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Template Request Thread - Printable Version

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Template Request Thread - tikki - 07-13-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Alrighty, I know some people have a specific image in mind when going out searching for a template, but can't find something close enough to what they want, so figured I'd make this thread.

If you have an idea of what you want a template for, and what you want it to look like, just state it here, and anyone who happens upon this thread can make it for you if they have the time! This isn't a guarantee of getting a template, but it is a way to help those who like to code get newer ideas for their own premades threads. If you're wanting something specific, then chances are someone else wants something like it/similar!

Have fun and be nice!

Re: Template Request Thread - spacexual - 07-13-2020

track as a coder

Re: Template Request Thread - Orion - 07-15-2020

gonna track here too <3

Re: Template Request Thread - pallid-i - 07-15-2020


Re: Template Request Thread - Whisper - 07-20-2020

huge heckin track

Re: Template Request Thread - Simon F.M. - 07-20-2020

I would like a posting template for my character diya!
things it needs:
-Expanding, not scrolling
-Places for tags
-no hover text
-mobile friendly
-i like having 2 lines for quotes/text!
-places for gifs or images!
-i prefer ones with backgrounds
-no borders!
-color pallet ideas: one two three four five

Re: Template Request Thread - Seakit Roux. - 07-30-2020

I would like a posting template for my character seapaw!
things it needs:
-Expanding, not scrolling
-Places for tags
-no hover text
-mobile friendly
-i like having 4 lines for quotes/text!
-places for gifs or images!
-i prefer ones with backgrounds
-no borders!

-themes for him include sharks and Percy Jackson! Quotes from the PJO series are highly appreciated!!

color pallet ideas: one two three four

Re: Template Request Thread - Grimm - 08-01-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 310px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]If you guys are up for it I am looking for a posting template for Eulia

- expanding not scroll
- not necessary but a place for tags and / or some lyrics
- places for images or gifs, if it fits I usually prefer the image at the top or bottom blending into the rest but of course is not necessary

As for colours purple, blue, or pink of any shade, a couple pallets I found that fit are here, here, and here but they are not necessary at all just general ideas of the kind of colours I usually associate with her

Re: Template Request Thread - spacexual - 08-02-2020

already sent rex's stuff
but here rhett

Re: Template Request Thread - stilly. - 08-02-2020

I'm looking for a template for my new character Lovekit! I don't have hard specifics, but I do have a few things I'm looking for! <3
- expanding template, not scrolling
- a place for some longer lines of lyrics
- something similar to goldenluxury's template, with one closer square gif and a larger one that blends well into the background
- lovekit's general aesthetic is... well, love. brightness, adventure, love, and a fair helping of recklessness. as for color palettes, I found some that fit his general feel here, and here. he also uses mulan as an aesthetic fc