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IT WON'T RECOVER . Sur'na's bio - Printable Version

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IT WON'T RECOVER . Sur'na's bio - SURNA . - 07-10-2020

Naive child, ignorant foolish little thing - with bleeding heart and weepy eyes and claws plucked- fangs filed down; you are still a creature that craves blood. you are a still a carnivore; unhesitating to double your retaliation. Little naive thing you may be, but innocent- kind- you are not

An introduction to Sur'na Fractul Faber

Re: IT WON'T RECOVER . Sur'na's bio - SURNA . - 07-10-2020

Name . Sur'na Fractal
Nicknames . "Sir" , sur, Kay

Physical age . five moons old
-Ageing scheme . tba
Creation Date . 7 .8 . 20

Sex . female
Gender . androgynous
- Pronouns . [ they / them ]
- Sexual preference . asexual

Daughter to -

Ally to -
- member of the tanglewood

Powers . shapeshifting (mastered) . other powers to be known

Re: IT WON'T RECOVER . Sur'na's bio - SURNA . - 07-10-2020

+ | Heartfelt ; kind ; polite ; genuine
0 | passive ; tolerant ; cunning ; composed
- | rude ; graceless ; cautious

"Cunning, kind, and cautious. Sur’na is a feline of little social grace and great composure. While general withdrawn around newcomers and passer-by’s, when comfortable and in a safe environment Sur’na is easy-going, and a lot more heartfelt. In tough situations, or unsecured areas Sur’na is a switch of the dime. Being snappish, sarcastic, and downright mean. This is to say that Sur’na will always hold their politeness and sense of manners; Sur’na has all the grace of, well a kit. They are still feeling out social norms and will overstep other’s sense of space to help."

Re: IT WON'T RECOVER . Sur'na's bio - SURNA . - 07-10-2020

Main form . Main coon ragdoll hybrid
-A copper seal point hybrid with sea-green eyes. Sur’na makes a striking example of a ragdoll at their finest. Long tan fur with hints of a crimson red striping along their angles, the top of their skull and base of their tail. Each "point" of stripes ending in a deeper red that seemed to fade from the creme main coloration.

Re: IT WON'T RECOVER . Sur'na's bio - SURNA . - 07-10-2020

Date listings here
7 . 9 . 20 . created - x
9 . 30 . 20 . first post ; lostleft at border x