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BAD GUY / sparring session - Printable Version

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BAD GUY / sparring session - ROXANNE R. - 07-15-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had decided that it was probably best to hold a spar or training session of sorts seeing as several of the minnows had become betas and she wanted them to be able to defend themselves seeing as Caesar was still out there. The thought made her pink claws sink into the cushion she had been laying on top of for the time being, her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. It would do them well, she was certain it would so, she rose to her paws without a second thought. The draconic feline felt a soft sigh brush past her slightly parted maw and made her way outside to the beach, both ears perked forward with a faint smile on her maw. The officer had her eyes closed for a brief moment only to reopen them glancing over the beach, she swiped her claws across the sand only to call out with a wide grin, her fangs sticking out "Gather 'round for a sparring session!" Hopefully, this would benefit a lot of the members here and the thought of seeing someone close to her hurt again only angered her, Roxie knew that she wouldn't always be there on time. She'd at least do this for them, it was the most she could do. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - michael t. - 07-15-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — It wasn't exactly a well kept secret around The Typhoon that Michael was hardly a fighter. Although he did have the capacity to fight tooth and claw, he much preferred using his elementals, or just getting the drop on someone by sneaking. Some would call him cowardly for his thieving and deceptive nature, but he had never really cared about their opinions. After all, avoiding direct confrontation had been what had kept him alive thus far – save for when he had defended Roxie against the wild beast that had attacked her. That had possibly been the bobcat's singular moment of complete selflessness, and although he had survived it, it had hardly been a pleasant experience. He could still remember the wild creature shaking him around like a ragdoll, teeth clamping down near his spine as claws were raked down over his blind eye. He still had the reminder of that moment present over his face, in the form of two large scars over his left eye. Still, even when these scars were aching and he had nightmares of the beast, he never regretted what he had done then. It had been for his sister, after all.

Despite all of this, the reaver was still hesitant to approach when he heard Roxie's call. Unless it was the most dire of circumstances, he had never enjoyed fighting. He knew sparring wasn't simply for pleasure, but he still found himself quite comfortable against the warm sand beneath his belly, and honestly considered resting his chin back down for a nap. However he also knew Roxanne would probably raise hell if she found him sleeping while she was doing a sparring session, and he wasn't looking forward to any more of her "friendly" pranks. So, the thief pushed himself slowly to his paws, shaking the sand out of his fur before he made his way over. Gently bumping his side against Roxie's in greeting, Michael muttered softly, "I suppose I'll participate. Make sure to pair me up with someone weak though, please." He mumbled the last part in a softer voice, a faint smirk coming to his muzzle. He was going to say to pair him up with someone small, but that was just asking for some crack about his height. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - salem - 07-15-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | One of four siblings, Salem had grown up fighting his fair share of spars -- of course, out of all of them, he may have fought the second least.  He preferred words to violence; a fact he suspected no one here would find surprising.  Reading an interesting book or tending to plants gave him far more joy than the triumph of battle.

The kodkod knew he was small -- not as small as some, namely Keona, but the fact did make him an easier opponent to bat around by force.  Salem hardly fought without an edge however -- one he knew could make a spar uneven if he did not ask.

The dark-furred youth tilted his head, inclining thoughtfully as he spoke, "what are the rules?"

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - Keona. - 07-15-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
It'd been... Some time since the tiny Dealer sparred anyone.  There was an expectation, she supposed.  One she was avoiding.  Between her size and the sight she'd been born without... She didn't spar often because she didn't want to deal with pity.  With light expectations.

She sparred with Séamus from time to time.  Her father never fought fair though, but she bet that was the point.  Keona flicked her ear as she padded up, pale hues locking on Michael for a moment.  Her tongue clicked.  She did not want to spar against him if "weak" was the expectation there.

The tiny fae listened quietly as her friend made his question known.  She figured no claws, at the very least.  No good having unnecessary injuries.  The rest was up to Roxie, since she called the session.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
of course Jaime cane running at the mention of a spar, though he doubted he’d be allowed to do anything - or if at all, anything too heavy - yet but he wanted to at least watch - you could learn a lot by watching others after all.

His black spattered ears flicked to uncle mike as he complained about wanting someone weak to spar against - though he wasn’t sure who’d take it up since uncle mike unfortunately had that flea problem - getting in close could mean catching them! Jaime inwardly cringed, yeah he’d stick to watching for now.

”can I sit up here and watch with you mom?” although his mother would probably be participating - she might decline and prefer to mediate the fights but Jaime would rather watch for today at least.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - ROXANNE R. - 07-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
When Michael approached, the Officer would perk her ears forward with a light twitch of her whiskers and couldn't help but frown at the mention of weaker members. Her eyes narrowed down to dangerous slits as she nudged the Reaver in return though a little more roughly "Oh, don't worry. You're paired up with me just for that comment. That is if no one else shoes up," And frankly, Roxanne wouldn't go easy on the other though her gaze would move to both Salem and Keona saying with a small nod of her head "No claws, we don't wanna give Roan any more stress." Her tail would lash to the sides before she would decide on partnering up Keona with Salem, she sure that the both of them could learn from one another and her gaze would shift over to her son. A soft smile appearing on her maw, she would nod slowly aiming to light nuzzle the jaguar cub as she would purr "Of course, sweetheart." There was a brief pause as she would roll her shoulders for a moment before speaking once more though it was directed to both Salem and Keona "Keona and Salem, you'll be sparing partners."

Her gaze would glance around to see if anyone else would be joining them "The two of you may begin, I'll see if anyone else comes over to set them up with sparring partners." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - T. ROUX - 07-29-2020

Trygve Roux would be a fool if he decided to miss out on a sparring session so he approached slowly with a lash of his tail, his pupils were dangerous slits. He wore a toothy grin upon his maw, his gaze immediately locking onto Michael since Jaime didn't seem all that interested in participating or else, the beta definitely would've been intrigued on taking his brother head on. "Michael. Hope ya ain't too old to spar with me," The draconic jaguar would begin with a growl leaving his maw, his tail lashing to the sides. It didn't seem like anyone was starting so if anything was going to happen, he supposed that it would be him against the older man.  [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - Keona. - 07-30-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Keona twitched her ears, a slight smile lifting her maw.  Salem.  She had yet to learn how her friend liked to fight.  Since he was smaller like her, the Dealer opted to guess he relied on agility more than strength.

Unfortunately, she was likely dealing with someone who wouldn't underestimate her.  Salem knew her.  Knew she'd fought before.  Knew she escaped the Pitt once.  She wouldn't be surprising him with her experience.  He had the advantage.  But that never deterred her before.  Séamus taught her better than that.

Preemptively, Keona took a few steps away from the gathering, slowing her breath and focusing.  Her ears, most importantly, perked.  She had to pay close attention to the sound of Salem's paws specifically.  Movement.  Space.

Quiet, the petite fae only offered a small nod, shifting easily into a defensive position.  Low to the ground, listening and waiting for any shift or sound.  She needed to know how he fought.  Give him the first move.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - michael t. - 07-31-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Michael let out a soft grunt as he was nudged roughly by his sister, opening his maw to reassure her that he had been joking, – mostly – but he was interrupted by the arrival of Trygve. Turning to look at his nephew, his heart sank a bit when the kid asked to spar, even if he seemed rather lighthearted about it. It wasn't that Michael didn't want to spar with his apprentice, but as Ry had continued growing older and older, he had gotten... well, bigger, and bigger. The size difference between them was becoming fairly obvious to anyone with even the most awful eyesight, and in a spar like this, he didn't exactly have his usual boon to make up for his small stature. After all, it wasn't as if he was just going to start firing earth "bullets" at his nephew, especially when they weren't even being allowed claws. He could try to at least put up a little bit of a fight, even though he was fairly sure he wouldn't win. He had experience on his side, yes, but most of that experience was in tricking and fucking over his opponent so that he could escape, not winning the fight entirely.

Shooting Roxie a little look of help me the bobcat sighed heavily before moving to the side, slipping his jewelry off and arranging it in a careful little pile out of the way. He knew it would be nothing but a disadvantage in a fight, and he didn't want anything getting broken. Once that was finished, he made his way to the position across from Ry, lowering his shoulders and taking a deep breath. He muttered tauntingly, despite his lack of true confidence in himself, "I'll never be too old to kick your ass, Ry. Now come on, I'll even give you the first move." The one thing the older feline had going for him was his speed, so he might as well take advantage of that for dodging, right? — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: BAD GUY / sparring session - salem - 07-31-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Promising no claws felt reasonable -- Salem sought no stress for Roan.  The kodkod nodded quietly, dark eyes flashing from calm to careful thought.  Content to read and spend their time together in easy silence, the youth never knew what it was to spar with Keona.  The prospect promised interesting -- he knew better than to believe she made an easy opponent.

Escaping the Pitt long before her time as Dealer, regardless of her sight, meant she knew how to hold her own in an unbalanced situation.  The best Salem had done was tousle with his siblings before they were separated.  He felt uncertain if this meant he was completely outmatched or not; the level of experience made him uneasy but her smaller stature and the clear disadvantages she had to work to make up for... Gave him some pause.

He observed her first and foremost, biting back a sigh as he realized he would make the first move -- she too, wanted to study her opponent.  On the offensive first, Salem stood a few paces away, narrowing his eyes.  Without working eyes, his friend relied heavily on every other sense -- if he could fake her out, he could land a blow.  If he could fake her out.

Salem crouched, tail leveling behind him -- now or never.  The youth made for a direct lunge: a simple rush for Keona's left side before rolling at the last moment to make a swipe at her right flank.  If successful, he'd attempt to bull her over and pin her then and there.