Beasts of Beyond
Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - Printable Version

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Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had sent an invitation to all of his high positions and semi high positions to come in for a meeting. There were a few matters he wanted to discuss and he couldn't do it alone. For those that couldn't read, he'd also gone out and asked them to meet in what he'd designated as the 'leader cavern'. He just wanted a place to hold meetings and work that wasn't in his own cavern. It was better to keep Harrison separated from those sorts of things. He didn't want the boy up to late if things ran long. He kept in mind that Ivylee was still little and he had already decided that if things started going late, he'd send her off to get some rest. While she wasn't his daughter, the former doctor couldn't keep her up so late in good conscious. In any case, he'd set the meeting as early in the evening as he good, as he hoped to get home to Harrison before he fell asleep. He'd set out cookies and various breads for everyone, as well as some water and hot coco. Now all there was left to do was wait for them all to arrive. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - Ivylee - 05-10-2018

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - cry - 05-10-2018

  Unlike Ivylee. Cry was... not as enthusiastic. Ugh. A meeting with the Brady Bunch. Her favorite. All her most hated people are going to be here! Talk about friendship or whatever. The raven huffed, her feathers bunching up as she walked. Amazing. She sighed and shut her eyes. Almost there now. No reason to back out. This is fine. She muttered under her breath, Just pretend its Lotus. You'll be fine. Maybe projecting her old leader onto the current one wasn't the best idea in the world (as the two of them were known for playfully arguing and fighting), but it was the only one she had at the moment. She couldn't take anyone here seriously. They were all characters out of a storybook! And that was coming from someone that litterally came out of a story book. Yeah, thanks! We didn't ask to be made but we are anyway! Are you listening?? This is your fault! Cry huffed. She took up into the air, snatching her mug and hiding away in some corner away from everyone. 'The hell you want, furface? She snapped. It was already ass o'clock. Why did he decide to hold this meeting in the middle of the night again? She was exhausted! Cry never did function well without sun...


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - arcy - 05-10-2018

Izuku wasn't actually sure how to feel about the meeting. Jacob had come to tell him about the meeting earlier(Izuku could normally read, but, well -- not right now), and to be honest, he was a little ... apprehensive. The other high positions would be there, and they'd probably be discussing stuff regarding the clan. Izuku didn't know how much he'd be able to contribute -- he didn't know what they'd be talking about, and for however well Izuku had adjusted to clan life, he sure didn't get everything. Well, depending on the subject, Izuku could probably come up with something -- he was good at that sort of thing, despite the entirely different circumstances.
So, Izuku finds himself wandering over to the location he'd been told of. His head is aching and he's not feeling particularly great, but he's not late at all, it seems. Actually, he's kind of early? The only people he can pick up on are Jacob, Cry, and -- he's not sure, some excited puppy(she'd been present at the clan meeting, but Izuku doesn't really know her). Killua could be there too, Izuku sure wouldn't know if he was, but probably not? Izuku's ears turn on his head nervously, entirely uncertain of where exactly everything is from where he's standing in the opening. But -- well, he couldn't just block the entryway. So the Maine Coon gingerly wanders into the room and seats himself uh -- somewhere. He thinks there's a few pastry things somewhere, and hot chocolate, and Izuku can't help but be disappointed. He'd definitely get some before the whole thing started, but, again, he has literally no idea where anything is. He doesn't want to risk toppling stuff over. So with a sigh, the Tenderfoot curls his twitching tail around his paws and just sort of -- waits, until something happens.


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — An easy smile came to Jacob's maw as Ivylee bounded in, looking rather excited about the meeting. He was sure he would've been about the same way when he was little. He probably would've enjoyed his Babbo's meetings more if they hadn't been so concerned with who was stealing what or who needed to die and more to do with fun events and trying to help people. Despite growing up in the business, Jacob knew he wasn't suited for that type of work. He wasn't even sure if he was suited for this type of work. He was just a doctor, that was all he really wanted to be. "Hi Ivylee! 'S good ta' see ya'. Ya' can take somethin' ta' eat if ya' want. Jus' make sure ta' leave some for everyone else," he instructed before his attention was drawn to Cry. At first, he thought it'd be fine as she grabbed her mug and went to a corner of the room but then he heard her words. Jacob took a deep breath as he felt frustration bubble in his chest and ring in his head. "Cry, if ya' don' wanna' take this seriously n' if ya' don' wanna' be 'ere, you're free ta' leave. I ain't gonna' put up with this all meetin'. I feel like I've tried ta' be fair ta' ya' n' patient. Ya' can leave but when ya' walk out tha' entrance, ya' won't be keepin' your position n' ya' won't be welcomed back. I called ya' 'ere because I have some concerns for the well-bein' of Snowbound. If ya' don' care, then ya' shouldn' be 'ere." Jacob tried to keep his voice steady but irritation leaked into it as he looked towards the raven. He hated having to speak up about anything but he knew he couldn't just let people walk all over him.

Finally, Izuku arrived and he smiled to his apprentice even though he knew he wouldn't be able to see it. His irritation seemed to fade as he gathered up a little plate of pastries. He didn't know what he'd want exactly but then he moved forward and set it in front of him, trying to make as much noise as possible as he did so. "'Ere, Izuku. I figured ya'd want somethin'. Do ya' want water or anythin' ta' drink? I'll wait ta' really start things until more people get 'ere so I don' mind helpin'," he offered. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - cry - 05-10-2018

  Cry scoffed, offended. So it was sir friendly friend himself to jump to conclusions. I thought we were friends! the raven huffed. She ruffled hersel up, pushing her mug away from her. If it shattered, she didnt care. Cry twisted herself, placing a wing over her chest. Its comforting for me to know i cannot open my mouth without getting thrown away. And yet before you were so eager to hear my voice. she glared, pointing down at jacob. do you think youre special or something? she started, do you think im targeting you? I act how i act. If you cant handle the heat then dont play with fire.


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Hearing Cry's voice again, he let out a sigh and turned to look at the bird again. "My personal relationship with ya' don' change anythin'. So far, all ya've done is push everyone away, be rude ta' new people comin' in, yell at me, n' now makin' a mockery of meetin's that I called 'cause I'm worried about Snowbound," he snapped. "This is important ta' me n' if it ain't important ta' you, ya' shouldn' be 'ere. I'm eager ta' hear actual ideas ta' make us better. Not ta' have ya' come in 'ere n' act like this is some kinda' huge inconvenience ya' have ta' deal with. Not ta' have ya' come in n' swear at me in a meetin' that I called. This is serious, Cry. I don' have time ta' deal with people that ain't tryin' ta' do anythin' n' don' care. This ain't about me Cry. This ain't about my feelings. This is 'bout you not givin' Snowbound the respect n' care that it needs. If ya' don' care about meetin's or improvin' things, ya' don' deserve ta' have your position." While he never raised his voice, his frustration grew with each phrase. Jacob cared about Snowbound more than anything right now. It was his third home and to think that it wasn't important to someone who he trusted to help run it made him... upset to say the least. At the mention of fire, he visibly tensed but he didn't back away. Not this time. He had to do this, even if it would probably leave him a mess later on. He hated arguing and confrontation, especially in a public place, but there was little he could do to improve things now. He could only hope this would be over before everyone else arrived. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - cry - 05-10-2018

  mockery- Cry stared in shock. She couldn't even hear the rest of Jacob's complaint. Important meeting her ass! Be rude to new people... The raven huffed. I haven't been rude, I've been myself. If you'd rather me be the mindless drone I was born to be, you should have said! Her species was born to be mindless. Drones and Protectors were the most plentiful ranks of her species. Her brother was born a caretaker, both to the sprouts and to the tree. She, herself, was born a drone. It was her job to protect but she can't protect what [i]wasn't here[i].

  ALSO, She snapped, hopping down from her spot, Who said I was making a mockery of this? What the hell did i do? Ask what we were doing here? I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? Is that what caused this reaction? She screeched, tearing up in her rage filled confusion. What did I do Jacob?! I can't tell you with anymore!

//sorry i wrote this post over 3 breaks so its a bit everywhere since i lost my train of thought each time. :C


Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - melantha - 05-10-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]The fact that Jacob remembers Melantha’s illiteracy warms her. When he personally informed her to meet at the leader cavern, she remained stoic but, on the inside, she felt touched by his thoughtfulness. Friendly people with kind hearts make her uncomfortable because she is unsure how to behave around them, but Mel cannot help but adore Jacob. Sometimes she thinks that he is too nice and it can get him in trouble, but that’s why she’s around: to play the bad cop. She’s paranoid, distrusting, and suspicious of everyone. He’s warm and welcoming to everyone, with the proper amount of stern mixed in. Jacob’s kindness compels Melantha to be oddly protective of him, whether he is aware of it or not.

Melantha is fourth to arrive. Huh. Strange. Usually the young female is among the first to arrive—she hates being late. Makes her feel as if she’s failed. At first, she is confused by the sounds of arguing. The cawing is characteristic of Cry, and the other voice is...Jacob? As the lionheart enters the cavern, she is surprised to see a conflict between the aforementioned creatures. She remains silent, quietly moving across the cool stone ground on calloused paws. What’s this about? Her brows furrows, looking around quizzically. Seems that Cry is being scolded for behavior and she’s not, uh, she’s not taking it well. Unsure if she should say something or not, the cougar stands stiffly to the side. Nothing is going to get done if this keeps going on...

”Um, Cry?” Pallid olive orbs move over to regard the corvid. Were Jacob not here, Mel would probably have tried to eat the bird just to end the terrible squawking, but his presence makes her wants to be a nicer person. It’s like she’s afraid to disappoint him. ”Why don’t we just listen to what Jacob has to tell us?” Mel wants to tell the bird to shut up and get over herself, but she thinks that will just make matters worse. Besides, she supposes that Cry is correct in saying that she’s never been anything other than herself and she has been promoted in spite of it. ”The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can leave.” Well, anyone can leave whenever they want, really. But Mel assumes that most people would rather be doing something else (including herself), so the faster that the goal is accomplished, the faster she can move onto more interesting tasks.

Re: Once it's on the paper // mandatory s/hp meeting // we feel better - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — "Cry, ya' 'ave sworn at me n' many others, berated me n' many others, left meetin's early, n' 'ave never taken this seriously. Ya' didn' ask what we were doin', ya' asked me what the hell I wanted like i's some kinda' great sacrifice for ya' ta' show up n' be 'ere. Do ya' even care, Cry? 'Cause I do n' I ain't gonna' keep high positions 'round tha' don't. I've told ya' why I'm mad n' I ain't gonna' argue with ya' anymore. Either ya' try ta' take this more seriously n' ya' start treatin' people with more respect or ya' ain't gonna' be here anymore. Ya' don' have ta' say anythin', it shows in how ya' treat me n' how ya' walked in this meetin'. Ya' left our last general meetin' early, ya' don' wanna' be at this one, so why're ya' here, Cry? I 'ave tried ta' be patient but I'm done with this kinda' behavior. Either this is important ta' ya' or it ain't. If ya' don' wanna' be 'ere, then leave. If ya' do, stay but remember why this is important n' treat it with the proper time n' respect," his voice grew slightly in volume before he let out a frustrated sigh and looked towards Melantha.

He shook his head but added, "Exactly. I wouldn' call ya'll 'ere if I didn' have somethin' ta' say. I certainly didn' call ya' here jus' because I thought it sounded like a fun idea. I need ta' talk to ya'll. I still wanna' wait for a few people ta' show up but this is important ta' me Cry. I wouldn' ah' asked ya' ta' come if not. It's up ta' you how ya' wanna' treat this n' that decision's important ta' me. Whether or not we're friends, I care more 'bout the well bein' of Snowbound than one person. I have to. I can't keep pleadin' with ya' ta' take this seriously n' try ta' be a li'l more polite. I'm not askin' ya' ta' be a saint but I am askin' ya' ta' at least care about what you're doin' enough ta' at least act like it matter to ya' n' not like it's jus' another thing that ya' have ta' do. 'Cause the truth is ya' don' have ta' do it. If ya' were jus' a normal member, we wouldn' even be havin' this conversation. If ya' don' wanna' be 'ere, that's fine but I need ya' ta' tell me that. I won' be mad if ya' don' care ta' be 'ere but I'm not gonna' let ya' stay if ya' keep actin' like this is all some kinda' game or somethin'. This is really important ta' me, Cry. Do ya' understand that?" Jacob ended softly. He was still frustrated but he was being honest. If she didn't want to be here, if she hated it as much as it seemed like she did, he wasn't sure why she even wanted to be here. He'd asked before why she was upset and he'd tried to understand her and he'd tried to calm her down but she wouldn't. He didn't know what else to do. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP