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Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - Printable Version

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Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - miss ririchiyo - 07-07-2020

So, I am currently opening up four slots for anyone who's interested in making a kitten for this free-for-all litter that will be left in Tanglewood.

As my character Delilah has plots that will soon happen, I'll have more time for my new kitten that will be the eldest of the siblings.

They will be ragdoll + maine coon mixes. Any colorings and typical mutations are allowed. They can have more ragdoll than maine coon, or the other way around.

Rules are simple; stay active enough with them, and stay in Tanglewood until they're 10 months old, then you can move them if you'd like to. They will start out as four-six months old. Names can be anything you'd like, but the naming scheme is based off of elven names!

Last names/surname will be Keymaris.

First come, first served. Forms are free-for-all! The kittens will be brought into play as soon as all slots are filled, and sub-accounts are made.

1. Thalanil Keymaris • 6 m/o • male
— penned by ryuu-tan
2.  Sur’na Fractul Faber • 5 m/o • androgynous
— penned by Wisker
3. NAME • age • gender
— penned by
4. NAME • age • gender
— penned by
5. NAME • age • gender
— penned by

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - SUMMERSEND. - 07-07-2020

...Ahd I won't be long, I'll be dead by dawn.
Tracking on Thalanil's account!


Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - Whisper - 07-08-2020

tracking with the name fractal

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - Orion - 07-09-2020

Any father in specific or is just NPC? :0

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - miss ririchiyo - 07-09-2020

NPC litter! They will eventually gain an adoptive parent.

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - Whisper - 07-09-2020

Hello! Spur of the moment character idea, ngl it's been a while since i've seen an adoptable open- and i've been looking for more characters with cut too relations. Hopefully this application goes through, if not...? you may see some old chara of mine around tanglewood. Might edit this a bit later as well, so be on the lookout :eyes:

Name . Sur’na Fractul Faber
Nicknames . Sur, “sir”, kay

Physical age . five moons old
Creation date . 7 . 8 . 20

Sex . female
Gender . Androgynous [they / them]

Daughter to -
- Adopted sister of Thalanil Kaymaris

Powers / abilities . tba

+ | Heartfelt ; kind ; polite ; genuine
0 | passive ; tolerant ; cunning ; composed
- | rude ; graceless ; cautious

Cunning, kind, and cautious. Sur’na is a feline of little social grace and great composure. While general withdrawn around newcomers and passer-by’s, when comfortable and in a safe environment Sur’na is easy-going, and a lot more heartfelt. In tough situations, or unsecured areas Sur’na is a switch of the dime. Being snappish, sarcastic, and downright mean. This is to say that Sur’na will always hold their politeness and sense of manners; Sur’na has all the grace of, well a kit. They are still feeling out social norms and will overstep other’s sense of space to help.

Main form . Main coon ragdoll hybrid
-A copper seal point hybrid with sea-green eyes. Sur’na makes a striking example of a ragdoll at their finest.

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - miss ririchiyo - 07-10-2020

Accepted! They sound amazing. It'll be amusing to have them interact.

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - SURNA . - 07-10-2020

tracking on sub acct! Will get to working on her bio's here in a bit :^)

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - SUMMERSEND. - 07-13-2020

Take your time with it! <3

Re: Adopt a kitten from this Tanglewood litter? - Whisper - 07-24-2020

friendly bump