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YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - Printable Version

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YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-25-2020

As much as he didn't want to do this, The Typhoon was on the list of allies to visit. Although Goldenluxury had confirmed that Caesar was no longer here - he was exiled, in fact - Vigenere couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the place. Maybe it was just his paranoia and old ways getting to him, in that they had housed Caesar for a while. Ah, well, that was in the past, whether he has accepted it or not.

Vigenere was with [member=14157]BLOODHOUND.[/member] , carrying a basket of goods as he made his way towards Typhoon's gate. There was moonshine, leather, as well as a few herbs and food in the basket. The savannah was silent as he approached the gate, awkwardly using one of his paws to tap the bell.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - Keona. - 06-26-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
As far as knowledge on Caesar's family went, Keona knew nothing.  Nor did she particularly care to know... If she despised anyone it was Caesar, so she had never asked nor wondered about his kin.  With no eyes to catch the similar yellow pelt, Vigenere was simply a Tangler she didn't particularly recognize.

Taking a guess on the smallest sounds, breathing particularly, the tiny Dealer rose her head as she approached the bell.  She could smell the familiar earthy scent of herbs, as well as the aroma of food.  They brought gifts then.  News too, she assumed. 

"Aloha," she offers up quietly, pale hues blinking in curiosity.  " 'An mahalo -- we appreciate the supplies.  'm Keona, the Dealer ere,  what's the news from Tanglewood?"
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - BLOODHOUND. - 06-26-2020

Bloodhound had carried a basket of their own, filled with herbs, berries, and bits of jewelry, salvaged from the junkyard. They had polished the gold and silver themself. Bloodhound held the handle between sharp teeth, their mask pushed up slightly so that they may use their jaws.

They knew little of The Typhoon, beyond that they had experienced the worst of the meteor strike. The memory of that day fills them with a chill, an acute sort of horror. They could only imagine how much worse it was for them, after everything Tanglewood lost in its aftermath.

They follow closely beside Vigenere, walking at the savannah's pace. They were aware that their strides were a bit longer than the cat's, and they didn't want to be rude, and outpace their newly appointed General. They watch, as they arrive at a gate, as Vigenere reaches a paw out to ring a bell. A spotted cat makes her way over, and Bloodhound immediately notices that she's blind. As she greets them in a tongue they don't recognize, they place the basket upon the ground, making it easier for them to speak.

"Góðan daginn. It is true, we come with news."

They look to Vigenere, letting him speak for himself.

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-26-2020

Honestly, it was quite a relief not to be instantly hounded about his relation to Caesar - not to mention he was trying to distance himself from the younger demon as much as he possibly could. Unfortunately, Vigenere wasn't exactly the "head" of the family (none of them were), so the least he could do was just say how much he agreed that Caesar was an awful person (to say the very least). What Vigenere felt bad about, though, was the fact that the little spotted cat was blind; had she always been like that? Perhaps she has never seen anything in her life, so she wouldn't know what she was missing. It was impressive that the Typhooner seemed to get around well, though.

"Uhh, Aloha." Vigenere echoed Keona's greeting, the word flowing off of his tongue in an uncomfortable way. "I'm Vigenere and this is-my companion here is Bloodhound." At first, the savannah wanted to gesture to his clanmate, but he then recalled noticing that Keona was blind. She... probably wouldn't notice him gesturing towards Bloodhound. "We do come with news. Leroy has stepped down from General, and has promoted me in his place." That was... it, quite honestly.

"How is Typhoon faring? Have you all been doing alright?" Of course, Vigenere was referring to the meteor that had hit a while back. The place seemed to be recovering, that's for sure - but they probably had a lot more in camp that he couldn't see at the moment.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - Luciferr - 06-27-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
The Estero had indeed been awful for everyone involved, he himself had been lost when the wave had carried him far away and only a truly brilliant stroke of luck had kept him alive and surviving long enough to even get back home.

But for all he knew wild places alone, he’d not met other groups yet outside of the typhoon - so it was that he’d found himself curious of the voices and discussion he picked up on not far away and what brought the Betta following after Keona.

Jaime had never known Ceasar - a blessing if there was one - but he’d heard tale of him (and also decided that this sounded like a truly awful person) but he was hardly one to judge on relation alone, people were not their family after all, good or bad.

And well he had an awfully large family, so varied it would be hard to call him that - so Vigenere was safe from that brand of judgement, at least from the alabaster and black child.

Jaime’s eyes skipped over the two, though they flickered back at the glint of something in the wolf’s - Bloodhound’s - basket, something that made him take notice, interested like a magpie drawn to something shiny, or a dragon to gold.

Of course then Vigenere’s words brought him back and his wings shifted unsure but willing to speak up ”Rebuilding’s going well” and then realising he hadn’t introduced himself ”m’Jaime - Thanks for the supplies n congrats” for the supplies and the ascendancy though he winced a little at how awkward he no doubt sounded.

No doubt the meteor had affected them though so the youngster felt it prudent to ask ”Does Tanglewood fair well?”

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-27-2020

Vigenere becoming General in such a way was awkward as hell as well, but luckily it seemed no one had an issue with it and seemed to take his word for it. It helped that he wasn't a compulsive liar like Caesar, though; his clanmates had no reason to think he would ever lie to them. "We've been doing well." The savannah confirmed, his gaze flickering to the jaguar cub that came over. "Other than us having to rebuild our camp, that is. We've gotten everything fixed up, luckily. No major damage." Nothing compared to Typhoon, he was sure.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - BLOODHOUND. - 06-28-2020

Bloodhound had little reason to doubt Vigenere, and with what they knew about Leroy, which was admittedly not much, were convinced that Leroy had handed Vigenere the title upon his leaving. They planned to support Vigenere in this where they could, knowing that such an exchange of power could very easily be tumultuous. They were just glad that Tanglewood had a leader, in this trying time. They had lost so much so quickly, so many faces had seemingly just. Vanished.

Another came then, a jaguar, white and black, with wings, and piercing green eyes. He seemed only young, not yet folly grown. He introduced himself as Jaime, and Bloodhound bowed their head as they greeted him. "Hello, Jaime."

Noticing the newcomer's eyes flick to their basket, Bloodhound places it upon the ground, nudging it over to the cub.

As Vigenere and Jaime speak, of rebuilding efforts after the disaster, their mind drifts, to the collie they had saved from the rubble, only to watch her die when freed, her body broken by the weight of someone else's home. How her strenght and courage had shown life, how they knew she had only barely escorted the occupants of the home away, when the roof and walls caved around her. They remember the loss of Moth, someone they had not known, but yet, had torn apart the family so deeply, Ivan and his father perpetually in mourning. How they'd wished to reach out to Ivan, how they'd dived into cold seawater to save the young boy, from the ocean and himself.

Perhaps, on their return.

For now... it was nice to hear, that those that bore the brunt of disaster were doing well.

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - michael t. - 06-28-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — The scent of Tanglewood brought no comfort to Michael, despite the fact that the two groups were allies. Even though they were mostly unaware of it, Tanglewood was one of the groups that the male was a fugitive from, after his ill fated decision to kidnap Moth. However, that had been many months ago now – he had changed quite drastically since then – and unbeknownst to Michael, Moth was no longer alive to identify him. As a result of this, the reaver was hesitant to approach the pair of Vigenere and Bloodhound, his limbs feeling as though they weighed hundreds of pounds. It felt more improper, unfortunately, for a reaver to not go and welcome them in, or at least say hello. So, steeling himself, the jewelry covered feline had made the walk up to beside Jaime and Keona, sitting down beside his nephew and shooting him a look of greeting. He caught the tail end of what was being said, and thankfully it didn't seem as though there was any trouble. Just discussion over the meteor strike, and everything that it had entailed – for all of the groups, really. Elysium seemed as though they were the only ones spared.

After a moment of hesitation, Michael finally spoke, his voice slightly hoarse from a day spent hunting, rather than talking, "Hey there, you two... it's good to hear Tanglewood's doing well. I'm Michael, and I'm a reaver here." That seemed inconspicuous enough. Although... he did have extra questions. Memories of Kaz's body being crushed beneath the destruction from the meteor flashed in his mind, and his heart sank. He couldn't help himself, and after a moment, he was mumbling softly, "Tanglewood didn't lose anyone in the strike... did you?" Vigenere had said that there was no major damage... maybe that meant that there were no casualties as well? — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-28-2020

As Bloodhound dropped their basket, Vigenere did the same, gently pushing his basket over to the Typhooners. He was careful to make sure the basket didn't falter, seeing as the dock everyone was standing on was surrounded by water. It'd be a shame to lose all those items, even if they weren't particularly needed. "It's nice to meet everyone." Vigenere meowed, realizing he hadn't thanked anyone for introducing themselves.

At Michael's question though, the General frowned. "We did lose Moth during the tremors." He wasn't particularly close to her at all - barely knew her, in fact - but still, his throat was tight in sharing the news. Losing a clanmate was always rough, even if one hardly knew them. Moth had been crushed under the rumble of her own home, not unlike Vigenere's own parents. Perhaps that's what made him so hurt at the memory; he was reminded of how his own parents had lost their lives.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: YOUR DECEPTION // Tanglewood visitors - bubblegum - 06-28-2020