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game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - Printable Version

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game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - Keona. - 07-15-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Even as repairs were hammered out, the tavern remained lively.  The petite fae hardly expected less.  As the building became more and more stable, Keona began to encourage it.  Let everyone get back to something normal.  Something familiar.  She knew that was important, especially after the chaos of a natural disaster.

As Dealer, Keona decided she ought to give everyone fun to look forward to.  To celebrate with.  It was no secret she was more introverted than not.  She'd rather sit back quietly.  Listen.  But it was no secret she would try her hardest for her crew.  To lead them in whatever aspect she'd been called to lead them in.  There was a reason Goldenluxury had promoted her to Dealer all that time ago.

Keona spoke quietly with the NPCs who ran the bar first.  Drinks were important.  Apparently.  The fae had wanted to start off her little idea with a game everyone was at least semi-familiar with.  She had forgotten it involved alcohol most of the time.  Oh well.

Then she got to work on asking for some signs.  Help spread the word.  It was then a familiar child made her presence known, happily insisting she make some of the signs for Keona.  "Alright, Natyli," she relented, trying not to be terribly wary.  "No glitter inside please.  Keep it simple."

The Roux was happy to assist, regardless of rules, and the little chimera began assembling a few signs outside the tavern, all reading in happy and bold letters, "GAME NIGHT".

By then the sun had begun it's descent and Keona made sure to have some tables pushed together.  The drinks were ready and laid out too, ranging from strong alcohol and kid-friendly fruit punch.

Once crewmates began to trickle in, the tiny feline stood up and rose her voice.  "Aloha! 'm kicking off Game Night tonight.  We'll start doin' this every week or so, so keep an eye out for the signs.  We're keeping it simple with a game of Never have I ever.  If ya wanna play just join us at the table 'an we'll get started soon."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - roan ; - 07-15-2020

The concept of a game night wasn't terribly unfamiliar to Roan, considering the young sage had grown up in a household full of children. While he had once been the only little kit stumbling about Roxie's paws, he had very quickly received a bundle of siblings to watch over and play with. Although he had mixed feelings about that in the moment, nowadays he was grateful for the presence of his younger siblings, and he loved them with all of his heart. He also knew that they could all be one hell of a hassle when they were all gathered about in one place. So, it was no surprise that Roxie had occasionally encouraged them all to gather around and have little game nights. After all – what better way to distract an entire herd of children than by sitting them down and having them play games with you? At the time, Roan had never realized just how ingenious it was, and now that he was older? He couldn't say that realizing the true purpose of the game nights had ruined his memories of them. He had fun during them, after all, distraction or not.

The siamese couldn't deny that he felt a bit surprised when he heard about Keona deciding to host a game night at the tavern, however. Not only way he used to Keona being more soft spoken and kept to herself, but he hadn't really known that adults did game night as well. It seemed pretty obvious now, since there were plenty of games out there that were more adult oriented, but said nights had always felt like such a childish activity for him. He wasn't exactly about to complain about a bit of a distraction from his work, so he had decided to attend, eventually arriving to the tavern along with the small crowd of others that had already headed in. He made his way over to where the drinks were, the sage looking curiously at the different selection that was on display. The not so strong alcohol sounded tempting, especially given his rapidly approaching official adulthood, but he decided not to risk it. After all, there was a fairly large chance his mother would be attending. Long tail flicking behind him, Roan made his way over to the table Keona was sitting at, muttering, "I think I remember this game... it's pretty simple, right?" He knew it to be one of those games that could be simple juvenile fun to complete unrestrained anarchy, depending on who you were playing with.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
not one to be left out and not usually far from any membet of his family, Jaime trotted alone behind Roan and joined the two at the table, white and black spattered ears perking up and slitted green eyes glancing about to see if anyone else mould join them.

”it sounds pretty simple” was the cubs quite agreement with his older brother as he shifted to sit beside him at the table and looked curiously to Keona - though he hadn’t played any of these games before, he hadn’t really gotten time to be truthful.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - ROXANNE R. - 07-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
A game night?

Roxanne was definitely interested and well, it was nice to take breaks every now and then... She supposed anyways, the Officer would walk over with both ears perked forward and would twitch her whiskers lightly. Her eyes would shift over in the direction of the drinks and plucked a fruit punch for herself, her eyes half closed as she would sit beside both of her children. Never have I ever, huh? Roxanne doubted there was anything she hadn't done yet and the thought amused her for a moment only to drink from her fruit punch before speaking with a cheeky grin "I'm down to play," She would let out a soft sigh adjusting her wings at her sides, she was happy that Keona was a Dealer instead of herself seeing as well... Roxanne felt she specialized in her current rank than someone who had to make activities for the clan or keep up with clan politics, a giggle left her at that thought. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-20-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
Never had I ever, huh? Aphra licked her lips as she came walking after Roxanne, her icy eyes narrowed as she scanned the table of drinks - good, Keona had included alcoholic drinks. It'd be a damn shame if she didn't. What kind of game of Never Have I Ever didn't include alcohol? "I'm playin." The she-cat stated as she sat down next to Roxanne.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - natyli r. - 07-20-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
The grin on Natyli's maw was mostly from being included; for helping set things up in the first place.  Perhaps it was the Roux workaholic in her shining through but she was proud of her signs, especially as more and more crewmates heeded their message.

Now she could play!  Happily, the chimera plopped herself down next to her family, mitch-matched hues bright.  "I think I know the rules."  But she'd let Keona explain anyway, just in case.  Roan didn't look super sure and she gave him a big reassuring smile.

Her ears perked intently as the Dealer began speaking again, likely satisficed with the starting turn-out.  This was a good number to begin a game with.  At least, Natyli thought so. "It's simple, don' worry.  The idea is someone begins with the phrase 'Never 'ave I ever' and finishes with somethin' they haven' done.  But if you 'ave done that, you 'ave to drink.  'an you jus' keep goin' round the table."

"Doesn' matter what you drink.  Alcohol or fruit punch."  Obviously, Keona didn't want the too-young drinking alcohol.  Natyli supposed she didn't mind though.  She did wonder what the Dealer herself would drink though, since she still looked so young.

The petite Roux rocked in her seat, "can I start?"  Following an amused nod from Keona, Natyli beamed triumphantly, sitting up taller.  "Never have I ever..." What hadn't she done?  The youth scrunched up her face, rose wings shifting at her side.  This shouldn't be so hard to think of.  "Flown?  Never have I ever flown."

Maybe that was a bit unfair.  Her mother had obviously used her wings before but... It was true.  Natyli hadn't even attempted it yet, not looking forward to a faceful of sand should the attempt go awry before she was ready.

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - roan ; - 07-20-2020

Truth be told, Roan was glad for the fact that Natyli decided to have Keona go over the rules once again, even if they were fairly simple. The last time he had played the rather fun little game was when he was a young kit, and since then many moons had passed, along with many sleepless nights that he was sure had killed at least a few memories. He nodded his head once Keona was done with her explanation, reaching out a paw to drag over his glass of fruit punch in preparation. He wasn't sure how much he'd really be drinking, since he had some rather different experiences than most of those present, but it still seemed like a good idea to have it close. In fact, it was a very good idea, since Natyli's first question alone had him tipping back his glass with his paws, drinking a rather sizable amount of fruit punch at once. When he pulled the cup away, he muttered to the gathered group, "I flew during the meteor strike... plus a few times before that. I'm sure mama remembers my first time trying to fly." It had been a bit of a disaster, since he had gone face first down into the sand and injured his leg. At the time the memory might've brought a frown to his muzzle, but now he just found himself snorting, shaking his head at his younger self.

He supposed that he should probably say something he had never done as well, in order to keep the game moving along. It took him a moment, considering it was a lot harder to think of things that one hadn't done, rather than what they had, but eventually he spoke, tail flicking behind him, "Never have I ever... fought in a battle." Surely his mother had to have fought in some kind of battle in the past, and Aphra probably as well. He wasn't so sure about Keona, thanks to her rather small stature. She had the status, position, and history to have fought alongside her fellow Typhooners, but did she have the power as well? He wasn't too confident of that – although he'd never say so to her face.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - salem - 07-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Quiet, dark paws trotted into the tavern.  The signs outside the door had been new; intriguing and luring the youth inside.  In patient curiosity, Salem listened, heeding the rules with gently creasing brows.  The game sounded simple enough and as it began the boy quickly gathered some of the non-alcoholic fruit punch to his seat.

"No wings," he murmured with a light twitch of his whiskers -- the first feat out of the way.  Salem did give Roan a soft smile, glad to see the first attempt had since become an amusing memory for him.

The Sage offered an intriguing statement as well.  Growing up one of a set of quadruplets meant growing up tousling and sparring but a full battle had yet to greet him -- a mercy, perhaps.  His head shakes, silently denying any battles fought on his part.  He imagined a few at the table had though; their hostess included.

Opting to try and fully participate, the kodkod shifted in his seat, considering.  "Never have I ever... Caught a fish."

Re: game night: never have I ever [★] SUGAR RUSH - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Jaime inclined his head to Natyli, grateful for his sisters concise going over of the rules - though her question did catch him out for sure.

He took a swig of the fruit juice. He’d both flown and been flown after all.

And then Roan spoke of battles and Jaime stared at his drink, unsure - I mean did it count when he’d been mostly just trying to flee? Well he he took another swig.

And then salem’s Which, unfair, they lived by the sea after all - Jaime swore vengeance on all here as he took another sip.

He really wasn’t wining here huh

”never have I drunk” well it might be vengeance on some of the adults here at least.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion