Beasts of Beyond
LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - Printable Version

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LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - bubblegum - 06-18-2020

Re: LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - michael t. - 06-21-2020

LIKE THE MOON SAYS TO THE DARK — Michael hadn't been around for a Calypso's Carnival before this, mainly because he hadn't been a part of The Typhoon when the last one had taken place. Still, a welcome break sounded extremely nice right now, what with him still recovering from the events of the meteor, the unfortunate follow up of getting lost, and the work that he had put in to help the rebuilding efforts. Unwinding and having some fun sounded great, and he really wanted to indulge himself. He was a little sad that Trevor wouldn't be around for the Festival of Colors, considering the activity of throwing paint filled balloons at other people seemed right up his alley. However, Michael could respect the other's decision to go back to their old home for Wade, and it wasn't as if he would never see the coyote again. Far from it, actually. Perhaps the other could come back for next year's festival.

As eager as Michael very much was to show off the newest addition to his menagerie of jewelry, the bobcat had abandoned all of his bling and aviators before showing up to the event, not eager to get them coated in paint. Perhaps Roxie would be disappointed, considering he was sure she was delighting in the thought of ruining his usual prissy image, but he could deal with a little bit of her whining – until she hit him in the face with a paint balloon, that is. Then, he would make his move. The thought made him snort a bit as he came padding up to the Colosseum. He smiled slightly when he saw Goldie, moving over to her and saying softly, "Hey, Goldie... this place looks pretty good. It's almost too bad we're probably gonna ruin it with a bunch of missed paint balloons." The thief was honestly more interested in the snacks than the actual game, but he didn't bring that up for now. After all, it wasn't as if a relaxing release wouldn't be good for everyone right now. — WE WILL NEVER BE APART

Re: LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - Luciferr - 06-22-2020

"vengeance is just hope with a history"
in-between being lost, being found, finding his way home, the relief of finding his family unharmed and the subsequent clean up post-meteor, Jaime could definitely say that this would likely be the first ‘fun time’ activity he’d actually get to participate in, let alone have time for - and despite his usual solemn demeanour, he was actually looking forward to it although mostly for an excuse to no doubt pelt his brother in paint as purple as his horns (as it only followed he should match) all in good fun and maybe to simply not have to worry so much for a few hours.

Padding over, the Winged jaguar lacked his usual dragonscale pendant for today, loath to get a precious keepsake and good luck charm covered in paints - he waved over to Goldie and Mike while inspecting the snacks, wondering if he should snag one now before everything got underway.

tags - penned by LUCIFERR
template by orion

Re: LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Approaching the scene, Roxanne would lash her tail to the sides noticing the small trio that was just ahead of her. Her niece, child, and her brother. Admittedly, Roxanne had forgotten most of the Typhoon's traditions seeing as she had been gone for quite some time although, fortunately for her. She had come back just in time to celebrate said events and possibly be there when her niece would get her wedding, her ears would twitch lightly. The festival of colors sounded rather vibrant to say the least and she was pretty enthusiastic to celebrate, her eyes locked onto the paint balloons though she removed her mismatched gaze from them only to concentrate her attention onto her family members with a smile tugging at her lips "Hello my loves," She would greet only to brush pass Michael and take a spot near Jaime, she supposed they would have to wait until more people would gather around though she would purr with mischief twinkling within her eyes "Hope you're ready to become red, loser." A giggle erupting from her maw, oh yes, this was going to be fun. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - APHRA CIPHER . - 06-30-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]DON'T YOU WANT TO TURN THE BEAUTY INTO THE BEAST ?。+゚.[/glow]
After everything that had been done to restore their territory, Aphra thought it was about damn time that they had an event to relax and have fun with one another. Being all work and no play was exhausting, to say the least, and Aphra was excited to get to the first event - the Festival of Colors. Oh, this sounded fun. Minus the fact she would probably have to wash off colors later, but hitting people and not getting in trouble for it? Fuck yeah, she was in.

With her vision repaired, this was going to be easy! Or at least, that's what Aphra was telling herself, anyway. The she-cat made her way over as word got around that the festival was starting soon, her tail flicking with excitement.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LIFE HAS A PASSION FOR LIVING / festival of colors - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

not quite so far behind the trio that had joined their fearless leader came the great black behemoth - it had been a very long while since he’d joined a festival and even longer since it had been one on the typhoon’s shores.

But it felt good to join in again.

Though he couldn’t help but snort mildly at the activity of choice

”no doubt, I’ll be covered in paint by the end of this” after all, no matter which form, he was a rather large target.

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