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STILL BREATHING | open, wt/stories ! - Printable Version

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STILL BREATHING | open, wt/stories ! - PIERCE - 05-10-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
//i lost the first almost-finished version of this so sorry if this one is written kinda weird hhhh

Ever since Pierce had first learned to read, he'd been captivated by fairytales. Perhaps, when he was still learning, it was because they were typically written for children, but even as he grew, he'd continued to love and read them. They were comforting, in a way, just similar enough to the real world to give him something to relate to, while also different enough to be an escape of sorts, a whole new world for him to explore through the eyes of the characters in the books. As time passed, Pierce kept reading his fairytales, though he did branch out to a few other genres, mainly fantasy, perhaps because of its own similarity to the classic tales he'd always read. When he got older, he had less time to read, but after rereading his storybooks so many times as a boy, they were pretty much ingrained in his mind. Plus, he'd raised and been around many children who he read to in his lifetime, so as long as he didn't bore some of his older clanmates, the task Harrison had assigned this week - share a few stories with some Snowbounders - should go pretty smoothly.

The dappled feline approached camp with his tattered red scarf wrapped loosely around his throat, tail waving slightly behind him. Though he didn’t know any of his clanmates super well, he was excited to share this part of his life with them, and to hopefully give them a bit of entertainment to brighten up their day. So, taking a quick seat, he called, "Hey, uh, if anyone’s interested in hearing a few stories, come over here!" This should be fun.


Re: STILL BREATHING | open, wt/stories ! - jacob w.c. - 05-10-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had always loved stories. He'd spent hours reading when he was little and he still did, although most of what he read now was medical books as he searched for new cures and ways to use herbs. He still dipped into the occasional novel though, particularly when he couldn't sleep. He hadn't had anyone tell him a story in a very long time, though. Honestly, other than his mother, there hadn't been very many people that just read to him. Jersey sometimes told stories but those usually weren't the types of stories Jacob actually wanted to hear. He put up with it, just like he put up with a lot of things Jersey did, but they weren't preferable. He'd much rather hear about Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland or Sherlock Holmes. Unfortunately, Jersey wasn't interested in any of those things. He was sure Pierce wouldn't be anything like that, though. He and Pierce seemed to be rather similar in some ways and Jacob was sure that the man had lots of interesting stories that didn't involve... well, the activities that Jersey most enjoyed. So, the husky made his way over and settled down with a light smile on his maw. "I'll listen, if ya' don' mind," he stated.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: STILL BREATHING | open, wt/stories ! - arcy - 05-10-2018

Izuku hadn't actually been terribly interested in stories when he was younger -- he liked them, of course, but especially the ones with heroes and monsters and such. But he'd been a kid, and more invested in real heroes and villains. Aside from that, though -- well, Izuku would be lying if he said that he didn't read a lot of superhero comics. By that point, they'd been very old and worn, vintage, really, but he'd treated them with loving care. After he joined his old group, though, he'd started doing a lot of extra research, and yes, storybooks. He had more time than he used to, after all.
Even so, upon hearing Pierce's call about stories, Izuku perks up, head tilting. Stories? Izuku isn't sure what type of stories Pierce liked, but Izuku was interested. It's not like he had a lot to do, anyways. So with this, Izuku pushes himself to his paws and makes his clumsy way over to where he heard Pierce. Jacob is there already, and the Maine Coon grins as he takes a few more steps and then plops into a sitting position, tail still wagging. He opens his maw to speak, then realizes it'd basically be redundant because Jacob said literally the same thing. So the green-furred feline grins sheepishly and just -- nods. Listening to stories would be a good way to spend some time, especially since he'd been wanting to read but kind of. Couldn't. Hm.


Re: STILL BREATHING | open, wt/stories ! - →AUGUST← - 05-11-2018

August liked stories. He remembered the ones they'd passed down in his herd, the ones his friends had told him, the ones he himself had been a part of. His parents had never told him fairytales, most of those stories had all been stories of survival and how the world worked, but when he'd first met his old friends, they'd told him so many stories. Stories of princesses and heroes, things a child would enjoy, things that he, as an adult, had enjoyed.

So, August walks over, his hooves clicking lightly on the ground as he does so. He lowers himself onto the floor nearby Jacob and folds his legs underneath him. There wasn't anything to say, really, and August didn't care to try and think of something to say anyways, so he stayed quiet and stared expectantly towards Pierce.


Re: STILL BREATHING | open, wt/stories ! - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-11-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Oh, stories! Atbash remembered how her mother used to tell her and her siblings stories. They were mostly lore, about the King, about life in Dimension FiveX. And to be honest, Atbash honestly wasn't sure how much of it was true. But still, that didn't mean she didn't enjoy them. Atbash made her way over to the ground, taking a seat beside Jacob.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi