Beasts of Beyond
what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Printable Version

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what's one thing you like about the person above you? - pallid-i - 07-14-2020

We need a new forum game and I know things like these make people smile (it sure as hell makes me feel better lmao) so the game is simple and self-explanatory: just say one thing you like about the person above you!

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Orion - 07-20-2020

<333 heck yeah
so one thing i like about you is that your art is GORGEOUS. your style is so unique and satisfying.

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Whisper - 07-23-2020

love this idea, hoo-rah!
&& in all honestly, orion's characters are top notch, so much depth from what I've seen. (admittedly i'm only just getting back lmao)

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Orion - 07-23-2020

awh that's so sweet of you!! <333
i'd have to say the same thing about your characters, wisker. not only that, but their designs are so iconic. i can see an account and immediately know it's yours because of the amazing character art or template!

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - ley - 07-23-2020

thanks for being a friendly face in the discord chat and for appreciating my art <3
we don't talk much but i think you're a r nice person !!!

does this count as "one thing"?  hahah

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - spacexual - 07-23-2020

your art deserves to be appreciated because of how lovely it is, i remember comming you years ago and seeing your growth is so nice <3 also just a very lovely person behind the art in general

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - COSMIIX - 07-23-2020

gorgeous art/big inspiration for me! also an amazing friend <3

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - sykes - 09-01-2020

Cursed memes/a general chilled aura and a sense of laidback-ness(?), and a wicked sense of humour to par.

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - kinglykingstone - 09-02-2020

A very fun person i adore talking too!!! Always gets me laughing!

Re: what's one thing you like about the person above you? - Orion - 09-02-2020

rex, you’re such a cool dude to talk to and i’m sure you know this already since i just told you a few minutes ago for like the 100000th time, but your art is pure aesthetic