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SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - Printable Version

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SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-26-2020

Next up, Elysium. Vigenere had stopped by Tanglewood after his visit with The Typhoon, picking up the next set of baskets for him and [member=14157]BLOODHOUND.[/member] to take. Unfortunately for the newly appointed General, he... wasn't 100% sure where Elysium was. Sure, they had been invited to Elysium's festival, but Vigenere didn't attend. Parties weren't exactly his thing, after all. But fortunately, it wasn't that hard to figure out where Elysium was, especially given how his clanmates knew the general direction.

"Never thought I'd be back up in the mountains again." Vigenere mused, half to himself, half out loud to Bloodhound. His words were a tad muffled due to the basket he was carrying in his mouth, but hey - what was being said right now wasn't exactly important. "You weren't around during Snowbound were you?" Of course, this question was directed towards his clanmate.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - BLOODHOUND. - 06-26-2020

The mountains reminded Bloodhound of home. The cool air, how beautiful they were in the summer... all of it was held so dear to their heart. It was like being on Talos again. They half expected to hear their uncle calling to them, urging them to come hunting with him. Emotion swelled in their chest as their eyes followed the slopes and peaks, as they breathed that fresh mountain breeze.


Oh, how they missed their home.

And yet... Tanglewood was now slowly becoming a home to them as well. Their house, full of crows, and a nest of blankets in its heart. They are pulled from their reverie, as Vigenere speaks, his voice muffled by the basket handle. Their ears tilt in their leader's direction, taking in his words.

"You have been here before?" They ask, interested. Perhaps he would have a story to tell. Perhaps they would, too. Of home. Of their uncle. Of the mountainsong in their chest.

Another question, this time about Snowbound. It was their first time hearing the word, and they mouthed it, tasting the word upon their tongue. "No, I have not heard of it."

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - fulzanin - 06-26-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Other groups. That idea was foreign to Clony. The idea of groups was still quite a headscratcher to them. The idea of people living in separate groups rather than all together was equally as befuddling to them. It was a matter that Clony didn't really have any say in. They knew of the other groups because of the festival that had happened a while back. Prior? Absolutely no idea. It didn't know how many groups there were, or what the relations were. Simply knew that they were out there. What they did, who they were, what they were like? Clony didn't have any way to figure such a thing out.

"Uh. Hey there!" Came their normal shrill and warbly voice, the bat descending down from the sky and plopping down. They were big for a bat, sure, but in the world of mammals they were easily dwarfed. Ears perked as their eyes settled on the basket. They wondered what secrets were hidden within the confines. "Names Clony. You got lasers in that basket? Or food? Whatcha here with a basket for anyways?" They inquired, hobbling closer as their curiosity demanded for them to attempt to get a peak at what was within the baskets brought by the two visitors.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-26-2020

"I've been in the mountains before." Vigenere replied to Bloodhound, letting out a small sigh. "My sister lead Snowbound for a little bit - they lived in the mountains, so I've had to trek through them every once and a while to see her." The reason they were separated in the first place was his fault, but that was something to dwell about another day. The savannah's ears pricked as he heard the sound of wings flapping and his attention was drawn to a bat greeting them.

Vigenere was rather surprised to see such a small creature, but he admired their spunkiness. Or what appeared to be spunkiness, anyway. "No, no lasers." He laughed. "But there's food here, alcohol too if any of you guys are into that. Herbs, as well." He paused. "My name is Vigenere, by the way. I just wanted to let Elysium know that Leroy has stepped down from leader and has appointed me in his place."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - BLOODHOUND. - 06-27-2020

They listen intently, their mask betraying few emotions, but their eyes were soft. Family. It was deeply important to them, as they had lost their own so young, an avalanche caused by the tremors of the great machines. Their uncle succumbing to his wounds at the hands of a great beast.

"Your sister," They venture, scuffing their paws against the rocks, getting out the smaller grit between their toes, "Is she well?"

It isn't long, before the two of them are greeted by a bat, with talk of lasers, and a very swift introduction. Vigenere laughs, and in their General's pause, Bloodhound speaks up, nodding to Clony. "Góðan daginn, dear sky beast."

They let Vigenere say his peace, introducing himself, before adding their own introduction. "And I am Bloodhound. It is my honor to meet you, Clony." They say, lowering their head to Clony's level. They suppose, it was hard to catch the other's eye with a mask on, but... it was good manners, to try.

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - Hope Arcanium - 06-27-2020

The mountains certainly are beautiful, aren’t they?

The voice of the feline-fox hybrid god had neutral tones, but with a note of friendliness and respect. These two must be visitors, and from another group based on their scent and the gifts. She didn’t recognize them, likely because she hadn’t done much traveling recently and they didn’t appear to have attended the Stellar Collision Festival.

Which she couldn’t blame them for- it was damn near a disaster when that crow god arrived and tried to thrash their visitors and crash the party. How rude.

With a smile, she would dip her head momentarily, godly aura present, light flickers of both flame and electricity visible around her whole body as she stretched her wings to relax.

My name is Playerone. It’s nice to meet you. We appreciate the gifts, and for you letting us know of the leadership change.

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-27-2020

Family. They were always important to Vigenere, and one of the driving forces that fueled him to become part of the King's Guard. If he got high enough in the ranks, then his family would be moved somewhere much more safer than the Seventh Tier. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be better than living in poverty. Hell, it was even better when Vigenere met Athena, the Princess and started dating her. But then... Caesar ripped it all away from him. His position within the Guard first, then the love of his life, and finally his family. His friends. His home.

Vigenere heard Bloodhound's question of course, but hadn't had time to answer it as Clony flew to greet him and his companion, spouting about their nonsense; perhaps he could answer it another day. Clony's clanmate, a hybrid of sorts, approached them next. The godly aura the female held make Vigenere's pelt prickle, though perhaps that was due to him being a demon at heart. The way her elemental powers seemed to flow as she stretched her wings also mildly irritated Vigenere, but once again, this was more or less a personal thing; he was trained to keep his powers hidden, that they were only to be used in extreme cases. Not everyone was going to follow that belief, and he had to accept that.

"Beautiful indeed." The savannah agreed with a short nod. "And it's our pleasure to give you the gifts." With that, he gently sat his basket down and pushed it towards Clony and Playerone. "How has Elysium been?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - BLOODHOUND. - 06-28-2020

Another approached then, elementals flowing over her wings as she seemed to glow. She was an odd creatiure; but this land seemed to be full of them. Bloodhound thought little of it. They themself were strange as it was, with their mask and cowl, antlers, and oddly patterned coat.

"It has been some time, since I have seen the mountains." They add, placing their basket upon the ground and pushing it towards the pair. "No words can describe them."

Bloodhound thinks, as they readjust their mask. They would have to visit again, one day. To breathe in that cool mountain air, to feel at peace like this again. They were here for diplomacy, of course, but that didn't mean that they didn't want to run along these slopes and feel the fresh air wash over them, to feel the Allfather's cold breath once more. His blessings, housed within the peaks.

"It is an honor to meet you, Playerone."

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - fulzanin - 06-28-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Alcohol. The term wasn't foreign. Clony felt like, at one point, one of themself had known what the word meant. Not that they currently knew. Just because the old hivemind Clony had, the constant chatter that they missed, knew what the word meant, did not mean they currently knew. It was lost to them. "Food works. No lasers is a problem," They chatter, a small shake of their head following. When the basket is pushed forward, greedily they hop forth to investigate the contents. Their talons lock onto the handles, their wings awkwardly splayed as they looked down at the contents of the basket.

Their ears twitch, hearing the conversation continuing. Playerone had gotten here at some point, and they lift their head to give their godly clanmate a grin. "There's plants in here!" They chatter, wings giving an excited beat. What kind of plants they were? Herbs, apparently, what they were beyond that lost to them. "This is a great gift even without the laser. Do we get to keep the basket?" They ask as their eyes raise up once more from looking down at the basket's contents. Then Clony blinks, recognizing the question thrown their way. "I think we've been good! Other than all those crows a while back. Yup, been good, I think we've been good, right Playerone?" Tipping their head upside down towards their clanmate, and then back to the basket once more.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: SOUND THE ALARM // Tanglewood Visitors - Warringkingdoms - 07-02-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]It was another yellow savannah, this one smelling of Tanglewood. Aurum had mentioned a "Vigenere Cipher" during the first night of the festival, and indeed this seemed to be him. Approaching after Clony and Playerone, Rin examined the two visitors and their quarry. She'd never been fond of alcohol, but there were probably some here who would enjoy it- and of course, the food and herbs were welcome.

  "Yes, thank you for the gifts," Rin said after Clony had finished, dipping her head. "And congratulations on being chosen to step up, Vigenere." She wasn't entirely sure what circumstances would have led to Leroy stepping down- and for that matter, she was pretty sure Aurum had been higher in the ranks up to this point- but Vigenere seemed a good choice nonetheless, when she looked past his resemblance to Caesar.

  With a shrug, she added, "Aside from the crows incident, yes, we've been well. How is Tanglewood?"

  /retro to Aurum's arrival in Elysium