Beasts of Beyond
I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - Printable Version

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I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - sinclair. - 07-15-2020

[glow=#694a49,2,300]▶ YOUR PLANS TO MAKE IT BIGGER AND CONQUER ◀[/glow]
Ignace was not a child that had existed for long in the world – only a brief two months, and neither of those months had been particularly eventful. It wasn't hard to see why, considering the circumstances of her birth. She had been one of a litter between Aurum and Draekon, conceived after the latter had joined Tanglewood to watch over his other children. However, Ignace's litter had been... cursed, seemingly. They had come into the world far sooner than they were supposed to, and that fact had been very clear. Most of the cubs had been lost, dying due to the fact that they hadn't gotten enough nutrients. Ignace was the only one to survive, seemingly having been the only one to properly grow. As such, Aurum had been extremely protective of her, taking the young cub and keeping her inside of his home for two incredibly long months – at least to Ignace, they were incredibly long. Nobody could truly blame Aurum for how he had reacted, after losing nearly an entire litter, but Ignace couldn't help but feel bitter about the fact that she was kept inside, while all her siblings got to go and play. She had voiced her outrage loudly and often, and although she had been beginning to think she'd never get to see the outside world, her father had finally caved.

It was easy to see how anxious her father was about finally letting her out of his sight, but the young cub found that she couldn't focus on her father's emotions for long. After all, she felt as though she was going to explode from the excitement that bubbled in her chest, her steps quick as she followed her father out of the house. Aurum hesitated in the doorway, seemingly rethinking what was going on, but Ignace didn't give him a chance to think for long, squirming between his long legs and rushing out, onto their porch. She could hear the older lion let out a soft squawk of surprise at her sudden leaving, but she found that she didn't care, rushing down the steps and nearly tripping over her own large paws in her excitement.

She wasn't even sure where to begin with introducing herself to such a large group of new people, so she just came to a stop a few paces away from their front porch, her small wings held aloft as she practically shouted, "Hey, everybody! Uh... come over here if you wanna say hello to me! I'm Ignace!" She could hear Aurum let out a little sigh from behind her, although there was a fond smile on the angel's muzzle. As he sat down beside her, his tail coming to curl around her small form, he rumbled, "Ignace is my youngest son. I've been keeping him inside, because his litter came early... I wanted to make sure he would be alright." Ignace just nodded along with her father's words, eyes glittering as she looked yo see who would come up first.

( sinclair is a trans girl, although she is not yet fully aware of her identity / out yet. because of this, she is still referred to by most as her birth name, ignace, and others use masculine pronouns for her - internally, however, she uses feminine pronouns. just to clear up any confusion ! )

Re: I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - COSMIIX - 07-15-2020

Victory had been getting accustomed to her old home once more, her eyes shifting about and sighed quietly as some memories began to take up most of her mind. She adjusted her wings on her sides feeling her sword at her side though her attention was drawn away from her home and settled itself on something much smaller or so someone small. Amunet would turn in that direction, the six foot tall jaguar watching with a gentle gaze. Oh, how little. She could remember when her own children had been young and small, innocent. The Goddess walked over being careful of where she stepped for a moment only to hear what Aurum said about Ignace's litter having been born before their time and it made Amunet inwardly flinch realizing that the other cubs must've passed. She didn't really know that feeling since her litter had only consisted of a few cubs though she pushed those thoughts away and concentrated on both Aurum and Ignace.

"Greetings Aurum," She began with a soft rumble leaving her and dipped her head slowly, Victory flicked her ears for a moment only to purr to Ignace "Greetings, little one." The winged jaguar twitched her whiskers deciding to introduce herself that warm smile still on her lips "My name is Amunet Grimm-Ghana," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - Grimm - 07-16-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It seemed a mere stroke of good fortune that bore witness to the approach of silver hued genet, avoided the abode she had come to learn housed the angelic and those he called his own. Had she been of a more settled mind amusing may have been the notion, unavoidable the other for his presence drew as though a moth to a flame were you. If not it seemed almost as though the universe deemed him of such importance he simply was.

Of her own volition the trailing steps which drew her within close enough proximity audible the call of angelic cub, slight the smile that curled the edges of her lips, fleeting if touched by sorrow. Their paths had not intersected during such tender time within the life of the elder, though easy the conjurance over their infrequent visits conducted over steaming cups of tea, stories shared of times that were easily swallowed. All the same apparent the similarities present to connect child and parent, soft gold the youth against the molten sheen of Aurum.

Forth did Viera move once more, acknowledged the approach of another with a curious tilt of her slight heat. Vague the impression of familiarity, though as to the possibility of origin point she bore no knowledge, touched by the sheen of gold she as well. Different this other, however, her coat spoke of other lineage, to say little of the name she spoke upon greeting the child.

With no desire to overwhelm the child back did she stand, allowed Ignace to grow accustomed to the presence of strangers. Brief her ponderance over such an introduction, apparent of an age was the cub such should be well behind him. It was not her place to speak on the matter and thus held was her tongue for now, looking to Ignace with warmth in her dark eyes.

Re: I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

he wore no silver, was not burnished in gold,

But the figure that followed after the two was the colours of living flame and burnt metal - with only the hottest blue of fire for eyes - for he who stepped in tandem with Victory was called War and so did he bear the marks and burning scars of such worship and hardship.

But for all his fearsome appearance, War was but one side of a coin and though he was made for it - he knew how to be gentle, how to care and to protect for all Wars were fought to gain or to protect something - both at once depending on which side was which.

Fenris in all his nine foot size stooped down slightly, shoulders rising higher than his head as he approached, brushing up against Amunet - Victory, his better half in all things - with a rumble as firelit blue landed on the impossibly small gold and offered a small grin on features that looked like that should be impossible.

”Fenris Grimm-Ghana - Amunet’s other half” he hummed attempting to look less large and less frightening ”a pleasure to meet you, small one” his eyes briefly strayed to their third visitor Viera, the wolf offering a nod to her in greeting.

Re: I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - sinclair. - 07-17-2020

[glow=#694a49,2,300]▶ YOUR PLANS TO MAKE IT BIGGER AND CONQUER ◀[/glow]
Ignace felt joy fill her at the approach of the current trio of newcomers, even as she felt her father make a soft, concerned noise from behind her. She knew that her father wasn't really worried about them, having told her many stories of how much he loved everyone within Tanglewood, but was more worried about what they represented. Untold possibilities to be hurt, even as she had comforted and convinced him it was alright already. However, the young cub didn't give her father more than a moment to ponder about whether she would be okay, as she was already scrambling forward, looking up at Amunet with amazement in her eyes. Her tail flicked excitedly behind her as she smiled up at Amunet, impressed merely by the golden lady's presence, "Hello there! Amu... Am... Amunet. Can I just call you Amu? You're really pretty..." Amunet's glittering gold fur reminded her of her father's own golden and rusty red pelt, although his didn't seem to shimmer in the light, as Amunet's did.

After greeting Amunet, Ignace turned her gaze towards the other two that were present – V, and Fenris. V was unfamiliar to her, although she couldn't help but notice the way her father relaxed at her arrival, his gaze softening slightly. She found herself wanting to grow closer to V, taking a few clumsy steps forward before she spoke, "Hi there, miss. I don't think I got your name... Mine's Ignace, in case you didn't hear! She then gave V a lopsided smile, eyes glittering with childlike rambunctiousness. She had recited the polite greeting her father had taught her practically verbatim, but she couldn't help her true nature shining through. As she waited for some sort of response from the mysterious and silent V, Ignace turned her gaze towards Fenris, eyes going wide again. She muttered, sounding a bit shocked, "Wow... you look so cool. What do you mean by Amunet's better half? Are the two of you one person? Cause that'd be even cooler!" She wasn't yet aware of the concept of romance, still too young and without her father's love life to go off of. She knew very little of the other male involved in her birth, and although Aurum spoke of him occasionally, it was never long enough for her to glean any information of use.

Re: I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - Luciferr - 07-20-2020

Fenris was initially taken aback in surprise - him? Cool? - the nine foot wolf beats blinked rather stunned for a moment before he laughed, blue eyes crinkling I’m pleased surprise.

It was nice to not immediately be shied away from for his admittedly fearsome appearance - war was built for well, war and intimidation - still he smiled at the small child ”why thank you little one” before correcting her ”ah, I said other half and no sorry to disappoint we aren’t one person, though we do compliment each other nicely I would say” he mused looking over at a,unit ”wouldn’t you say so my dear?” he turned back to explain ”what I meant by that Ignace, is that she’s my partner in all things” that seemed the simplest way of saying it without stumbling over his own clawed paws, he wasn’t super good with explaining concepts from scratch.

”how are you finding your first day out in Tanglewood?”

Re: I AM DRUNK AND ON A LADDER ☆ intro - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

When the small cub stumbled over in her direction, the Goddess couldn't help but feel her heart melt at the mere sight of Ignace reminding her of her own children when they had been the same age as Aurum's child. Suddenly, Ignace asked if he could call her Amu and it only made an amused but gentle rumble leave her as she would answer with a slow nod of her cranium "I don't see any problem with that... A very lovely nickname, I adore it."  Upon being called pretty did Victory let out a soft giggle that was eventually followed by another loud purr as she would reply ro Ignace flicking her tail to the sides "You think so? Well, I could say about just the same about you. You're very gorgeous," With that, Victory would spread her wings out not to showoff or any of the sort but to show the resemblance and the thing they both shared with one another "I know for certain that you will have the most lovely wings and coat, sweetheart." She would adjust them to her side only to perk up hearing someone else approach.

War followed Victory or Victory followed War, one was not there without the other it seemed. A soft purr would leave her when Fenris against her, a loving grin on her maw as she would watch the interaction between her husband and the small child. When she heard Ignace asking if she and Fenris were the same person it amused the Goddess recalling when she had been two people alas, that had ended seeing as she was whole once more. She rarely ever spoke about her former half, Amun, but Fenris had been around to know that bit of her. She noticed that she had blanked out for a moment only to catch onto what Fenris had said finding that soft smile of hers still present on her face "Precisely, mon chéri." Romance was always an odd thing to introduce to the younger generations, they either looked absolutely flabbergasted or began to make faces of (mock) disgust at any sign of affection. The thought made her giggle a bit.

"Fenris is very dear to me," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]