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typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - Printable Version

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typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - raziel - 06-22-2020

The massive wolf knew better than to assume anyone would be happy about his presence.  His own crewmates would likely throw a incrediclous fit if they knew he had set off to the desert following his visit to the swamp.  Neither would stop the fae as he found the border. 

His family did not only extend to Tanglewood but to within the Pitt as well and Raziel fully intended to make sure they were okay following the meteor strike as well.  The political differences would always come after concern for wellbeing.

Raziel huffed softly, lowering his head to glance at the basket beside his paws.  A simple offering of herbs he gathered on the way.  He hoped no one had been drastically injured in the natural disaster, but if anyone had that he could offer some aid in this.

He idly wondered how long his thick coat could handle the sun's wrath.  He may have to shift into his birth body soon enough.  Would Aine recognize that form?  He knew Gael would.  For now, he would tough it out.

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - gael - 06-23-2020

Displeasure is quick to glint in the vulpine's hazel eyes when he notices a dire wolf on the border -- the gray pelt and smell of salt all too familiar.  Gael furrows his brow sharply, frown in place as the Vicar trots forward, his daily patrol taking a turn he did not approve of.  If he sought a family reunion between his cousins he'd arrange it himself.

The earthy scent of herbs catches him off guard -- Raziel had always been too altruistic.  Gael finds himself blinking, narrowed gaze shifting between the wolf and basket.  The extra supplies would come as a pleasant surprise for Aine no doubt.  A welcome addition to the storage he had tasked her with maintaining.

His ear flicked, a tired sigh building in his throat.  His cousin never thought twice -- simply gave.

"Mo rí," the Vicar never thought twice, head inclining ever slightly.  Gael knew his cousin did not enjoy the title, especially between kin.  "Bíonn imní ort an iomarca."

"If you're here, I assume everyone is well?"
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - Luciferr - 06-27-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
it did not come forward, but it watched the interaction, with more hunger in its blank eyeless gaze than anything seated as it was, lounging in the shade not far from the two

Double sets of jaws parted as things that could generously be called tongues - more like feelers or shredders with the tiny bones that dotted them - slithered out like they were tasting the air as a snake might

It was hungry after all

And this one did not have the corpse-blood smell of the Pitt that so attracted it - no, something more salty and of brine,


Would it be permitted to eat this one perhaps


Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - aine. - 06-30-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Traversing the desert became an incredible hassle with a broken leg.  It was not impossible however; evidenced by the fact the petite deer-fox had gone out anyway.  Restless.  Hopeful.  Maybe she could find some aloe for the herb storage.  Be useful.

She walked with more of a wobble than ever before.  Though she was still adapting to the new shape of her legs, her hindleg was causing the most difficulty.  But it was healing at least, thanks to her father's careful setting and splint-work.  Enough so she was still stubborn about walking as far as she used to.

It's soothing, whenever Gaelic passes through her perked ears.  It was the same with French, though it felt like eons since she heard her mother or brother's familiar voices, speaking that tongue.  She knows her father is speaking and quickly turns towards the sound, hazel hues blinking with curiosity.  Who was he speaking to...?

Hobbling over, Aine's face lit up into a smile upon recognizing the massive wolf as her 'Uncail' or cousin, Raziel.  He had been very nice, as was his brother, Kian, though she hadn't seen them since the first time.  Her father hadn't been... Happy then either.

"Uncail Raziel?" She shuffled the dark wings on her sides, looking between her father and cousin for a moment, unsure.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - raziel - 07-06-2020

The faerie held back a sigh as he recognized the tension Gael carried into their meetings.  He hoped, dearly, it would not always be this way between them.  Despite it, Raziel smiled, his tail even wagging once behind him.  It stopped almost immediately, a frown threatening it's way at the sound of his title.  Gael formal as ever.

"I think everyone should have someone looking out for them," he pointed out gently, eyes studying the fox carefully for a moment.  Gael looked well enough at least.  He rolled his shoulders back, fur pricking at a new watching sensation.

Momentarily, Raziel let his gaze shift onto a creature in the shadows.  A behemoth more like.  The faerie had seen his fair share of strange and large beings, but he wasn't certain of what the other Pittian was.  It did not appear aggressive at least and the canine returned his attention to Gael, considering his words.

He had seen more of Keona than the others, though he knew they were alive.  That's what mattered.  He began to nod as another figure walked over the sands.  Raziel blinked, bemused as he realized his cousin's daughter seemed to have altered in appearance.

More concerning, he noticed quickly how she moved with a limp.  His brows creased.  "Aine. Did this happen during the tremors?" He thinned his lips, pausing for a moment.  "You shouldn't be walking this far out.  An bhfuil tú ceart go leor?"

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - gael - 07-06-2020

Gael shook his head idly as the wolf spoke, the words -- and consequent exasperation -- familiar.  His ear twitched in irritation, a sigh finally escaping his maw.

"You take it a few steps farther than necessary, Raziel," he chuffed.  In the end, no amount of ridicule would convince the wolf otherwise and the vulpine knew it.

While he noticed Silent, he acknowledged the creature in a simple flick of his ear -- hopefully he knew Raziel wasn't food.  Their differences may be irritating, but Gael had no desire to see his cousin dead.  Especially with Aine so fond of him.

"If that's all Raziel maybe you sho-" Did his entire family wish to madden him on this day?  At this rate, his younger brother may as well rise from the grave and surprise him with a visit -- the sneak would do it.

He nodded, another sigh building in his chest, "a tree fell during the tremors.  I've set the bone and splinted it.  Of course, she's not helping by all this moving about." The final words, he angled towards the child with a frown.

"Your uncail brought herbs, Lottie.  We'll sort them into the storage when we return to camp."  His eyes narrowed on the 'pirate', "you should probably head home, yourself, Raziel."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - Kydobi - 07-13-2020


[OOC: ]

He knew who the wolf was well enough, although he did not really know him. The face of Raziel was an old one to the massive feline. One of first he had come across when he had first arrived to these lands. Perhaps it was fate that played a hand in where he ended up, if Goldie had been a little kinder... he may not have ever ventured to the Pitt.

But the Jungle called now as much as it did then. Out of the two jungle bound groups... The Pitt was where he was welcomed. The Pitt was where he stayed. Where he died. Where he experienced so much.

Of course, the salty scent of pirates would put urgency in the jaguar's movements. It was never a good thing when he caught wind of them near their territory. Besides, they were the cause of all the ruin. Everytime... it was Goldie. If they thought Kydobi had forgotten that, they were wrong. If they thought he was going to forgive and never retaliate they were wrong. The difference between him and the Ardent before was he was a hunter. He was patient, but set on his goals. He worked on them till they were accomplished and the downfall of those who ruined it all- the cause of all his work would receive due payment. Of course, there was no harm in letting them think he was weak. Sometimes he was. He didn't like to take action until he had surely observed and knew exactly how and what was going to happen. The bold and brash movements of the previous leaders had ultimately lead to severe checkmates. It was time to calculate now.

Which was why the jaguar had planned to send a party towards the band of pirates after the tremors, but duties had caught up to him and he had forgotten. It seemed they had the worst damage from the direction of the meteors. A party would've given the brute a chance to assess and see just exactly how much they had suffered. It also would've doubled by letting the Pitt seem more caring, especially if he offered assistance. But that was a chance left in the wind somewhere, no need to dwell.

It seemed Gael and Aine had arrived among others. To his pleasure, it was just the wolf.

"Oh, Raziel.", he flicked his ears. He much would've preferred this to be on their territory, not his own. The only person who would be assessing and gaining intel was the wolf, "May I ask you what brings you here today?" Alone?


Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - aine. - 07-13-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Embarrassed, Aine felt her ears drop.  Her father was ever quick to answer their cousin's question, then chide her... She knew he was right though... Her leg had been in a dire state when she finally let her father set it.  But sitting still had never been easy for her.  Besides, had she stayed in camp, she wouldn't have gotten to see Raziel today.  Sheepishly, Aine smiled at the wolf.  She didn't particularly want both Gael and Raziel to fuss over her.  "'m okay Uncail.  Really."

And he brought herbs.  That was nice.  She perked up, gratitude sparking within her hues.  She sank her teeth in her cheek as her father grew more dismissive.  He wanted his cousin to leave?  Already?  He only got here... A soft whine began to build in her throat.  "... Do-does he 'ave too, da?"

She heard steps behind as she spoke, head tilting up as the Ardent arrived.  Ever since Raymond's visit, she had grown more wary of the jaguar.  He was still Kydobi though... Still a friend.

She rocked on her hooves, wobbling a little as she did so.  "Uncail Raziel brought herbs for us..." Maybe Kydobi would let him stay longer.  Her father didn't get the final say on that, right?  "He wanted to... To make sure we're okay..." The druid cocked her head back at her cousin, blinking. "Is... Is Uncail Kian okay too?"

The tremors had been scary, but she couldn't imagine... Where the meteor had hit... It couldn't have been good.  Roan had said everyone was fine, but she wanted to be sure.  To know.  Kian had been kind to her.  He was family.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ it's not over - raziel - 07-14-2020

The wolf felt muscles tense and loosen as Gael explained, his heart clenching at the thought of the poor child suffering any kind of pain.  Raziel frowned, a few words of caution sitting on his tongue before he thought better. 

His concern had already frustrated Gael enough, he supposed.  Regardless, he still clicked his tongue, shaking his head in amused exasperation.  With five children of his own, he knew just how stubborn they could be.

Indeed, he could only smile as Aine protested, eyes soft.  "It's okay, Aine.  Don't push your father too much, yeah?"  It relieved him to know the girl was fond of him, despite the unfortunate circumstances of their first encounter.  "If you want me to go, Gael, I will."

The sight of dark fur over the sand held him fast, however, head bowing politely as the Pitt's Ardent arrived.  "Dia dhuit, Kydobi."  For Raziel, only so much of the Pitt was familiar, but it was good to see a face he knew; unharmed, too, from the look of it.  "I don't wish to intrude.  I know it's been some time since the meteor, but I wanted to check on my family and offer some supplies.  It's not much I'm afraid, but I hope it's still helpful."

He paused as Aine spoke up again, this time in concern for his younger brother.  "Kian's okay.  Still not quite on his paws, but he'll get there.  I'm sure he'd agree with me and your father though -- you really should take care not to push yourself while healing."  In fact, he imagined that Kian would be worse than both Gael and himself about the matter.

To Kydobi, he offered another inclination of his head.  "My cousin doesn't entirely appreciate my concern, which is fair.  I am willing to leave if that is the consensus.  I have little to offer now, besides words and the supplies I brought."