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Rooksage | Something Lurks in the Dream - Printable Version

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Rooksage | Something Lurks in the Dream - wifewoof - 06-17-2020

[Image: rooksage_baby_by_aqua.png]
[Image: b86ba4df_22b6_42b4_b8e7_d39ff11d775a_by_...height=584]
[Image: rooksage.png?width=533&height=584]
[Image: 23565580_6JWx6lfNRrwjpQD.png]
Name| Rooksage
Nickname(s)| Rook and Rookie
Age| 28 moons
Date of Birth| Fall
Current Home| Undecided
Occupation| Warrior (tbc when in group)
Talents/Skills| She has incredibly good at fighting, she uses her bulk, weight, and massive paws to her advantage
Spouse| Open
Parents| Unknown atm
Relationship Skills| Awkward, very awkward, big awkward baby

Physical Characteristics[i]
Height| TALL
Weight| BIG
Eye Color| Brown yellow
Fur Color| Bluepoint
Distinguishing Features| MASSIVE PAWS, thick unruly fur, and sleep-deprived (bags under eyes regularly)
Mannerisms| She slumps a lot, she is very self-conscious of her size. She picks at her claws a lot, as well sheathes and unsheathes, and claws up stuff sometimes without realizing it.
Habits| She has and always will struggle to sleep; she has insomnia. She dreams so vividly that she's so exhausted when she wakes up. She tends to continually say, "so, uh," she is getting better about it. She speaks aloud a lot of what she's doing without meaning to.
Health| Has some mental illnesses, but she's in good physical health (a little underweight)
Hobbies| Rook really likes to make flower crowns, and basically be the group's florist (she even likes to make gifts for mates to present to each other). She also likes to tell stories she's made up to the kits.
Speech Pattern| Very slow at times, and spaces out, pauses a lot, and slurs when she's very very tired. Other times, she speaks softly pretty quickly, with a kinda southern drawl. When she is super excited, or hyper, her words blur together and she cannot stop repeating herself.
Mental Illness| Rook has clinical severe depression, Insomnia, moderate to severe anxiety, and she has ADHD
Style| f l o w e r c r o w m

Intellectual/Mental/Emotional/Personality Attributes and Attitudes[i]
Education| Warrior training
Intelligence| She is very smart, tho she is very slow (aka very dense, and struggles to understand spelled out words by mouth) and can't count past 2 weeks due to losing time a lot
Short Term Goals| staying alive, and doing the best she can
Long Term Goals| staying alive, doing the best she can, have a loving relationship, having some kits, and maybe even be accomplished in her "hobby"
How Do They See Themselves?| Clingy, Stupid, Slow, Fat, and so on and so on
How Do They Think Others See Them?| Clingy, Awkward, Stupid, Chubby, Lazy, and similar
How do they want to be seen by others?| Someone you can count on, and someone who is very soft and nice
Self-Confidence| 2/10
Ruled by Emotion, Logic, or Both| Both
What Would Most Embarrass Them?| Being praised
Strengths| Working quickly even when stressed, color theory for flowers and such, and very versed in how to take care of and deal with mental illness
Weaknesses| Her ADHD makes it very hard to finish anything when she isn't hyper fixated on it, she loves land prey, but her massive paws are clumsy so she usually just fishes instead (fish isn't bad, but she really would like to eat squirrel and birds more often), and she struggles a lot with social interaction
How Do They Deal With Anger?| cry
With Sadness| cry
With Change| tries their best
With Loss| ....uh
Wants Out of Life| To stay alive and see every beautiful thing she can
How Would They Like to Change Their Life?| Their self-confidence
Motivations| To be a better person, and to help others
Fears| her father, other's judgment, spiders, snakes, and dying alone
What Makes Them Happy| simple things, like the sun on her face, the rain on her fur, the sound of buzzing from insects humming about, anything that is enjoyed
Are They Judgemental?| They hold judgment until after they know the person well, but sometimes they can judge a bit harshly
Words or Phrases They Overuse| "I'm sorry..." "you're right, sorry" "what? I didn't hear you..." "I can't focus!"
Catchphrase| "it do be like that"
Optimistic or Pessimistic| Tries to optimistic
Introverted or Extroverted| Introverted
What Makes Them Laugh Out Loud?| Really bad jokes
Display of Affection| Very high with s/o, and is [i]rarely
touchy with friends
Competitiveness| zip
Snap Judgements or Considerations| yes
Reaction to Praise| embarrassment, awkwardness, deflection
Reaction to Criticism| agreement, crying, and maybe even self-hate
Secrets| abusive faaaather
Philosophy of Life| "it may not be okay now, but it will be okay soon"
Last Time They Cried| yesterday
What Haunts Them?| their entire life, and if they are wrong about everything
What Will They Stand Up For?| for the right of others, to protect others, and to make sure someone isn't treated unfairly
Sinful Little Habit| she has a sharp stone hidden somewhere that she will go out to sometimes when her depression acts up a lot, and question if it is the day she dies.
What Quality Do They Value in a Friend?| loyalty, honesty
Greatest Flaw(s)| cares about everyone but themselves, too sacrificing
Best Quality(ies)| Cares about everyone, and will do her damndest to make sure someone is okay
Obsession| she has always been hyper fixated on flowers, it's not really an obsession so much as a fixation
Pet Peeves| Careless, mean words; ABELISM; forced expectations; wet paws, and absolute hypocrites
Response to a Threat| Freezes up or is a bundle of fury
Fight With Their Fists or Their Tongue| She prefers talking things out, but if it comes to it, her claws will talk for her
How Do They Perceive Strangers?| S C A R Y
What They Love to Hate| Bad jokes
Phobias| Spiders, Snakes, Heights, and Small Spaces
Weapon(s) of Choice| Her own claws, or a sharp stone when need be
Who Do They Despise the Most| Her father and herself
Do They Believe in God?| She believes, but firmly believes they enjoy other's suffering
Is It Part of Their Life?| not really

Character Involvements
Relationships With Other Characters|
Character Name| Describe Relationship
Character Name| Describe Relationship
Character Name| Describe Relationship
Who Are Their Enemies and Why?|

Additional Notes
She has night terrors when her depression gets really bad
She freezes up, yet can't stop fidgeting with her claws, and her breathing is janky, it means she's having an anxiety attack
Rook hates the nickname Rookie
She's lesbian

Re: Rooksage | Something Lurks in the Dream - wifewoof - 06-17-2020

female - lesbian - ragdoll/maine coon - 28 moons - attack in this color - tags - unaffilated


template by quietly

[align=center][div style="margin: auto; background-size: cover; width: 460px; height: 300px; background-image:url(; "][/div][/align]
[div style="padding: 20px;background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; border-width: 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 32pt; text-align: center; color: #D188FF; margin-top: -15px;"]Rooksage[/div]
[div style="background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; border-width: 0px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; margin-bottom: -3px; text-align: center; color: #5A74B5;"]female - pansexual - ragdoll/maine coon - 28 moons - attack in [color=red]this[/color] color - tags - unaffilated[/div]

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