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Now I turn the dials in careful calculation // daphne's tags - Printable Version

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Now I turn the dials in careful calculation // daphne's tags - vellichor - 03-16-2018

♥ keeping up my courage, foolish as it seems ♥

✦ Daphne │ Caretaker │ female [she/her]
✦ appears to be 10 months │ spiritually ageless
✦ typhoon
✦ member

✦ tiny ✦ feathered ✦ light ✦ hollow bones ✦ pale ✦
✦ red flanked bluetail (bird)
-- Daphne is an extraordinarily small bird. Her back has light, cream-colored feathers while her chest has white feathers.
-- Injuries: none currently
✦ Belongings:
-- none currently

✦ compassionate ✦ persistent ✦ empathetic ✦ clever ✦ manipulative ✦
✦ 'Caretaker'. That is the word used to describe her position in her old life and it applies to the way she currently behaves. She does her best to take care of everyone around her, despite the fact she is smaller than most. She especially seems to grow attached to children younger than her and will often do whatever she can to comfort those around her, should they be in any distress. When she can't help someone, she often feels a great amount of guilt. If someone refuses her help, she'll back down but they may catch her lingering at the edges of the room, waiting for a moment when they may still need help. While not intentionally, Daphne keeps a close eye on everyone around her, often looking for someone who may be hurt or in need of any sort of assistance. This is due to many years of looking after large amounts of children at a time. Also because of this, she struggles to relax in crowded environments. Not because she doesn't welcome the company, but because she has been conditioned to believe it is her responsibility to make sure everyone is safe during large events.

Daphne believes that morality is a sliding scale and that someone may act good for the wrong reasons or bad for the right reasons. She believes that all morals are subjective in the light of circumstance and the past of whoever is acting. She believes that very few people every act truly good for the right reasons. While she is generally polite and well-mannered, she is more than willing to bend the rules in order to help someone she cares about or people she is loyal to. She struggles with grasping new concepts, given how long she was frozen in time, but does her best to understand other's circumstances.

✦ ravenclaw
✦ willing to manipulate bad situations in her favor
✦ very motherly due to years of being trained to be that way
✦ unsure of what she wants to be now 

✦ no family members
✦ unknown romantic and sexual orientation
✦ crushing on [no one] // looking for love // taken by [no one]
✦ ½ of nothing
✦ easy to befriend
✦ generally passive aggressive if she doesn't like someone, may target them

✦ easy physically and mentally, no powers
✦ won't start or finish fights due to her size

Re: Now I turn the dials in careful calculation // daphne's tags - vellichor - 03-16-2018

