Beasts of Beyond
EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - Printable Version

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EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - roan ; - 06-28-2020

Truth be told, Roan hadn't traditionally left the Typhoon recently, so this was less of a return to the group, and more of a... return to society. The feline was now ashamed of his actions, feeling guilty that he had simply vanished within his home when the group had needed him most, but the pressure had gotten to him. At first, the many injuries and damages after the meteor strike had at least seemed manageable, since the sage hadn't been alone. He had Ahab by his side, and with the two of them, surely they could make sure everyone was safe and healthy. But then, Ahab had disappeared. Roan had looked everywhere for the bear who was like a grandfather and mentor to him, searching every nook and cranny that the Typhoon possessed. When he had realized that Ahab was honestly and truly gone, he had panicked. He was all alone now, and that meant that he was the sole sage around to make sure that his crewmates were healthy. He knew he had the knowledge to do so, but the pressure of it all weighed heavily on his shoulders, and so, he had retreated inwards, hiding within his home and only coming out rarely to treat patients.

Now, though... it felt like he could return to the real world. Time around his mother, and his siblings, and time to just relax and collect himself – it had been invaluable. Now, he needed to make sure that his fellow Typhooners knew that he was there for him. So, in order to do this, he had decided to make a change. With this in mind, the nine month old had packed up most of his things in a bag, giving his mother a kiss and telling g her that he was going to move to one of the treehouses near the temple. He knew it was a big change, but he was nearly an adult, and the location would make it easier for him to have a stock of fresh herbs. Perhaps he would even move into the temple proper later on, when he became a true soothsayer. For now, that felt like a big step, and he needed to take things one step at a time. So, once his packing and explanations were over, the siamese had taken his large bag and left his family's hut, beginning the trek up towards the area of the temple. It wasn't long before he found a treehouse he found suitable, pulling himself up and beginning to unpack. Once he got around half of his things unpacked, he turned to lay in the doorway of the house, looking downwards to see if he could spot anyone going past. Maybe he could strike up some conversation... or maybe he should find folks to invite to his home, as a sort of housewarming.

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - Keona. - 06-29-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
The treehouses, given their... Climbing requirements, were not the most common place to spot the tiny fae.  Unless, of course, she had recently paid her uncle, Raziel, a visit.  He was a good supply of braille books and she did her best to visit fairly regularly.  Especially since he had fished her and Salem out of the ocean.

This time, he hadn't been home.  She had a feeling he may be off to check on his daughter though, and decided she'd come back to check on him later.  With a quiet hum, the Dealer turned and began retracing her steps, passing beneath the other houses when she felt the familiar sensation of being watched.  Breathing in softly through her nose, she blinked, recognizing the fresh scent in the air as her half-brother.

This wasn't Roxanne's treehouse.  Curious.  Keona rose her head upwards, pale hues flickering with thought.  "Roan?"  Though she seemed hardly to have grown over the years, she had lived on her own for quite a bit of time.  She had always been independent.  It had just made sense to her.  She knew it ought to make sense to see Roan moving out, but it... Felt strange to consider.

Should she be... Proud?  Maybe.  Being an older sister still bemused her at times.  Especially when she had a feeling she didn't look like the older one.  "Are you movin' 'ere?" Her tail flicked.  "Need any help?" He had helped her move into the sky parlor after all.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - roan ; - 07-02-2020

The first to approach Roan's little moving venture was none other than his half sister, Keona. Although he wasn't as close to Keona as some of his other siblings, he still found her presence to be fairly comforting. A crooked smile came to his face when he heard the blind girl's voice, and he moved to the edge of the treehouse platform, jumping down to a few paces in front of her. Standing directly in front of the dealer... it was rather funny, seeing the size difference between the two of them. Despite being Keona's little brother, Roan had already surpassed her in terms of height, and he didn't really think he was going to stop anytime soon. At the very least Keona couldn't see the stark difference between them – although he wasn't sure she would care if she did.

The sage found himself nodding at his sister's questioning, although he quickly felt heat rise beneath his fur afterwards. She can't see you nodding, dummy. His inner voice scolded softly, before he spoke simply, "Uh, yeah! Yeah, I'm moving here. I mean... I thought I was old enough now. Plus, it means I can be closer to the temple, and that means it'll be easier for me to grab herbs in case anybody gets hurt. It's a win-win, really." He still wasn't sure how his mama would feel in the long run about him moving out, but he could only hope she wouldn't be too upset, especially with his half siblings still around. Taking a deep breath, the siamese glanced around him before continuing, "I don't really think I need any help? I don't really have much stuff yet, to be honest. Although it is nice to have you here. It's like a mini housewarming!"

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - Luciferr - 07-02-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
Jaime often feels older than he in actuality is - which is a novelty when essentially, he and his siblings are the youngest in the clan (or so it seems to be) and yet at times those older than him sometimes seem more childish, often why some might mistake his age or take him for being the oldest of the litter.

But well harsh brief life he had, it would change anyone - still the younger sibling padded on over to the two and while he knew Roan, he couldn’t say he knew knew him much like he couldn’t say that for most everyone here, the meteor and subsequent being lost had meant he’d often had to start up again as everyone and himself had changed around.

But it was nice being amongst family again.

So he padded over with a nod ”hey” and then about the few belongings his older brother had and he hummed ”maybe instead we could help decorate where you’re going?”

After all, Jaime had quite liked getting to decorate his own small space when he wasn’t amongst his family - and he had even fewer things that Roan currently anyways.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - ROXANNE R. - 07-06-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
She knew that Roan eventually would've moved out from their home and it hurt just a bit seeing him go but it made her proud nonetheless, her other children lingered around but she always caught them talking about moving out as well and that was fine with her. She'd support then and help them move if need be, Roxanne having passed Roan's now vacant room with a slight frown on her maw though she only turned around heading for whatever had been left of his treehouse... The one she built him long ago only to uncover that small turtle musicbox did she find a faint smile on her maw, she was already making her way to the direction of the noise with her ears flicking slightly. Roxanne holding tightly onto the small musicbox looking in the direction of bith Jaime and Keona before speaking with a light nod of her cranium "Hello you three," She knew that Roan would've left the house at some point to live on his own but even then it made her heart ache just slightly but she would hold out the small musicbox with a warm, gentle smile "A lil something I found a while ago," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - roan ; - 07-07-2020

It definitely hurt a bit, not knowing Jaime as well as he knew some others within the Typhoon. After all, the other was his little brother, and didn't that mean they were supposed to be close? Supposed to tease each other, but care deeply about each other at the end of the day? The thought of it made him ache, as most things relating to his family did these days – after all, it felt as if he had no time to truly bond with his family anymore, thanks to his work. However, he was trying to turn over a new leaf with this move. He was trying to execute a change that would hopefully lead to him being able to help everyone, while still having some sort of life outside of being the sole sage of the group. A prime part of that change was allowing himself to enjoy the company of others again, so he offered Jaime a little smile, the draconic siamese's tail flicking back and forth as he spoke, "That'd be nice... I don't really have too much of my own stuff anymore. I took what belonged to me when I moved, but I'm sort of lacking in things that are really... mine." He shrugged his shoulders slightly as he spoke, his blue gaze darting up towards his new home, wondering what he would fill it with.

As if on cue – or as if having heard his pondering – Roxie soon arrived on the scene, causing Roan's eyes to light up slightly. He felt a mix of emotions inside, including both hesitation and happiness, along with a helping of nerves. He was happy to see her, considering he was always happy to see his mama, but he also didn't want her to be sad about him moving out. Unfortunately, he was fairly sure that there was no way for him to make it better, and that time would have to take over instead. Seeing the musicbox that she pushed forward made his heart ache with happiness – and his head ache with something else, something he chose to ignore – and he quickly moved forward to embrace her. As his paws came up to hug his mother, he purred reassuringly, "[i]Gracias, mamá. It's wonderful, and I'm sure it'll make the place feel more like home..."
He looked down briefly when he pulled his arms away, paws shifting before he finally spoke again, "...You'll come to visit often, right mama?"

[glow=#D15540,1,000]" stay by my side, high or low tide " [/glow]

Re: EVERYTHING'S BETTER NOW ☆ return - ROXANNE R. - 07-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roan had wanted to move somewhere closer to his work and well, Roxie had her own work cut out for her too. She supposed that she would move eventually at some point and not wake to the warm sandy beaches but the cold floors of the ship. Being an officer was quite the task and she didn't want to fail Goldie at any given moment, a soft sigh leaving her maw as she shook her head lightly concentrating on what was in front of her now, her family. And that was the most important for her, they were the biggest reason why she had kept on going after all these months. A soft snort left her maw only to finally hear what Roan had said to her as she would return the hug giving his cheek a soft kiss before a purr would slip out of her maw at his inquiry "Of course. mijito. And you're always welcomed to drop by too... When you're not too busy with work," Her smile faltered slightly only for her voice to take a playful yet stern tone "But don't overwork yourself... If you need any help, I'd be willing to offer some even... If I'm not the most knowledgeable in herbs," There was a pause only to add with a soft giggle "But I could always learn! Even if I'll be busy with my own duties,"

She was sure that the knowledge of herbs would definitely help her in the long run and even if she did become stiff at the sight of blood or exposed flesh, she would do her best to work on that. Old habits died hard. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]