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FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - Printable Version

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FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - Luciferr - 07-09-2020

[ooc: please wait for the raptors all to post (3 in total) [member=217]Wisker[/member] ]

It had been an incredibly long time since wings so black not even light touched them had graced the endless blue skies of the typhoon’s island, but now yet again the familiar wingbeats and the endless oblivion ate up the sky in great strides.

A roar sounded followed closely by what sounded like smaller ones as the colossus flew homeward bound, carrying precious passengers.

It had been so long since he had last been home, the brief stop by with little Jaime hadn’t counted save to put in his minds eye that beautiful island - even sundered as it was but he could not return alone, he felt that in his twisted marrow.

And lo, he did not come alone - it had taken many moons but he’d found them, his feral children, pride and joy and paradigms of raptor kind.

They circled low, the great beast dropping down to skim just above the waves, sea salt kicking up and kissing his dark scales as they passed low and elusively towards the island before several gentle flaps brought him and his gently landing on the sand.

A low sigh and a gently rumble ”were home”

The horned head of the dragon turned back, shoulders shifting downwards to allow his passengers a smooth climb down as he cranked back to do a quick head count, idly nuzzling at each head with a brief shuffle of affection.

Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - AMUNET - 07-09-2020

Returning home felt hollow without them, ament had felt restless; angry and tired. throughout his time striking it out- looking for them: he had come up nothing, a hurt angry wound that’s infection killed it’s owner slowly, quietly. It infected the beast to the point of wrath wrath wrath . Until he was only a beast of wraith and vengeance. Striking out to find them left him hollow, aching, wounded in a way that never healed since he was first taken by the pit in what felt like eons ago

That wrath, that anger, felt like eons ago.

The stench of salt and vulcanic plume stuck to the place; in a way that ament never noticed before. The sound of crashing waves cut the wingbeats as they descended. The omega’s own quite voice raising with a screech to follow their mother’s voice; a war cry of victory; ascension. In the world of beasts the omega had done it. He had returned with his void mother-starbound-marrowtone-pack.

Along the spine of mother ament was the first to drop down; without a single glance at his sisters the constant sound from the beast radiated contentless; a low purr that only got louder as he surveyed his birthright; with his pack beside him ne knew nothing was impossible again, felt the same hollow wrath in him like a memory as something else took hold; righious, pleasure that only powered the beast’s lungs. Purr sounding out in a low, but clear cutting rumble.

Ament has changed since he were last here. The scars along him were healed; mostly. Signs of his captivity were scant, hidden in the features of the creature’s plumage: for once preened and cleaned to cleanliness. The beast of dirt-dust-filth-wrathwrathwrath was gone, and what replaced it once again was a Venadi.


Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - VIRGO - 07-09-2020

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]She had almost forgotten this sense of longing for home and family, crystalline eyes sneaking glances towards the scenery that unraveled before her - the scenery that became unswallowed by the horizon their abyssal mother flew carefully towards. Home? Could Virgo call this place home or was it merely a place they could feed? The memories were all a blur, suppressed within the inner working coils that kept the creature together. As of this moment, she was pretending to sleep, body curled and resting beneath any warmth she could steal from the sun. She was still struggling to comprehend how she felt about this reunion. She was afraid that once again it would be temporary, or perhaps something about this moment would become stolen or tainted. There was no doubt that she felt this overwhelming need to protect what was around her but the way her cold gaze touched the forms of her siblings was anything but familial. It was almost as though she regarded them as her property; she saw them as property she had lost and refused to lose again. Since reuniting with her siblings and Luciferus once again, perhaps the change in the alpha was less obvious. It had been a while, of course. Virgo had always been the sort of proud, stand-offish one. She was the one who held so much pride in her bloodline that she was too arrogant to act. That said, her ability to express any ounce of affection seemed to have diminished. She was cold and bitter even in the face of her own siblings.

How else was she supposed to react? She felt cheated of her emotions, grieved her siblings before and now they were here alive and breathing. She hadn't necessarily spent her months alone but Virgo had trained herself to suppress and bottle. There was no need to show the weakness of how she felt. If anything, the sensation of joy that threatened to escape her maw was something that now felt alien and wrong. She couldn't allow herself to be engulfed by the warmth of reunion.

It took some time before Virgo noticed the heavy scent of sea salt, nostrils flaring when she felt their protector begin to descend towards the water and towards the sandy beach. The ven showed no particular reaction to this. She did, however, exchange short glances towards the hum of Ament's purrs. He was the loyal one, the only male of the pack. Her gaze then wanders towards her sister, face unreadable before she tears her face away. It was only upon landing that she finally lifted herself, standing upon her stocky haunches and stretching her feathery limbs. Virgo stifled a yawn, face unphased when her feet touched the sand. While she was surprised when she sunk from the lack of solidity that was the sand, she didn't dare show it. The only evidence of her shock came from the shrinking of her pupils, as if an innate fear seemed to simmer and threaten to reveal itself to her. She couldn't remember. It either wasn't important or that deeply suppressed within her.

This place was supposed to be home. She knew that. She had been born and raised here. Funny how a few months could feel like an eternity. She felt like a stranger in a place, as though the crafter who had molded her shape had paid no mind the other pieces they had created -  she was an alien among a home of warm blooded beasts. And despite the crack of fear that simmered its way to the surface, the energy she radiated was more volatile and dangerous than the weakness she showed.

Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - EXODUS-- - 07-10-2020


* when i say this post is long i mean it, so sorry my muse ran away from me. no need to match. rest of the post is under the spoiler but is not necessary to read. also tw for brief descriptions of hunting under the spoiler


cretaceous creatures come in packs.

and she never forgot the irony of the disaster of that beget their separation.

the feathered dromaeosaur slinks back to typhoon with all the dignity and grace of a beast that knew it to be apex there.

flight to the hunter beast is otherworldly. to feel air roll over the parched tongue and rush down the dry gizzard— to feel it under the bristles and against the skin with the weight of a former life that only existed in memories, few pleasures are as great as this. for creatures earthbound they now knew the power of air, to go where no meager beast had ever gone before, to know what the others of her species didn't. it was a victory all unto themselves.
the earth was all too limiting. but above the trees, beyond branches and gravity, in the vast space between green and blue, to fly was to rid the feet of dust and sing hymns to feathers and freedom and flight.

the chill damp of the freezing sea wind beat against endless black wings when lucifer rose on a rare thermal, leaving the grey hammering of the ocean behind, and the burning fire of instinct continued to roar through her mind. it drove her like a dark cloud scudding in a wild gale.

she since forgot what it felt like to fly.

the youth had flown long ago. eons ago. an eternity ago where the sky felt like her realm just as much as it had mother’s, and like the birds that preceded her kind, there was wind breezing through her quills as she perched atop an all powerful frame. once, she was an unlucky seed brought away by hapless winds. now exodus was to be a predator prowling through her realm once again.

the last the brute female had seen of the typhoon it was smoldering under the lava flood, habitat transformed from verdant green to soot and ash. blackened by fire, licked by flame and scourged into dead columns of charcoal. huts had fallen, embers still crackling in their underbellies till they were naught but brittle, sad remnants. a skeleton of things that might have been, baked gray, and swallowed by a pyroclastic flow.

the sea hissed from jagged stones, slammed them with foamy fists, spattered the beach with droplets arcing in delicate tendrils, beautiful in their disarray. like spittle, those painted the straying winds with wild abandon by the swiftness with which they flew upwards from tributaries and rivulets. but exodus ignored the shore’s tantrum, stuck out her neck (not a weakness in the presence of her pack) and so tenderly made contact with luci, muzzle to muzzle, from king-mother to child, and she was whole again.

utahraptor flexes her wrist idly, noting that the smell of sea is heady. so much had changed from the moment she took a wailing breath. so much, from the bones of the new trampling over the old, swept away by soon to be forgotten. but their pack will not be forgotten.
now she’d focus on this. the rosemary sand grounded her, and it was cool enough to handle. they had been flying by, free as birds, and now there’d be some semblance of routine to her life again. And her siblings, too.

their blood was her blood and exodus wanted to know them again.

lances of sunlight reflected off the planes of distant planes. the pinks and oranges of dawn gave way to soft blue, which in turn darkened smoothly to richness overhead. a shelf of low clouds marched along the northern horizon.

it had been so long. what is it to be like to told you were alone? exodus knew this well.

she lost track of time, lost sleep thinking about them. whereas, before any sleep was only lost to knowing there was too much of the world to explore to waste in slumber. always something to see, always a new drama unfolding – from the squabbling of the fire ants over a dead moth to the clouds and the sun fighting for control of the sky itself. marveling at a world she’d been allowed miraculously to live in a world of demons and deities and ghosts.

for the first time she had been without the ground beneath her feet, a ship without a captain. and yet the world kept spinning through the cruelty of days. stripped to her barest, the world felt bigger than before, and she, infected with something she couldn't grasp. her time alone meant bad behavior unchecked and forgotten rules and something that went beyond misery.

when her pack split, the entire sun soaked world ended. she thought she knew pain like she hadn't before.

now the yearling knows pain is this strip of land and that ramshackle building, that nest they used to sleep in, that jungle they'd race through, heart slamming. that alcove they used to hide in, that beach copse they used to visit (that sad burning hunk of rock where they one had lived).

for several months she knew this strange pain.


Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - ROXANNE R. - 07-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had been walking along the shore with her gaze turned to the direction of the ocean, she was feeling a bit stressed seeing as she had to step up as Captain for a brief amount of time though thankfully, Keona and Michael were both supporting her along the way. The draconic feline felt a soft sigh slip through her slightly parted jaws until the sound of a loud roar and the flapping of wings caught the attention of the temporary Captain. A frown forming itself onto her lips though she would make her way over with a slight flap of her wings, it wasn't long before her mismatched eyes caught onto the sight that was Lucifer and she could feel a smile beginning to pull at her lips. He was home! He was really home, she flapped her wings knowing that her tiny legs probably wouldn't carry her that far or quick enough to reach the draconic beast by foot. She eventually would land within the sand with her paws sinking, it took her a moment to realize that Lucifer wasn't alone but rather accompanied by a trio of raptors... So, those were the ones she had been hearing from her clanmates.

They were feral to some degree was what she had heard, she wasn't certain if they communicated like the rest of them but she would remain on her toes with a small bout of caution. Everyone was considerably larger than her and she was almost the smallest if it hadn't been for Keona and the rest of her family, the thought made her snort lightly but she would concentrate on welcoming back the grandfather who had brought back her beloved Jaime. Her gaze warm and her heart ached wishing that Lucifer wouldn't have been the only one to suddenly return but she supposed she was being... Greedy, to say the least. She supposed that's what she got for having a taste of sin after those two years, the draconic feline would then speak in a gentle rumble "Welcome back home, Lucifer. You were dearly missed," Her mismatched gaze wavered slightly only to shift in the direction of the raptors with curiosity twinkling in her eyes "And to those three as well. I believe, we haven't met... I'm Roxanne Roux..." There was a pause as she would concentrate on Lucifer in a lighter tone trying to shove away the exhaustion from her voice "Thank you for taking care of Jaime and bringing him home..." Another pause. She nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment only to finish with a bit of sadness in her gaze "I'm sure Goldie would've loved to welcome you back with open arms... Unfortunately, she was attacked by Caesar... So, if you need anything, feel free to tell me... As I'm standing in for Goldie as she recovers," Even if the time would be brief, it was still startling to be given this much power in such little time.

Calm down, Roxie. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - Luciferr - 07-11-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
as soon as familiar wingbeats had sounded across the empty sky, Jaime had started running because he recognised that sound and something else in him burned brighter the closer the sounds grew - that Same something burning out to also echo the screech from the obsidian behemoth and his three charges, but it stayed stuck, crammed behind a rib cage that felt too small suddenly and Jaime had to breathe through it painfully even as he raced ahead to meet the group descending from above.

The pain subsided with a small barely noticeable hiccuping breath as he slowed and briefly butted his head to his mother’s flank in greeting before excitedly trotting over to the four ”Granpa Luci!” he greeted - before slotted green eyes alighted on the three that accompanied him,

He’d met Ament while he’d been lost all and then found, the raptor accompanying his own parent as they were no doubt looking for the two that now joined them - it ad been why they presumably hadn’t stayed, yet, anyway.

”you found them all!” was his happy exclamation, staying a respectful distance from the trio, he knew they were feral in their own degrees and besides Ament he wasn’t sure how the other two would react - though he wanted to get to know them the same way something creeping through his thoughts trilled happily about more family being back where they could be safe.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - AMUNET - 07-11-2020

The months without eachother echoed in each of them; venadi were pack, and apart they were simply not vernadi. Months apart, and each of them found a new facet of the beasts they were. It were obvious as day to the omega; the one who knew each of them so well, better than each of his own ever changing feathers- that things were different; that even he- could not see. The ride towards home was a tense and quiet affair, ever since ament and luciferus had set out to find them again: since void-mother gave him such a awning hope of finding his venadi- himself-them truly, it had strike the beast as odd, and it was only on the travel with all three of them then that ament knew it, faced it as he watched the pair of siblings-marrowtone-starbound both were odd-different.

he found each one not lacking but all the more for it, He saw each of them and saw not venadi, but Starbound and marrowtone. Each carved a place for themselves; and a part of him hesitated to tread onto that; to break that part found for the might of their unity. They were mighty together; a force that no one would ever best, but hesitance was a learned thing; beat into him with static and crooning like-voice. It was beat into him and he was helpless to it.

He saw the same hesitance in each of them; and it only made the righteous fury in him tick to the nth degree. As suddenly as it started; his purring stopped. cut short at the appearance of the herd that Ament- Venadi were born next to. His curiosity at this point, was almost a greeting, pushing past the rage-rage-wrath that was building in defense; in the mere presence of strangers at such a tender and raw moment made the beast want to maul, rip roxanne in two.

it was always there, the urge to rip and maul, it never left; but now the omega was more aware of it. Could push past it if so desired, but it was thrumming into him to the point that ament's own vocal cords rippled in a warning to his sisters. 'stand-up attention threat-prey-herd' It was a heading call and a warning and it was cut from him before he could even utter it, at the sight of Iuvenis.

a high trill escaped ament; ecstatic as he bound closer towards Iuvenis- young one with joy. It was displayed by the clear wag of his tail, the rumble that rumbled from the venadi as quick as it had fallen. Bright vibrant blue eyes  were wide in pleasure as the large utharaptor took to circle the other.

It was hard to explain Iuvenis. they were young and lost, both found each other before much else; kins in their strife when void-mother too took them under wing. Not before ament had laid claim to Iuvenis; young. A shriek of the name in the only tongue ament could gutter out; only translatable to his sisters and mother; they would know- would understand in a way that ament could not explain. Iyvenis was his-theirs. Ament had claimed it so, and while only the omega venadi; ament's words help no hesitation, no room for argument. Jaime was under the wrathful venadi's protection.

with another loud trill, ament felt something in him ease; home this was home again, home for him-them. Ament would make it so

even if he had to raze it before his pack were content; ament would make it so.

Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - michael t. - 07-13-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — A roar tore violently through the formerly still air above Michael's home, causing the bobcat to jump and his entire body to tense up considerably. The reaver had been trying to relax, somewhat worn out and worn down by recent events. As exciting as his engagement to Trevor had been, it had also carried with it a great deal of sadness, and the realization that he wouldn't be able to see the coyote nearly as often. That sadness had been slightly cut by the realization that Trevor had given him fleas of all things, but even that wasn't enough to leave him angry for long, and after several nice warm baths, the bobcat had found himself just collapsing onto the couch within his hut. His head had been resting lazily on the pillows, mismatched blue gaze focused downwards as he mulled over recent events, including his own engagement, Goldie and Sam's wedding, and Goldie's injuries. The male had found himself wincing as he internally scolded himself for relaxing, knowing he should've been out helping Roxie with her temporary stint as leader. The thief had begun to get up, only for the heavy flapping of wings and the cacophony of roars and shrieks for above to cause him to jump, falling forward and nearly colliding his muzzle with the floor.

Feeling significantly less guilty and significantly more annoyed afterwards, Michael pushed himself to his paws, shoving his way out the front door of his home. He had half a mind to go and tell whoever had scared the ever loving shit out of him that they were an asshole, but any potential threats or scolding died in his throat when he saw Lucifer. Lucifer and the three strange creatures accompanying him. The fugitive sort of just wanted to turn tail and head back inside, avoiding the situation entirely, but he forced himself forward upon spotting Roxanne. His sister seemed to know the terrifying dragon beast that now rested on top of their sands, but he still figured she could use some help, especially considering the massive size difference between she and the newcomers. Not that he was any better off, considering he was only barely larger than Roxie in her current form, but it made him feel better to think that maybe he could protect her. After all, the way that Ament was looking at her hardly put him at ease – although the creature soon became distracted by the presence of Jaime, which was both a relief and a horror. Even though Jaime didn't seem to be in any danger, Michael still found himself hissing out softly as he approached, "Jaime, careful."

With his chest tight and his head slightly spinning from his earlier tumble, the reaver made his way up beside Roxie, brushing his fur against the temporary captain's in a wordless greeting. He caught the end half of her brief statement on Goldie's absence, a sigh leaving him when he heard the sadness in her voice. It was natural to be upset after what had happened, obviously, but he wished there could be less worry burning the air – at least Roan was around to keep an eye on the temporary MIA leader. Pressing his side more firmly into Roxie's to remind her that he was here for her – both literally and figuratively – the bobcat then turned his gaze up to Lucifer, his throat becoming remarkably dry. After a long moment of thought, with his gaze darting between the four much larger creatures before him, he eventually spoke, "I, uh... hey. I guess Rox knows you, huh? That already makes me like you a little." He cracked a nervous smile, painfully aware of how even with his earth elementals, he could be killed in an instant by present company, "I'm Michael. Michael Townley. I'm a reaver around here, so if you and your... friends need anything, I can help out." — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: FAMILIARITY | Multi-Return - Luciferr - 07-13-2020

oh it was good to be home

And it was far better than he imagined to be reunited with his children, his home, his friends and family all in one,

He’d forgotten how alone he truly was until he’d started finding them again, piecing together a broken apart family he’d had to leave for a time after - after the rosebloods,

He’d heard the whispering again - and knew he’d had to go, had to distance his leg enough to fix this before he became less of himself

He wouldn’t allow a repeat of what had come before - of everything that had happened before the names of Typhoon or blood had ever been a place to him.

But he’d come back - and he refused to come alone, so he found them, he found his family again and wished to bring them back, even if they flew the nest again - he still wanted that one golden shining moment, where everything was perfect

Where everything he loved was there, a picture perfect memory in his mind to always look back on,

After all - someday this would all be gone

And it would only be him again, alone, until the end.

Before more maudlin thoughts could take route however, Lucifer looked up at the familiar voice as his children chattered and around his feet and shoulders

Ah, Roxie, a familiar face and he found himself smiling his signature crooked grin

”hello Roxie, it’s been too long, I’ve missed you all so much” of course then she was introducing herself and Luciferus took the initiative ”ah yes my children, this is Exodus, Ament and Virgo - Theyre feral but they are my children” to explain the lack of speech - well speech, as Roxie and the typhoon no doubt knew it - then she was thanking him and Lucifer inclined his head ”no thanks are needed, he is family after all” most of the typhoon usually did end up being adopted by the behemoth after all - though rarely did they get given a vantablack dragon scale for comfort on a journey.

Of course her next news troubled him and he rumbled lowly, troubled - with a sharp hiss at the word of Ceasar, that bastard hm? He should Ave flailed the cat alive last time he was here - ”that is troubling, I’ll send along my best wishes then - and if there’s anything I can do to help Roxie, you need only let me know” after all he wasn’t here to be idle, he would help in whatever capacity the acting captain needed.

He thrilled to his children then, indicating figures and their names - though he hardly needed to when Jaime came pelting down, he and Ament already knew the young cub after all.

He chuckled watching Ament race to meet him and leaned down ”hello little Jaime - and why yes, I did - I trust you’ve been well?” something about the cub smelt more of fire than usual - hm, was he developing elementals perhaps? It wouldn’t be unheard of

Of course then another joined them and one not familiar to him but Lucifer smiled and nodded nonetheless ”a pleasure to meet you Michael - and you’ll find a few of the old guard will likely know me, though it’s been awhile since I was last here and as I said if there’s anything I can do to help you - either of you - please do let me know” he liked to help if he could even if he wasn’t officer here anymore.

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