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IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - Printable Version

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IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - bubblegum - 07-05-2020

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - ROXANNE R. - 07-06-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had been walking around the beach deciding to take time to enjoy herself, things were a lot better and well, her niece was married. It was nice to have an in law to pester every now and then but the smell of blood hit her nostrils immediately causing her to stop in her tracks, she glanced to the sides for a moment only to recognize the scent that mingled with that of copper. Goldenluxury. Her heart stopped and it didn't take long for the Officer to bolt in the direction of the smell eventually catching sight of her unconscious niece and Vigenere, the Tanglewood general, she immediately pressed her muzzle close to Goldie's head trying to find any other hints of who could've done this, the smell of burnt flesh causing the roof of her mouth to water but it subsided the moment she caught whiff of Caesar. A soft growl slipping from her maw before her narrowed pupils would shift in the direction of Vigenere, the fur on her back having stood up though she would take a deep breath to ease her nerves.

Her ears pressed against her cranium "Thank you..." She couldn't or well, she didn't want to imagine what would've happened if Vigenere hadn't been there to aid her niece. The thought only made the Officer angrier that she hadn't been there to protect her niece from harm's way, Goldie didn't deserve any of this. Roxanne would bite the inside of her right cheek only to glance around to try and spot Roan though she turned to Vigenere knowing what she'd have to do "I wish I could repay you... But, I'm going to have to step up and make sure this place doesn't go to shit... Heh, I won't be able to stay in Tanglewood... Unfortunately." It was either her or Keona that needed to step up to make sure the ship wouldn't rock too badly while Goldie was out of it. She figured it was her turn to step up to the plate and try to repay Goldie for all she has done for her. She held her breath for a moment hoping that Roan would come over quick but for now she had briefly left returning with a few bandages and cobwebs trying to stop the bleeding until her son got here. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - Keona. - 07-06-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Copper in the air never bore well.  The Dealer froze, nostrils flaring.  It was instinct at this point, to follow the scent, worry settling in her stomach when she recognized Goldie's scent at the center of it all.  She came to a halt besides Roxanne, pale hues blinking.  Tanglewood scent too.  Vigenere, the new General.  Thank goodness.  Someone had been there.  Someone had helped her.

Keona's head tilted upwards, following the sound of Roxanne's voice.  Bandages too.  Her ears flicked back, wondering how bad it was.  After everything... Her tail lashed.  She wished Goldie could have some longer lasting peace for once.  "Thank you, Vigenere."

Softly she breathed out, nodding to Roxanne in reassurance, "'m with you.  We'll keep things together and she'll be okay." Goldie had done so much.  They could keep things smooth while she healed.  Rested.  It was the least they could do.  She had done it once before; she'd help Roxanne do it now.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-06-2020

Vigenere had no doubt that Goldenluxury probably could have ended up coming back on her own accord, but he felt a duty calling to him when he saw the Typhoon captain unconscious in his territory. If one of his clanmates hadn't alerted him to seeing Caesar lurking around, Vigenere likely wouldn't have got to Goldie in time - but he was certainly glad he did. He offered her to stay in Tanglewood until she was able to walk properly, but the tigress had refused and insisted on coming back to The Typhoon, which was understandable. Vigenere decided to stay with her and helped her go back home, allowing her to lean on him whenever she needed to.

As Goldie collapsed onto the sand beneath them, Vigenere at first tried to keep her up, but unfortunately she was much heavier than him and he just allowed her to sink into unconsciousness. As the Crew of The Typhoon drew near to see what was going on, Vigenere flattened his ears, wary on being accused of attacking and injuring their leader. Fortunately, though, they seemed to realize that Vigenere was here to help and was not an enemy to them - even if he looked like Goldie's attacker.

"Don't worry about coming back to Tanglewood," Vigenere spoke towards Roxanne, tipping his head slightly to show he understood. "You have a duty here. But if you can, I would advise your clanmates to keep a watch out for Caesar." It was likely the bastard was lurking around here as well, to see the damage and chaos he caused. "If you need any help, Tanglewood and I will be here for you as well, alright?" He was worried about Goldie mostly, but if Roxanne needed help keeping her clan together, he could try and sort things out as well. Vigenere heard Keona, of course, and dipped his head at her words - completely forgetting that the rusty spotted cat was blind.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - roan ; - 07-07-2020

Blood. The stench of it on the air was enough to make the sage let out a grunt of frustration, the herbs he had been picking falling from his jaws as he turned from the edge of the jungle. His frustration was not with Goldie, or even with the fact that yet another person was injured. No, he was mainly frustrated because it seemed as though The Typhoon could simply not catch a break. Misfortunate had been raining down upon their heads as of late when it came to injuries, and Roan knew that better than anyone, having been dealing with the majority, if not all of them. Luckily, the young sage already had his herb bag on him, so he was able to simply turn away from the collecting task he had set out for that morning, letting his somewhat long legs carry him towards the source of the scent. The coppery smell on the air was mixed in with the scent of Tanglewood, Goldie, his mother, and Keona, so Roan had little idea of who was actually injured until he crested the top of the hill before him. The mere sight of Goldie collapsed was enough to make his heartrate speed up, and he quickly picked up the pace.

Once he reached the unfortunate scene before him, he pressed gently into his mother's side, mumbling softly, "Es suficiente, mamá. Let me treat her..." He spared a brief glance towards Vignenere, nodding his head in approval to thank the Tanglewood leader for bringing her home. After that, the sage slipped naturally into his usual role, beginning to pull out the supplies that he would need to treat their captain. He dealt with the burns first, pulling out the marigold and the aloe. After a few minutes of creating a poultice, he carefully began to apply it to the burned areas of Goldie's body, somewhat glad that she was unconscious. He knew it would sting to high hell if she wasn't. He then focused on the cuts, carefully mixing together his horsetail and marigold supplies. He applied it liberally to the wounds before adding some bayberry, to prevent infection. Once that was done, he covered the wounds with bandages, gently pressing until he was sure that the bleeding had stopped, or at least mostly slowed. When he eventually pulled his paws away, he muttered softly, "She... she should be alright. I don't think those cuts on her neck should need to be stitched or cauterized, as long as my poultice works..." He glanced down momentarily, biting lightly on the inside of his cheek, "She'll probably want some poppy seeds when she wakes up. We should get her to the temple, where she can rest and I can keep an eye on her injuries." He knew he wouldn't be able to move the captain on his own, but hopefully everyone helping would make it easier.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - Luciferr - 07-07-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
this was one of Jaime’s nightmare scenarios - a family member hurt, badly at that.

The youngster pressed against his mother’s side as he padded up behind the others and joined them, worried green eyes glued to Goldie’s injured and battered form - a strange sense of distant anger rattled through him, spiking his unusually warm temperature he’d been frequently feeling lately.

He didn’t know what it was but he had the urge to tear something to pieces for daring to hurt family, kin, fligh-

Jaime managed to push the strange alien impulse away, he could do nothing now and he was too small (too trapped in thin skin and soft fur) to do anything about that but he looked up at the Tanglewood general ”thank you for bringing her back sir” an immediate thought that yes, he did, definitely like this new tangle general - hed have to find some way to help say thank you more than just words at some point.

That being said he went quiet again, leaning against his mother and taking comfort in her and his older brother’s presence here.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-10-2020

"Do you need help moving her?" Vigenere's gaze flickered to Roan as the young male came over, a concerned frown on his face. He wanted to help here as much as he can, considering he couldn't do much at all to do anything against Caesar. Of course the bastard had fled by the time Vigenere had arrived; he probably was too afraid to face the General.

Vigenere, of course, heard Jaime, and dipped his head respectfully towards the jaguar. "It's all I could do at the moment. But I will have my clanmates keep an eye out for Caesar as well, and make sure he's taken care of." Subconsciously, the savannah dug his claws into the ground; who did Caesar think he was, thinking he could get away with this? He did this all the fucking time, and it was infuriating.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IF YOU HAD YOUR GUN / injured - ROXANNE R. - 07-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
At the mention of the exiled member, Roxanne's eyes would narrow down into dangerous slits before nodding slowly and speaking "Thank you." There was a brief pause only for a low growl to leave her as she would add with a shake of her head "Although, if I ever see his piss, eyestrain ass again... I won't be merciful. He has hurt enough of my family members and I want to get even with him... I won't hesitate to kill that shitstain." The draconic feline would say letting her claws drag across the sand possibly imagining said claws clawing at Caesar's jugular, her gaze eventually turning when she felt Roan press his side against hers for a moment, it wasn't long until Roan began to treat his cousin and Roxanne would turn her attention to Keona at the offer to help her. Keona had experience and was definitely helpful, no doubt, Roxanne would be able to count on the dealer only to find herself nodding slowly soon speaking with a faint smile "For sure, the Typhoon is in good paws." The Officer would say with a soft sigh leaving her maw only to hear Roan speak about moving Goldie to the temple, her ears pressed flat against her cranium as she bit her tongue for the moment. Roxanne wasn't big enough to even lift Goldie in her current form, so, without much of a bat of her eye did Roxanne shift into her jaguar form.

She would move over to one of Goldie's sides with a soft huff and heard what Vigenere said at last about making sure that Caesar would be taken care of. Roxanne would've believed it if it hadn't been for the fact that Caesar was still out there hurting those she loved and were close to her, it was an empty promise that brushed against her ears. It would remain as such until the dumb Savannah cats pelt was brought to her or better yet... She'd bring it herself. The jaguar would watch Vigenere through slits, her cranium moving to give the Tanglewood General a curt nod. "I hope so. If not, I'll have to bring matters into my own paws. I won't stand idly and let anyone else from my clan or family be harmed by that son of a bitch." Her lips peeled back into a snarl, she would take to Goldie's side aiming to lift the left side of her and if that proved successful, she would make sure that her niece's arms were draped over her back. This was a lot of weight on her shoulders. Quite literally. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]