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SISTER | return - Printable Version

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SISTER | return - salem - 07-06-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | The day of the meteor strike remained fuzzy for the youth.  He could recall the moment of impact -- the way he suddenly lost sight and the way the water rushed into his ears when the ocean rose in protest.  The rest seemed to be broken fragments in his mind.

Soft, dark paws trod over the sand, absent for once, of the vines that typically wrapped around his legs.  Dark eyes glinted thoughtfully, watching the waves, vision no longer obscured by the pumpkin that once adorned his head.  The boy knew he lost it during the tidal wave.  Unfortunate -- he felt oddly naked without it, but the loss would not restrain him.

The kodkod breathed out softly, taking a step closer to the waves.  The tidal wave left him battered and shaken but Salem had known rough waves before.  The sun sank into his dark fur as he took a seat at the water's edge, letting it wash over his paws.  Summer's here.

Re: SISTER | return - michael t. - 07-07-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Curiosity was what drew Michael to the shore that day, mainly because he thought he spotted a crewmate that he didn't know. Little did the bobcat know, it was actually Salem, just without the trademark pumpkin helmet that he usually wore around all the time. Michael and Salem had never really interacted one on one, and the reaver honestly didn't know much about the younger male, but it was pretty hard to forget someone with such a distinctive accessory. As such, seeing the kodkod without it... it felt very odd, and vulnerable. As if the thief was seeing something he very much wasn't supposed to be seeing. At the very least, it did seem as though Salem was alright, and maybe even happy, sitting at the edge of the water.

Michael let his short legs carry him over to where the other was sitting, his nose eventually picking up on who it was that he was approaching. Although Salem didn't look the same without his pumpkin, his scent was thankfully still familiar, even to someone who didn't speak with him much, like Michael. The reaver hesitated for a moment, allowing his mismatched blue gaze to focus on where the sky met the sea, just sort of staring for a long pause of silence. He was trying to figure out how to say hello, after the other had gone radio silent in the wake of the tremors. Eventually he just settled on clearing his throat, bob tail thumping against the sand as he spoke, "Hey there, Salem. It's good to see you around again... are you doing alright?" He wasn't really sure if the other actually wanted company, or a chat, but it felt wrong not to at least try. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: SISTER | return - Luciferr - 07-07-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
jaime had never had a chance to meet Salem, what with how young he was and then the meteor strike separating him from everyone else - but clearly Uncle Mike knew them and if uncle mike knew them, then they were alright in Jaime’s books.

So jame trotted after his uncle - a careful distance, what with the flea thing - and nodded quietly to the unfamiliar yet familiar stranger ”m’jaime, nice to meet you”

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: SISTER | return - ROXANNE R. - 07-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, it was Salem!

Although, it felt odd seeing the other without their trademark accessories and simply sitting there taking in the waves of the ocean, the Officer wasn't far behind with both ears pricked forward and a small frown clinging to her lips. It had been a while since she had seen him but she supposed that everyone had their own time to recover from the meteor shower. Roxanne had managed to get over it by working on cleaning the beaches when it was most needed, the draconic feline eventually making her way over upon the sight of both her son and brother already talking to the kodkod. Nonetheless, the small Siamese would brush up against her son to a form of greeting only to fixate her mismatched glance over to Salem who was rather quiet. The meteor shower had caused both damage and growth within the members of the Typhoon, Roxanne definitely had grown from the event itself and learned to become independent, relying on herself and helping others when they needed it the most. She held her breath for a moment before speaking "Hello Salem," Hopefully she wasn't overwhelming him. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SISTER | return - Keona. - 07-09-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Salem smelled less like pumpkins, though that crisp autumn scent still lingered around him.  The tiny dealer still recognized her best friend, pausing as she was about to pass, enjoying the sound of the waves.  With a blink, Keona padded forward, conscious that her friend was a quiet soul.  He may not like too much attention.  Some odd possessiveness inside her protested; he shouldn't mind her at least, right?

The fae reached out, albeit a tad hesitantly, to lightly prod the kodkod's cheek, brows creased in thought.  Just fur.  No pumpkin.

She'd never known him to step into public view without it.  In private settings, sure.  During late-night reading and drifting off, a pumpkin adorning one's head often became cumbersome.  But she felt as though... Perhaps he had lost it.  The tip of her tail flicked.

Somewhat sheepishly, she barked out a soft, "hey," pulling her paw back and shifting to a seat besides the water.  Since the ocean tried to swallow both of them up, Keona had grown a little more wary of the shore.  The gentle push and pull still lulled her.  She could still feel the ocean's call, knew if she reached out, she could connect to the water.  But she preferred to stay on the sand.

"You feelin' better?"
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: SISTER | return - salem - 07-15-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Though he did not turn his head, the kodkod's ears perked, following the gentle sound of paws over sand.  Michael failed to ring the strongest bells -- he knew the feline but did not know him.  A product of his quiet nature.  Regardless, the youth did not mind the question, humming quietly in response.  "Uh-huh.  Just thinking of someone."

A far less familiar voice caused him to finally move, shifting gaze from the water to youth.  Salem knew Roxanne had a number of children -- he had yet to meet them personally.  Jamie, with wings and fur splashed with dark and light, must be one of them.  The name sounded right, at least.  "It's nice to meet you, Jamie.  I'm Salem."

The mother in question made herself known soon after.  His chest began feeling tighter.  Pirates were an awfully social people, but he had known that for a while now.  The best he could offer now was a semi-cheerful wave of his tail.  Whether or not that was polite enough, he barely managed to consider before a paw pushed into his cheek.

Keona rarely caught him off-guard -- it came as a simple fact that she often moved more, tested the area more, as she moved.  As such, he blinked in surprise, feeling the skin beneath his fur warm considerably.  Salem found he did not mind crowds as much, when his friend was there.  She possessed a similarly quiet nature after all.

Lightly, he allowed his head to tilt, observing the way she lingered away from the water.  No overabundant fear though, which he found reassuring.  "I am."

"Your uncle just gave me the green light to get back on my paws."

It had been Raziel, amidst all the chaos, that found them -- snatched them out of the ocean's grasp.  A fact he would remain grateful of forever, especially after the faerie decided to nurse him back to health.

"How are you all doing?"

Re: SISTER | return - michael t. - 07-15-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — "How are you all doing?" was a surprisingly loaded question at the moment, even though it shouldn't have been. They were all finally beginning to recover from the meteor strike, and things felt... okay, he supposed. In the initial days after the meteor strike, and after Trevor's leaving, the reaver had been in a rather rotten mood, not emerging from his house and snapping at those who did enter – even Roxie, although she always had some sort of rebuttal waiting. He was doing better now though, and if there was one thing that his sister was right about, it was the fact that everyone had grown after the events of the meteor crashing into their seas. Although he wasn't sure he would ever truly be settled down and domestic – the call of thievery still ached in his bones, after all – he certainly felt a little more stable now. He was also a lot more focused on caring for those around him that really mattered, such as Roxie and his nieces and nephews. He could certainly call that growth, from when he had just been a rat bastard of a fugitive who only cared for himself and one other person in the world.

Looking over Salem, it suddenly occurred to him why the other had been absent for such a long time. From his words, it was obvious that he had been taken out of commission by the meteor strike, something that had been lost on the bobcat previously. Michael had sustained a concussion from the event, and had hardly been able to focus on much of anybody else before his skull went crashing into the sand, so he hadn't known the status of Salem, nor many others. At the very least, it seemed as though Keona had been making sure he was alright, which made Michael feel a bit less shitty for not checking in on the other male before now, even with their near nonexistent personal relationship. Shifting a bit, the reaver pawed at the sand beneath him before answering Salem's question, giving a noncommittal shrug, "Things have been alright. I think that we've all been trying to recover after what happened. Thankfully the buildings and everything are finally starting to look normal again." The rebuild efforts for the most important buildings had been quick, a fact that Michael found himself proud of. It was nice to see how much all of them could get done, when they were all focused and working together. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART