Beasts of Beyond
DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - Printable Version

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DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - michael t. - 06-22-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — As of late, Michael had been more than a little eager for distractions. After all, he was still on the very end of recovery from his concussion, and he had quite recently lost the ever comforting – if crazy – presence of his fiance, so the prospect of getting out of the house? It was more than a little tempting. And thankfully, it seemed as though Roxie felt the same way, given her chaotic family life, and even worse romantic life. Thanks to the two of them needing something to do, and both being very invested in their appearances most times, they had decided to put those two aspects of their lives together, into one thing – a beauty salon. It was perfect. Not only would they have something to keep their minds and paws occupied, but they also had a free pass to judge the appearances of others, and hopefully, improve them. It was basically Michael's dream job... next to being a thief, that is, although he wasn't really sure that counted as a real career title.

The two of them had gotten to work nearly immediately after the idea had come to their minds, Michael going out to grab a bunch of jewelry and supplies, while he gave Roxie the job of setting up a decent place for them to "work." After several hours, they had set up what was essentially a beauty salon stall near the tavern, with tons of jewelry, makeup, and various other things littered about. Already they were beginning to get odd looks from the usual patrons of the tavern, and they even already had one customer – a rather unfortunate NPC, who was currently stuck in between the differing opinions of the two siblings. Michael sent a mismatched glare in his sister's direction, his thick fur fluffed up as he stated firmly, "Rox, I told you! Blue is a much better nail color for this guy! Navy blue in particular, but, I mean, any color would work, really..." There was the usual stubborn edge to his voice, as if Roxanne was yet another grunt questioning one of his heist plans.

The bobcat was only pulled away from his very important argument with Roxie by the presence of others around, noticing that quite the crowd had begun to gather near them, looking confused. He shot another firm look in his sister's direction before raising his voice to call out, trying to look amicable – or as amicable as he really could, "It's a beauty salon, people! If you wanna stop gawking and come join us, you can! Real simple, Roxie and I will help you look nice." He then offered a toothy little grin, although it looked significantly more like a snide smirk on the fugitive's face.

( [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] you can feel free to respond before rox lmao ) — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - natyli r. - 06-22-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
Since assisting Keona with a little lemonade and water stand, the growing chimera had grown accustomed to lingering outside the tavern. 

It was the easiest place to find someone to bug, as well as the perfect area to take a seat and watch the passing and goings of her crewmates when she felt so inclined.  Not that she didn't notice the uncomfortable looks she got sometimes when she stared too long or intently at someone.  She was just a curious girl after all.  Besides, it was difficult to create a Friend for someone if she didn't know what they looked like.

Distracted by a ball of yarn she'd brought out with her, Natyli almost didn't notice her mother and uncle's unusual setup.  She may not have at all, if her ears hadn't perked up at the sound of them arguing over color.  Bemused, her eyebrows promptly rose.  At least it didn't sound like an actual fight.  Just something petty.

For a moment, she simply stared at the two with ever owlish eyes, ball of yarn completely forgotten.  A... Salon?  "Um."

Hesitantly, she crept up into the crowd, peeking closer.  You're kidding.  With a blink, Natyli simply plopped her rump on the sandy ground and opted to observe the chaos, whiskers twitching.

Re: DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - ROXANNE R. - 06-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had definitely needed a subtle distraction and when Michael had come over and eventually the two of them decided to do a beauty salon of sorts. Which was pretty fun when the two of them weren't arguing over what color to put on some unfortunate NPCs nails, Roxanne would feel her coat fluff up and she would glare back at Michael with her own mismatched gaze "Magenta or hot pink is obviously going to look a lot better than some shade of blue, Mikey." At this point, she didn't even listen to him anymore even if she could very much feel his gaze glaring holes into her. She was already starting to paint the NPCs nails the color that she believed would look more fitting onto them and would briefly twitch her ears hearing Michael announcing their salon. It wasn't long before Natyli arrived at the scene with owl-like eyes watching what was going on, the Reaver would twitch her whiskers briefly only to wave in her direction and call out with a soft purr leaving her maw "Hello sweetheart," It was nice seeing most of her cubs out and about thriving within the group, they were now the age of an apprentice and surely, they would all have their own mentors and become wonderful pirates. Roxie was certain of it.

Trygve was hardly ever far when it came to his sisters or brother, sure, he still ached a bit from his healing ribs but he liked to try and be on top of most things. The now six month old cub would walk over with both of his tufted ears twitching a bit, it seemed that both his mother and uncle had decided to open some type of salon for their own entertainment. It almost seemed like a recipe for disaster though he didn't think it would be as disastrous as himself and Natyli's shenanigans, this was mild in comparison to what he and his sister usually did. Speaking of which, he would move forward and take a seat next to the chimera cub only to tilt his head slightly to the side watching his mentor with a slightly raised eyebrow. Oh, this was going to be delightful, wasn't it?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - Luciferr - 06-22-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
of course, where one person in this family went, Jaime was never far behind - and well when four of them happened to congregate then he’d definitely only be a shadows breadth behind and lo and behold he was.

He made little noise as he quietly padded up to seat himself beside his two siblings, absently leaning against Trygve, who were also watching the bemused chaos with slight amusement, one ear flickering from where his new hoop dangled, it still felt good to call himself a betta now at this age and he smiled subtly, wings mantling around his shoulders like a cape, he idly wondered if Mother would end up dragging one of them into the saloon they’d set up

Maybe Try, he could use some glitter to match his purple flair - the thought made him almost snort quietly to himself.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - michael t. - 06-25-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — One of the first to arrive to their little salon project was Natyli, whose quiet presence occasionally – or more than occasionally, really – caught Michael off guard. That was mainly because of how loud the Rouxes tended to be. After all, Roxie and Trygve were far from quiet, subdued types, and even Roan knew how to stand up for himself. Jaime hadn't had much of a chance to be around them for long enough to demonstrate his voice, but he certainly didn't seem particularly passive. Out of everyone, Natyli was sort of the odd girl out, although that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, Michael found himself offering the girl a crooked smile as soon as he saw her, trying to put her at ease after his somewhat rude announcement, "Ah... hey Nat. Y'wanna get a makeover? I'm pretty sure your mom could figure out something real nice, couldn't you Rox?" He turned to glance over at his adoptive sister, taking the opportunity to nab the blue nail polish and splash it on one of the poor NPC's claws. He knew it would do nothing more than interrupt Roxie's smooth one toned pallete, but he was admittedly being petty.

His attention was then pulled away from his nail sabotage by the sound of Trygve and Jaime approaching. Neither of the boys spoke, but their scents were distinctive enough for him to recognize at this point, plus, he could hear their footsteps approaching with his one good ear. His blue gaze zeroed in on Trygve as soon as he saw his "apprentice," a wicked smirk crossing over the thief's face. Tail twitching excitedly behind him, the male suggested cheerfully, "Hey Trygve... you look like you could use a makeover too. Maybe one to match with Jaime. Then you guys can be really stylish siblings, like Rox and I." He very much knew that Ry wasn't the type for makeovers, and he was pretty sure Jaime wasn't either, but he would never miss a chance to torment Trygve a little bit. A little friendly ribbing was always good for the growth process, after all. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: DRILL ME TO THE FLOOR ☆ "beauty salon" - Keona. - 06-25-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
While quiet and solitary in nature, Keona hung by the tavern often.  As Dealer it was where her room was located and it was the best place to stay up to date on the news around the island.  Commotions around the building were fairly common, but the petite fae always paid attention.  Her sharp ears had picked up both Roxie and Michael's voices in the mix this time and she blinked, bemused.

She found herself at the side of the Roux children, head tilted as she listened to explanations and the like.  A beauty salon?  What did that even... Entail?  She caught a soft snort from Natyli and raised her own brows.  Keona knew it was because of her eyes, that she failed to comprehend this... Idea.  Beauty, to her, was limited to her other senses.

Still.  She bit back the urge to voice the question aloud.  What was the point of this?  It seemed a little silly to her, especially with arguing siblings at the forefront.  So she just cleared her throat quietly, "do you two need anything?" Might as well offer, since she did not plan on being 'prettied' up.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.