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MINYORORO + IBADA CEREMONY - Kydobi - 06-23-2020


[OOC: [member=13875]DIRT.[/member] ]

The first attempt at Ibada was thankfully, a success. The Ardent hadn't expected a Debutante to step up so quickly, in fact he feared the idea would fall into obscurity. Another idea mentioned and forgotten for it was never practiced. However no, Dirt would step up. He would come to conquer and accomplish. For that, Kydobi admired him despite his poor hygiene.

When the brute arrived back with a skull to adorn his new necklace Kydobi was pleased. There was much to do in very little time, he had to have a jeweler in the marketplace intertwined the black with the blue material as well as hook the dagger and skull. The very next day he assembled a hunting party to bring back prey from one of their allies, there wasn't any herbivores in the Pitt... at least none he could recall. So there was no need to accommodate for a nonexistent population. Night had come and everyone was invited to celebrate the initiation of Dirt.

There was multiple torches from broke dried branches ignited by Kydobi to illuminate the whole area. A crude table was brought and laid upon it was all the prey from earlier. It was a feast. A celebration.

"Come all who may!", boomed Kydobi,"Tonight we celebrate the acceptance of Dirt into our ranks as one of us!"


Re: MINYORORO + IBADA CEREMONY - j a c k . - 06-23-2020

one of us, the words strike a cord within the small feline as they approach, watching as kydobi, the introduced leader of the group fiddle with the cord that is to be presented to dirt. all this food, the crude light of fire cackling against the dried wood of the slowly growing home... all for unity. dirt has proven to become one of the group; a newer member, yet still been here longer than the fae.

jack walked upon the celebration quietly, thoughtful. among the reflection of the fire his eyes were a piercing blue, his pale ivory fur casking like a beacon as he too sat down among one of the edges of the light. fire flickering and casting strange shadows against the male, short as though me may be, he remained at the outskirts, watching for the moment contemplative.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]


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One of us.

The words ring in his head like a bell, and he is ever entranced by the toll. Was he truly one of them, one of many voices and names, warlike creed lost to the winds? No. He was like a worm, crawling ever closer to the clan's rotten core, writhing and full of spoiled fruit. Ever deeper he burrowed, settling like a chill over the hearts of the clan, slipping in between the cracks and allowing fungi and corpseflowers to spring forth in his fervour. If humans still inhabited this island, he'd have been shot long ago. If his parents had any sense, they would have eaten him while they still lived.

But the newest generation always trumps the first, in intelligence, in power.

And today, was his. He had killed some lowly, pathetic fool out in the sweltering desert, had remained there for over a week, biding his time, drinking a cocktail of cactus nectar and his own blood. He had taken the skull home in triumph, having cleaned it over the remaining days. He had returned yesterday, had presented the symbol of his triumph to Kydobi in pride.

The beast had even taken the day to wash away the grit and grime of the desert, yanking out the last few cactus spines in his maw, cleaning out the wounds with water and chewing at a leaf of aloe to soothe. While he had chewed the bitter, slimy thing, he had come to a decision.

And now, as night fell over The Pitt, his return was cause for celebration. Crude torches were lit, and a feast prepared. It was a rebirth. A baptism. He was to be one with The Pitt, in body and soul. And he was ready.

Dirt approached Kydobi, his fur still a bit damp, but visibly cleaner than before.

"I have... a request to make, Kydobi." He says, thoughtful. "I wish to be known as Worm, from today onward. It is not a part of the tradition, but... I do like the thought of christening this chapter of my life, with a new name."

Washing away the old self, and accepting the new. He would be reborn.

Re: MINYORORO + IBADA CEREMONY - Luciferr - 06-27-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
fitting” was the rumbling guttural bass growl of the beast

The night - even with the lit torches - enshrouded the terrifying visage so much as to obscure it and enhance it, a thing of living corpses and nightmares come to bear witness almost to this baptism in blood

But tat he was here was merely where his claws and taken him, no fate could bend or lead the silence

He went where he pleased - as much as he consumed what he pleased,

Still that eyeless gaze seemed to flicker to the newly christened worm in something like an echo of amused approval,

Worms were useful creatures after all.



[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
This whole Ibada thing was stupid, in Dante's opinion. At least, for him, the hybrid saw no need to prove himself, considering all that he had done way back when during Yes Man's reign. It was rather insulting, really, that he was considered a Debutante to his clanmates - especially Kydobi and his higher ups. But whatever. If he had to prove his worth, then so fucking be it.

Kydobi's booming voice certainly did not help Dante's headache, and the large hybrid stumbled over with a scowl on his face. His lips were peeled back and his eyes in slits, his paws dragging the ground as he approached the group forming around the Ardent and Dirt-no, Worm, rather. "Congrats, or whatever." Came a grunt from Dante, not really in the mood to offer anything towards someone he considered a lowlife.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MINYORORO + IBADA CEREMONY - Kydobi - 07-14-2020


[OOC: ]

Before he could adorn the wretched canine, they had a request. One easy enough to follow, one Kydobi could understand. A new beginning? A new identity? That was fine. An identity that would belong to the Pitt, created there in the very least.

"I would be happy to oblige," he said as he moved to put it on him. The jaguar made sure to hold his breath so he would not smell the odor or else he would gag.

"From here on! He will be known as Worm!", the name sounded familiar... although he couldn't quite recall why.

"Let us feast!", he looked at Worm,"You may have the first bite."
