowed and made do.  She made sure to carefully supply it with first aid.  Bandages.  Horsetail and marigold.  Bindweed.  Poppy seeds.  A canteen of water.

She took a seat beside her father, hazel hues flickering as she looked out across the arena.  She hoped no one did anything drastic.  ... She hoped.  But maybe that was wishful thinking.
— aine | the pitt | acolyte | fae druid —

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - COSMIIX - 07-20-2020

Someone had to run the instructions over to Barb quite a few times since she had a bit of difficultly understanding, all she knew was that her teammate was Worm and the others were trying to take their flag. That seemed simple enough though the only issue was that... Most of those there participating were adults and she was a mere child, a small one at that but that wouldn't stop Barbara from attending. She would wait until Worm got their flag seeing as she would probably lose it the moment she got her tiny jaws locked onto it.

/ rushed [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HAIL TO THE KING | capture the flag - gael - 07-21-2020

Battles rarely presented fair opportunities -- one side often held a more powerful place on the board.  Of course, the vulpine believed those scales could always be tipped with the proper strategy.  Gael twitched his ear, regarding Oleander for a brief moment, considering.

With an incline of his head, the faerie pointed a paw towards Worm and Barb -- "Oleander, join blue."  The early disproportion would present an intriguing start.  Unless more 'reinforcements' were to arrive, of course, to balance the numbers.

Silent held his flag already, as did Jack and Sweeny theirs.  "Allow Blue to grab their flag, then you may all start when ready."
"MAKE A MOVE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / imperator / lamby