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[ooc: this is all IC opinions bc Silent is horrible as usual]

The shafts of moonlight that shot through the interior of the temple and fell across the stage illuminated a figure far different than what was usually seen upon this very stage.

Kydobi did not stand there this night, no instead a far larger and far more sinister being of appearance sat and awaited all those who had heard the call to gather not long ago - for he had sounded it himself.

The Pitt disappointed him,

And he had never been one to let things torpor for the sake of morals or rules, so he didn’t - and he took the crown out of the hands of those to weak to slake a land thirsty for blood and a people growing restless and idle

His people now,

How novel,

”gather Pittians, we’ve languished long enough”

[ I will put all changes here after the second post detailing them is made for an easy recap after everyone is gathered ]

(07-16-2020, 06:38 PM)SILΞNT. link Wrote: TL;DR

- Silent is now leading the Pitt, Gael remains second in command.
- There is a new slavery system in place, used for converting others into slowly becoming Pittians themselves.
- there is a new festival tradition! See the guide for details.
- we are FULLY WARBOUND. We have no allies and everyone is an enemy. It is open season and the Pitt now promotes attacking, raids, captures and the like on any other clan.
- cannibalism is allowed.
- the Ardent word is law, no Pittians are harmed only outsiders, you either die/escape/or are exiled if you disagree.
- the IBADA has been changed to ‘the blooding’ and further details on taht can be found in the guide.
- all Pitt members unless you are bloodless have a tooth on a silver chain unless you have done your ‘blooding’ in which case you tooth will be dyed in the Nile till blood red and pierced into the armour you obtained in your ‘blooding & nights of solitude’ initiations (see the guide for details).
- raids are bi-monthly: we are seeking maximum destruction and loot, for we are always hungry for resources ESPECIALLY in the summer seasons.
- your loot can go towards crafting armour, weapons, trinkets etc - most sought after is armour as we will all be wearing it in raids (though at home you are only required to wear at least the piece you crafted from your ‘blooding’ as that also holds your rank and Pittian status teeth)
- the knife stone has been changed to a personal weapon, see guide for details.
- the territory is unchanged but areas have been renamed and given more significance plus a minor addition or two of the territory - see the guide for details.
- we’ve started up an armouring tradition, so all the clan has somewhat of a crash course in creating such (up to you if you wish to know already or practice first)

- Ardent remains Ardent, Vicar is now Imperator, Erudites are now fleshweavers, marauders remain marauders, Pittians remain Pittians, aspirants are now Acolytes, Edus are now Pitt pups and Debutantes are now Newbloods.
- each rank has a corresponding tooth colour, see the guide for more details under the blooding tradition.
- new rank for the re-implementation of a slave system: Bloodless. This rank has no tooth signifying the yet to be converted status.

Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - trojan g. - 07-16-2020

A meeting had been called, and the voice of whom had called it was one that did not speak that often - at least to Sweeney. She'd gotten used to Kydobi, gotten used to the large feline, and now he was no longer speaking to all of them. Maybe this was something that was a one time thing, maybe it was going to be different next time.

Already in her lifetime Sweeney had seen two leaders come and go. One too young for her to quite remember though old enough to have seen his last moments. And now Kydobi was no longer leader. Did this mean that Silent was going to stick the jaguar on a stake, and burn him up in flames just as the others had done to her own father? Were they going to get with Tanglewood and the Typhoon once more, and make sure it was a spectator sport seen by the enemies of the group?

Ears pinned to her head as Sweeney thought of this, looking down at the ground for a moment before pricking her ears once for just a moment, waiting for more words to be spoken. Maybe things weren't bad, maybe things wouldn't be as they had been seven months ago.


Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - Atticus Roux - 07-16-2020

Another day.

Atticus couldn't complain too much. The boy had never intended to stay within The Pitt this long, but things happened to work out that way. With Ivan's attack, Moth's death, and his father's untimely leave, the tabby succumbed easily under the world's weight. It helped that there was a supportive community here. With Silentgrave's silent approval and Sweeney's undying love, he felt weirdly at home. Even so, the lurking thought of suspicion loomed in the back of his mind. Had he made the wrong decision by staying? Should he run back to Tanglewood and preach for forgiveness? Would he even be forgiven for his many sins? Doubt it. Thus he stayed, lurking in the shadows and exploring the outskirts of the group with ease. By this time, Atticus knew The Pitt's territory and had embraced their ideals... despite his family's pushback. They were gone though. Why would they care? Loose strands of his past faded away into the abyss, leaving an unhinged cat amongst their ranks.

Following Sweeney willingly, he sat down beside her. Yellow eyes narrowed up at Silentgrave. Wandering thoughts wondered why he stood tall at the podium. Perhaps he was announcing his leave? A surprising engagement? Maybe one of his mysterious allies showed up out of nowhere? No one ever knew with the strange being. The thought of a takeover never crossed his mind. Atticus could only watch and listen, hoping for an interesting announcement at the least.


Barbara had been asleep the entire time having filled her belly with bits of mysterious meat, the moving of Silent have lulled her to sleep although the moment she heard him speak was when she opened her eyes letting out a soft grumble. Her nose began to twitch lightly as she began to move about, Barb lowered her head to sniff around for anymore pieces of meat but didn't seem to find any and assumed that her unusual caretaker (yes, she officially decided that the beast was her caretaker) hadn't gotten anything to eat since they were full but Barb wasn't quite satisfied as of right now. She almost wanted to complain and demand for more food but instead the child would peer through the small opening in the chest seeing other strangers gather in front of Silent, she wondered why though didn't dwell much on it. She wanted out! So, without more than a grunt did the cub leave the safety of the chest and tumbled down a ways before she got a grip on one of Silent's appendages, she let out a soft breath knowing full well if she had fallen any further well, she could've broken something or worse... Died.

And frankly, Barbara had too much fighting spirit to die just now. She slowly climbed down making sure not to make too much of a scene (although, a random infant popping out of an eldritch monstrosities chest was definitely peculiar and would make anyone gawk) and once her back paws touched the ground underneath her did Barb move closer to her caretaker's front limbs before staring down at everyone. She felt... superior in a sense. Obviously, the attention wasn't on her but it felt nice to be where she was now, she sat between the front legs of Silent only to puff out her chest. Things were going to change around here and not only for the Pitt but for herself.

And she was ready for it. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - j a c k . - 07-16-2020

it had only been the other day that jack had spotted kydobi, but here, now the other was absent admitst his own clans meeting; the ardent was gone and it was silent's form wavering through the sun like a great void that ate up the sky- the sun. Jack was amungst the crowd of the others, ice blue eyes looking onwards as his friend- would it be right to call them friends? steped up and took the reigns of once where a bloodless, a peaceful leader stood. for now the other made no move, no motion in defiance against silentgrave.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]


Worm was there.

Like a snake, he slinks in at Silent's call, and upon seeing Silent posed so above all of the rabble, with no sign of Kydobi, a thrill pulses through him. He does not need Silent to explain to him what has happened, he can feel it in the crowd, the energy, the change. There is a crackle in the air, whimsical, wild. Orange eyes find the massive one he has grown fond of, a smile rippling across his stained maw and he laughs.

Weakness had been ousted, the castle had crumbled, the rabid guards and dogs were unleashed, and they called for blood. He would let Silent speak, and listen carefully, ever so lovingly to his words, let the music of blood and war soothe and whet his appetite.

Where was the body? Could he keep it within his home? Could he watch that great feline skull rot daily, rub his depraved self over the man's decay? He had disgusted Kydobi so, his filthy habits and awful tongue, but what good was his kindness now?

Should they perch it upon their borders and leave it, let the flies breed and eat away at what remained? Prove to the other clans that there was a new regime, a new power? The idea of all of this, well. It was exhilarating. Thrilling, in an acute way he had not yet felt.

His eyes found Atticus in the crowd, and he hoped the boy would know, how kindness dies. How it festers and rots in the sun, how flies and maggots overtake its corpse, how it was ambition and power that drove the world forward, the willingness to cut your teeth on the bones of someone weaker.

Power could not exist, without putting one's whole weight on another's bones.


For the call to go out, without his own voice, nor Kydobi's -- it was a sign of a curious change.  One the vulpine would watch, study.  Quietly, the faerie rose to his paws, moving through the crowd without a word; the steady Vicar.  Hazel eyes glinted, narrowed thoughtfully on the creature standing where a jaguar once stood.

Silent had decided he would take the reins then; forcibly.  Very well.  It is not as though Gael had never seen such a thing before.  History oft repeated the same patterns -- he felt more inclined to test the waters and see what sort of Pitt Silent craved to run, rather than offer any protest.

The truth of it was, Gael did not care if the Pitt were vengeful or peaceful -- Aine mattered the most.  He had seen what becoming placid, sitting ducks, could do to a nation and he did not want it to happen here.

Goldenluxury had chosen Kydobi for them, Gael had stood beside him, because they were comrades, but the vulpine would stand beside another, if it meant protecting their people.  If it meant truly protecting them -- they would never seen their home aflame again.

He knew the jaguar had been biding his time, but time could only buy him so much.  Unfortunate but it seemed all it bought him was a place in Gael's memory, as all too many of his comrades did -- the curse of a long life.  Very well.

The Vicar inclined his head -- Silent had his backing this day.  They would keep it too, so long as they ensured the Pitt would stand strong, that it could protect its people.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

a halo of dust in the light shafts flickered around the creature, daring not to touch that pitch dark intent directly as it watched with an eyeless face as they gathered to his call, one of it’s secondary set of forelimbs tucked up underneath it and in the shadows concealing what it had cradled.

It could feel the discontent, the apprehension - the tension, in the air before the skull ornamented throne,

Here below his feet sat skulls carved with the names of leaders past - sought out ones that looked similar to the species or were of the species each leader had been,

And some well-

Silent shifted as his recent acquisition - the pup - climbed from the maw of his ribcage to sit between his forelimbs, amused at her display before his head tilted upwards and the gurgling of the creature before them broke through the silence - that eyeless gaze resting on Gael briefly as the newly dubbed Imperator joined the procession

Then that terrible voice spoke

”far too long have we languished my friends” The whispering below quieted abruptly when Silent began, a voice both creeping and yet silken in a way - meant to persuade yet also to inspire that creeping clutching feeling at your spine.

”when you first joined this land, did you do so knowing it lay itself bare and beaten? A dog bearing it’s throat? Or did you join knowing the shadow of its reputation?” he purred, the shadows shifting behind him as the tendrils that decorated his back writhed in the gloom

”I know I did” it was almost melancholy in its statement and the silence settled ”i joined a land that called for blood in its very own bones - a land built on sacrifice” he hummed ”I can still hear it now”

”that rage, that hunger - yet it was denied!” and with a sudden snap the silence was disturbed as the Silent one’s voice distorted and a hundred angry souls seemed to echo the last line - like the land itself suddenly spoke through the creature - a void into which all those souls had stepped to rage and ruin.

A skull thudded down onto the platform, clutched in the serrated claws of Silent - a skull with dried blood still spattered across it,

A skull in the shape of a feline,

”and look what denial has done to you” the anger was replaced with a sickening croon as the creature’s ‘tongues’ flickered at its teeth before receding.

It leaned back and grinned in the moonlit shafts of light, a deathly visage

”he made pigs of you, pigs for slaughter - by your allies, by your enemies or by the very land you tread” and it was true, what did they do but lie around now? Lie around and wait to die under the whims of a leader spoken for by the very ally that had seen fit to try to smite them from existence.

His head tilted, a sickening crack from that disjointed spine ”I would see you wolves - and so I will, no longer is Kydobi your leader” he stood, the former dragon skull that was laced across his neck now stood stark in the moonlight moulded and forged mounted upon his arm just shy of his shoulder with its horns curling upwards and two teeth driven through the eye socket’s brow - one blood red, one carved from blackest obsidian.

”I am”

the abomination tossed his head to Gael ”and Gael is your Imperator - the pitt has no need for Vicars and there is nothing holy to us” it snorted in amusement ”the ibada is now the blooding and each of you yet to prove yourselves will carry an unblemished tooth ready to be dipped into the blood nile when you compete your nights - those of you who have will receive your blooded tooth, for you’ve proven yourselves fine enough”

he motioned to those that had recently completed their ‘blooding’ ”you will have to adjust your trophies and fit them into or as an armour piece, you will be given your teeth once you have - my Imperator will see to the rest of you when you complete your trials”

”the ranks aside from Vicar have also changed - Erudites are now ‘fleshweavers’ and will be situated in the white temple for where the sick, the injured and those requiring check ups will go - Marauders remain Marauders and will host training, spars and the like in the red pyramid, Pittians remain Pittians - Aspirants are now Acolytes just as Edus are now Pitt pups and debutantes are now new bloods.

Alongside this is the reinstatement of a slavery system - the bloodless - they are so named this because those we capture as such will become one of us in time, we need only.. convince them that we are right - they will not have any teeth on them until they know our way is the correct way, do I make myself clear?”
he paused, skeletal tail twitching behind him

”yes we are bringing back the slavery system - we are also allowing raids, captures and torture - why you ask? Because the land calls for it! Because it is in. OUR. VERY. BONES! We are the Pitt! All the clans that your former ruler sought to befriend who now mock us for the beaten dogs he made of us! ALL OF THEM. ARE. OUR. ENEMIES!” the last was said with a snarl so vicious the pyramid itself seemed to rattle with the beasts anger.

And yet just like a switch, the creature calmed ”they are open season to you - all of you - take what you want of them, kill them, dance in their viscera, paint yourselves with their blood and eat their hearts if you so desire - but do not let them demean you so anymore” and here came back the croon, the don’t you know I only do this because this is what’s good for you? For us? They laugh at you, will you let them?

”Raids upon them will be bi-monthly, we will make them second guess their own shadows again - and we will take the resources they squander so poorly - we will armour ourselves everytime we are to go to war and we will leave naught but the fire and brimstone that they used when they torched the ashen city of old!” he rumbled, unfettered, unrestrained, no more was he to be held back by moral constraints of a weak leader

”we will have our festivals - because I will not rob you of your respite, we will have our joy as much as we have our battle and our fire and our blood roaring in our veins when the war drums call” his smile - both of them - was all teeth and deathly glory.

”so I ask, do you agree? Do you wish to be more than the beaten husk of a once great clan? The laughing stock of all those that see themselves better? Or will you wear your teeth with pride and lay bear the hypocrisy of all those that stand above us? We who are not afraid of our own shadows - we who do not fear the truth of us?”


- Silent is now leading the Pitt, Gael remains second in command.
- There is a new slavery system in place, used for converting others into slowly becoming Pittians themselves.
- there is a new festival tradition! See the guide for details.
- we are FULLY WARBOUND. We have no allies and everyone is an enemy. It is open season and the Pitt now promotes attacking, raids, captures and the like on any other clan.
- cannibalism is allowed.
- the Ardent word is law, no Pittians are harmed only outsiders, you either die/escape/or are exiled if you disagree.
- the IBADA has been changed to ‘the blooding’ and further details on taht can be found in the guide.
- all Pitt members unless you are bloodless have a tooth on a silver chain unless you have done your ‘blooding’ in which case you tooth will be dyed in the Nile till blood red and pierced into the armour you obtained in your ‘blooding & nights of solitude’ initiations (see the guide for details).
- raids are bi-monthly: we are seeking maximum destruction and loot, for we are always hungry for resources ESPECIALLY in the summer seasons.
- your loot can go towards crafting armour, weapons, trinkets etc - most sought after is armour as we will all be wearing it in raids (though at home you are only required to wear at least the piece you crafted from your ‘blooding’ as that also holds your rank and Pittian status teeth)
- the knife stone has been changed to a personal weapon, see guide for details.
- the territory is unchanged but areas have been renamed and given more significance plus a minor addition or two of the territory - see the guide for details.
- we’ve started up an armouring tradition, so all the clan has somewhat of a crash course in creating such (up to you if you wish to know already or practice first)

- Ardent remains Ardent, Vicar is now Imperator, Erudites are now fleshweavers, marauders remain marauders, Pittians remain Pittians, aspirants are now Acolytes, Edus are now Pitt pups and Debutantes are now Newbloods.
- each rank has a corresponding tooth colour, see the guide for more details under the blooding tradition.
- new rank for the re-implementation of a slave system: Bloodless. This rank has no tooth signifying the yet to be converted status.


[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
To say Dante hadn't been expecting a meeting was an understatement - let alone being met with someone else's call other than Kydobi's. Silent's voice roared throughout camp, jolting Dante up from his hungover-induced nap. Groaning, the hybrid slowly rose to his paws and shambled about until he reached the clearing, happening to come across just as Silent slammed a skull down. Interested now, Dante's gaze slowly went from the skull - which he just realized was Kydobi's skull. Dante grinned, his sharp teeth glinting as he opened his mouth to stare up at Silent.

"Oh ho, hell yeah." The shark-cat rumbled, his tail flicking back and forth in excitement. "That's fucking dope, my dude." Now this was what he was talking about - The Pitt was clearly going to go back to its roots, if not a more violent way of life. This was going to be great. As for his armor piece... a lion's skull, huh? Damn. I was planning on keeping that in my room. Ah, well. Perhaps he could look around for another trophy to keep in his room some day. That being said, Dante had to keep in mind that Gael was still Imperator and that he had to go to him to get that tooth-thingy that Silent was blabbering about. Eh, maybe he'll do that later.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I SAID HELLO SATAN | TAKEOVER+MEETING - aine. - 07-17-2020

I'll come back when you call me
The petite deer-fox had been delayed by the unfortunate state of one of her legs; broken.  Her ears had perked at the sound of a meeting, though confusion lit her hazel hues.  That wasn't Kydobi's voice.  Aine chewed the inside of her cheek, wobbling over to her father's side just as a skull hit the ground.  The force of it is enough to make her jump, sinking beneath Gael in frightened incomprehension.

Her throat closed up.  She wanted to ask her father.  To understand.  Her ears flattened against her skull.  Trying to keep up.  To understand.  It was almost too much.  Where was Kydobi?  ... That skull... Couldn't... Not again.  Not again.

Her eyes water but the child breathes in softly, refusing any tears.  Not here.  Not here.

She didn't understand.  All of this.  What Silent wanted.  It was the reason the jungle was burned.  It was the reason Kydobi died the first time.  Yet she saw no signs of... Of disapproval.  She didn't understand.
— aine | the pitt | acolyte | fae druid —