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GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - Printable Version

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GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - COSMIIX - 07-14-2020

Being little and vulnerable seemed to come together when you were just a child, Barbara learned that the hard way. All she could recall was her family walking along the desert getting angry at one another since it seemed that they were lost and growing rather impatient with each other, Barb watched her parents with half closed eyes as she continued to take shaky steps. She was growing tired and thirsty, she could hardly remember the last time they had either food or water. A soft whine would leave her maw though her parents seemed to ignore her pleas, it wasn't long before her steps would grow heavier and she ended up closing her eyes completely. Everything having gone black and her body being beaten by the suns rays, she didn't know where she was or if she was alive. She would've thought that her parents had carried her to safety but Barb had been wrong when she felt her consciousness returning to her, her eyes slowly fluttering open and realizing the night had taken over the suns place. It was cold and her short cub fur didn't necessarily help in keeping her warm, she would let out a few cries in hope of summoning her parents but she got no response.

She began to wander around with both her ears pressed against her skull, a frown fitted on her maw trying to figure out where she was. Traveling was much easier now that it was nighttime even if the cold began to nip at her, it was almost freezing thus she refused to stop in fear of being frozen to death. Soon, the sun was rising over the horizon and it made Barb relieved though she did dread the heat, she hadn't realized that she had walked into Pitt territory. The small tiger cub would continue with wobbly steps before passing out once more from dehydration and lack of nourishment, she laid there with heavy breathing. God, she was going to die out here. Wasn't she? [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - Luciferr - 07-14-2020

sickening crunches escaped his ribcage as this evenings snack was still being chewed on - quite literally - by the apex of predators.

Of course in his wanderings, he did not expect to happen upon a child passed out,

At any other day this would be lunch - but he had (and still was) eating lunch and no doubt he’d be fairly ousted if he were to eat a child within sight of the Pitt.

Hm, shame.

Casting a sightless yet somehow seeing gaze at the cub the great shambling corpse of corpses pondered, chewing on his thoughts - quite literally - before finally deciding.

It would do to take the child to the healer here, hm,

Let that be its one amusing change of pace into a foray on anything like decency to the delicate sensibilities that lived here, silent chuffed at the thought, dual mouths chittering before the great behemoth in all its twisted misshapen glory lowered itself forward and attempted to scoop the child into its secondary set of arms, cradling it near enough to its still munching insides before it levered itself upright on all fours alone for once.

If it had the child secure, it would begin a slow pace back to the Pitt and its medical officer,

Of course he was rather unbothered and needless to the drips of blood and viscera falling from that tooth lined chest onto his cradled arms and the cub,

[OOC: >3 ]

Re: GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - COSMIIX - 07-16-2020

The last thing that the cub was expecting was to be picked up and cradled in someone's arms, the smell of blood being the first scent to hit her nose causing her snout to wrinkle slightly. Barbara learned that blood usually meant a source of food, the cub being quite hungry from her travels and it was enough to coax her eyes open only to realize something dark carrying her. Watching through half closed eyes, she would realize that they were taking her somewhere but to where... She had no clue but she didn't know if she was being saved or possibly being taken back to be eaten by other creatures like him. She flinched when a few droplets of blood would splatter on her head and chest, it took her a moment to realize that the chest seemed to be a set of powerful jaws and the smell of meat seemed to come from it. The blood that had landed on her head slowly slid down her cheek and there was a moment of hesitance before she lapped up the blood with a swipe of her tongue. The metallic taste was comforting in a sense, maybe there'd be food where she was being taken to or... Worse, she was the food.

Barb could've fled but she knew that she wouldn't be able to outrun the monster or let alone survive out there by herself, her current state being a proof of that. The sound of chewing was enough to make the roof of her mouth salivate and the thought came to her, maybe she could grab a quick bite before possibly dying. Several would think of her foolish for her idea and perhaps she was but hunger drove many to do foolish things that often led to their deaths, she sst up feeling her body was weak and wobbly. It would be an almost impossible feat to get where she wanted but, she was driven by determination and hunger. With shaky paws placed on the creatures chest, she would start to climb to the best of her abilities until she saw an opening. Was she seriously going in the jaws of the beast for a morsel? Yes, she was. Her head pounded with several thoughts but fear wasn't something that was lingering on her, she aimed to carefully go through the opening and if successful moved out of the way of masticating jaws, she was an odd child to say the least.

She was too hungry to be afraid instead would the child reach for a chunk of meat and if she managed to grab one stuck to the sides away from the jaws before letting her own fangs sink into the mangled meat, she had no clue what this was but whatever it was... It was so good. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - Atticus Roux - 07-16-2020

Luckily for the border dwellers, the lingering grey tabby had medical training. His mother desperately taught him what she knew. It was a time he cherished deeply. While he was not a savant in the subject, Atticus managed to remember the basics. In times of need, it was cherished. Other times, such as when his ear was tarnished to shreds, his knowledge failed to overcome in his fiery desperation. Nonetheless, the boy's skills were average and essential. How would these pathetic losers get treatment anyways? Gael was off doing hell knows what and Aine was stuck in a child-like state for an adult. Needless to say, he tried to step in when they weren't present, echoing his mother's undying resourcefulness.

Today was no different. Border patrol was simple. As per usual, Atticus walked past the spiked border with his sunflower gaze narrowed on the various heads. While they bothered him at first, their blank stares grew on him. From then on, he perused the territory with ease. Sometimes.

His eyes shifted. The dark silhouette of Silentgrave was unmistakable in the distance. Encapsulated in their insides was a larger cub... a tiger? As someone who had been inside the creature's weaving tendrils before, he could say it wasn't pleasant. Atticus shivered at the thought. Hopefully the stranger was not Silentgrave's next meal and a mere refugee like he was. The blood said otherwise. "What do you have here, Silentgrave?" he questioned. "New pet?" 'I wouldn't put it against him. It's hard to question an eight foot beast.'

Re: GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - Luciferr - 07-17-2020

Silent is used to dragging smaller creatures kicking and screaming into the maw that lines his chest - it is a familiar routine and one that horrified anyone who bore witness - after all, he was needless of whether they were still alive or dead, food was food.

However it’s is a wholly different thing when the cub in his arms pushes her way in

For one disorientating moment the great monstrosity is taken aback - both by the audacity (bravery really) and also the inherent odd sensation as the brightly coloured scrap rummages around to snag the mat from his very maw.


Silent’s double mashed head cranes down to look between claws at the munching bloody mess covered cub and if he had any, his brows brows would be at skyline

”my you are a bold one”

He’s almost charmed, really

Of course then another voice intrude on this moment and the beast reflectively clutches the cub closer - those jaws in his chest slowing their chewing to a stop and simply holding the meat inwards now as Atticus makes his way over

No doubt the other didn’t find the sounds of gore chewing good for conversation.

It’s the only reason he stops for once.

The beast hums at the little cats question

”a stray - collapsed on the border, she seems to have no caretakers” was his answer ”seemed best to take her to the medics” a free recruit if she wasn’t dying after all was valuable he supposed.

Re: GLORY AND GORE / abandoned cub - Atticus Roux - 07-20-2020

A soft grunt left him. The stray was daring, but wouldn't they want to go home? See family? Atticus couldn't help but think they should resort to looking around first. Even so, he understand being an outcast. Abandoned by his family and thrown off his perch, he went to The Pitt for a new opportunity. Perhaps this was the cub's second chance too. Luckily, Silent mentioned no guardians. A frown lined his maw. "I see," he responded. "That's no good." To be young and alone was devastating.

Watching the skinny child struggle within Silent's many tendrils, he craned his head. "I can treat her if you'd release her from your-" The tabby hesitated. What did he call Silent's strange contraption of a body? ... jaws." Close enough.