Beasts of Beyond
YOUNG GODS / intro - Printable Version

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YOUNG GODS / intro - COSMIIX - 07-16-2020

Barbara was looking a lot better than when she had first arrived at the Pitt, just a pathetic scrap of fur but now, she was truly thriving within her new home. Did Barb feel any sort of danger when she was around everyone else within the Pitt? No, she didn't and that was due to the fact that her caregiver was now the new Ardent (whatever that meant) and well, she doubted anyone would really mess with her since she normally stuck to Silent's side but today she was was playing near the Nile. She was a little carefree but that came with being a child, she was vulnerable and could easily be taken out if anyone had that type of malicious intent. A soft huff would leave her maw wondering where all the children in the group were, everything seemed so dull and it wasn't like any of the adults would play.

Barb began to swat at the water with obvious boredom wishing there had been someone around her age to play with, a soft snort leaving her as she laid there glaring at her reflection. She supposed that the only good thing about being a child was that she didn't necessarily have to worry too much about adult responsibilities, she rested her left cheek on her paw whilst using the other to scribble on the dirt mindlessly. Surely, there was something to do around here! Soon enough the chirping of a small reptile caught her attention, she didn't know what it was exactly but she assumed that she would be able to play with it. The tiger cub glanced to the sides feeling a soft growl leaving her watching as the tiny crocodile kit swam nearby. Barb wriggled her hips and lifted a paw up ready to snatch it up whenever it got too close, finally, she struck hearing it let out a surprised hiss.

It was hers now! She grabbed it with her jaws still listening to it hiss and writhe trying to bite her, Barb was getting irritated and was close to just killing the tiny crocodilian until something much bigger hissed at her from the waters. Ah fuck, Barbara immediately made a dash for it with the hatchling dangling from her jaws, her heart racing, and the sound of sand flying causing her to quicken the pace. Soon enough, she reached the jungle where most resided as she would go through the foliage to lose the crocodile before clambering on top of a tree with soft huffs as she tried to catch her breath. She heard a frustrated hiss and thrashing assuming that the mother had given up and left, Barb let out a triumphant growl holding onto her prize only to set it down pressing a paw on it. Once more it tried to bite her but she was out of its reach, her ears pinned down at her skull.

How ungrateful. So, without much of a second thought, the tiger cub wrapped her jaws around its neck only press down on the tiny creatures jugular feeling it writhe in her grip before going completely limp with faint chirps. Now with a limp hatchling in her jaws, Barbara went back to the center of the Pitt camp and dug her claws into her kill glancing around. Barbara would have to get to know everyone here or that's what she assumed so she sat up with a frown and spoke with a growl afterwards "Hello..." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOUNG GODS / intro - Luciferr - 07-21-2020

always a joy to see them start young and his little chest gremlin didn’t disappoint it seemed.

Get them a taste for it early and they’d never stop after all and Silent was in need of fighters, soldiers and the like as much as they needed healers.

He was after all, looking for marauaders right now - perhaps Barbara, for that is what he’d named his attachment, might one day grow into one.

It would be worth the allotment of his time that went to hm, tolerating? Caring? Indulging? Her possessiveness of him - who she seemed to have solely decided was her new parent.

It oddly for once, boggled the eldritch creature - him, a father figure? He’d laugh but it seemed he’d somehow become one to the budding killer.

Silent snorted as he ambled up to the tiny cub staring down as she seemed to be attempting to find others to say hello to - he eyed the gator ”found yourself a new toy hmm?” no doubt she’d not understand him, but it hardly mattered - the tone and body language indicated he mentioned the limp hatchling either way.